gfci 论文_如何(以及为什么)用GFCI插座代替您的插座

gfci 论文

gfci 论文


In pretty much every house where an outlet is close to a water source, you’ll usually find what’s called a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). This is a type of outlet that’s meant to quickly shut off power at that outlet when it detects a short circuit or a ground fault.

在几乎每个插座靠近水源的房屋中,通常都会找到所谓的接地故障断路器(GFCI)。 这是一种插座,用于在检测到短路或接地故障时Swift关闭该插座的电源。

Warning: This is a project for a confident DIYer. There’s no shame in getting someone else to do the actual wiring for you if you lack the skill or knowledge to do so. If you read the beginning of this article and immediately visualized how to do it based on past experience wiring switches and outlets, you’re probably good. If you opened the article not sure how exactly we were going to pull this trick off, it’s time to call in that wiring-savvy friend or electrician. Also note that it may be against the law, code, or regulations to do this without a permit, or it might void your insurance or warranty. Check your local regulations before continuing.

警告 :这是一个充满信心的DIYer的项目。 如果您缺乏其他技能或知识,请别人帮您完成实际接线并没有什么可耻的。 如果您阅读本文的开头并根据过去对开关和插座的接线经验,立即看到了如何做,那可能很好。 如果您不确定这篇文章的开头,不确定我们将如何实现这个技巧,那么该找这个精通布线的朋友或电工了。 另请注意,未经许可执行此操作可能违反法律,法规或法规,否则可能会使您的保险或保修无效。 在继续之前,请先检查您当地的法规。

什么是GFCI插座以及它们如何工作? (What Are GFCI Outlets and How Do They Work?)

Normal electrical flow happens when the current comes through the hot wire, provides power to whatever is plugged in, and returns back through the neutral wire. But if electricity flows beyond that, the GFCI outlet will trip (a.k.a. instantly turn off).

当电流通过热线,为所插入的任何东西供电并通过中性线返回时,就会发生正常的电流流动。 但是,如果电流超出此范围,则GFCI插座将跳闸(即立即关闭)。

In other words, if you happen to be using a faulty hair dryer and your feet are wet, a short circuit from the faulty hair dryer can cause the current to pass through you and into the ground, electrocuting you. However, a GFCI outlet will kill the power before the current can even remotely escape the hair dryer, usually within 30 milliseconds or so.

换句话说,如果您恰巧使用了故障的吹风机并且脚湿了,则故障吹风机的短路会导致电流流过您并进入地面,从而电死您。 但是,通常在30毫秒左右,GFCI插座会在电流甚至无法远程释放吹风机之前就切断电源。


Electrical code requires that GFCI outlets be installed in locations like the kitchen, bathroom, and outdoors where water has the risk of splashing onto electronics, but sometimes (especially in older dwellings), GFCI outlets are nowhere to be found. In fact, GFCI outlets weren’t widely common in households until the early 1980s.

电气法规要求将GFCI插座安装在厨房,浴室和户外等有水溅到电子设备上的地方,但有时(尤其是在较老的住宅中)找不到GFCI插座。 实际上,直到1980年代初,GFCI网点在家庭中并不普遍。

If you look around your house and don’t see GFCI outlets where there should be, then it’s time to replace those outlets with proper GFCI receptacles. You can easily spot a GFCI outlet if it has two small buttons between the two receptacles that say “Reset” and “Test”. A normal outlet won’t have these buttons.

如果您环顾四周,却看不到应有的GFCI插座,那么该是用合适的GFCI插座更换这些插座的时候了。 如果GFCI插座在两个插座之间有两个小按钮,分别表示“重置”和“测试”,则可以轻松找到它。 普通插座将没有这些按钮。

You could install a GFCI circuit breaker on your circuit breaker box (all houses built after 2014 should already have these), which will protect that entire circuit from ground faults without needing to install GFCI outlets, but they’re much more expensive compared to a few GFCI outlets, especially if you need to replace several breakers. Plus, if you install a single GFCI outlet at the beginning of a circuit, all outlets following in that circuit will be protected anyway.

您可以在断路器盒上安装GFCI断路器(2014年以后建造的所有房屋都应该已经安装了这些),这样可以保护整个电路免受接地故障,而无需安装GFCI插座,但是与之相比,它们的成本要高得多。 GFCI出口很少,特别是如果您需要更换多个断路器时。 另





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