


Wouldn’t it be great if the mere movement of your smartphone from one location to another could trigger events like thermostat adjustments, notifications, or other automated responses? ? With a little GPS magic and some IFTTT recipes it can. Read on as we show you how.

如果仅将智能手机从一个位置移动到另一个位置,是否会触发诸如恒温器调整,通知或其他自动响应之类的事件,那不是很好吗? ? 只需一点GPS魔术和一些IFTTT食谱,它就可以实现。 继续阅读,我们向您展示如何。

什么是地理围栏和IFTTT? (What Is Geofencing and IFTTT?)

To understand just how techno-magic the tricks we’re about to outline are, it helps to understand what exactly geofencing and IFTTT are. While complicated at first glance (and in the case of IFTTT a little bit indecipherable) they’re much easier understood via example.

要了解我们将要概述的技巧有多么神奇,它有助于了解什么是地理围栏和IFTTT。 乍一看很复杂(在IFTTT的情况下有点难以理解),但通过示例更容易理解它们。

Last week we dug extensively into the concept of geofencing in HTG Explains: What Geofencing Is (and Why You Should Be Using It) but here’s a concise summary. Geofences are invisible boundaries created by a combination of hardware (such as the GPS chip in your smartphone) and software (such as the mobile operating system and additional applications layered overtop) such that some event or action is triggered when the hardware passes into, out of, or lingers in the designated geofence zone. If you’ve installed an application on your child’s phone that notifies you when they arrive and leave their school or a to-do list that reminds you to buy milk when you’re driving by the store, for example, you’ve used a geofence-based application.

上周,我们在《 HTG解释》中广泛探讨了地理围栏的概念:什么是地理围栏(以及为什么要使用它),但是这里有一个简要的摘要。 地理围栏是由硬件(例如,智能手机中的GPS芯片)和软件(例如,移动操作系统以及分层放置的其他应用程序)的组合所创建的无形边界,以便当硬件进入,流出时触发某些事件或操作或在指定地理围栏区域中徘徊。 例如,如果您已经在孩子的手机上安装了一个应用程序,该应用程序可以在孩子到达和离开学校时通知您,或者在您开车去商店时提醒您购买牛奶的待办事项清单,例如,基于地理围栏的应用程序。

IFTTT is a web-based service introduced in 2011 designed to make setting up conditional statements that in turn trigger events as close to drag-and-drop simple as possible through a simple recipe creation system. The IFTTT acronym stands for “If This Then That” and the service both hosts thousands of recipes and allows you to create your own recipes that combine if-this-then-that in a novel way like “If rain is forecasted then send a notification to my phone so I don’t forget an umbrella” or “if I post an update on my business Twitter account then automatically repost that update to my business Facebook account,” and so on. While IFTTT can’t do everything, the number of services and devices IFTTT is integrated is pretty vast and you can create recipes for all manner of things.

IFTTT是一项基于Web的服务,于2011年推出,旨在通过简单的配方创建系统来设置条件语句,从而依次触发尽可能接近拖放的事件。 IFTTT的首字母缩写表示“ If This Then That”,该服务既托管数千种食谱,又允许您创建自己的食谱,这些食谱结合了if-this-then-if这样的新颖方式,例如“如果预报有雨,则发送通知到我的手机,这样我就不会忘记一把雨伞”或“如果我在我的企业Twitter帐户上发布更新,然后自动将该更新重新发布到我的企业Facebook帐户”,依此类推。 尽管IFTTT不能做所有事情 ,但IFTTT集成的服务和设备数量非常庞大,您可以为各种方式创建配方。

While there are thousands of recipes that don’t involve your smartphone, involving your smartphone via the IFTTT mobile application is a recipe for some really clever location-based triggers that effectively combine geofences (where you are, where you’ll be, or even where you’ll be passing by or through) with the vast number of services IFTTT can access.


Let’s take a look at how to take advantage of geofence-based triggers and notifications on your smartphone.


在IFTTT Mobile中使用地理触发器 (Using Geographic Triggers with IFTTT Mobile)

The first order of business is to, if you don’t have one already, sign up for an IFTTT account by visiting the IFTTT portal here. Although you can create an account and begin searching for recipes on the IFTTT application, the mobile application isn’t as flexible and easy to work with as the web interface so we recommend using the web interface for as much of the setup work as possible.

首先要做的是,如果您还没有的话,请访问此处的IFTTT门户注册IFTTT帐户。 尽管您可以在IFTTT应用程序上创建帐户并开始搜索配方,但是移动应用程序不像Web界面那样灵活且易于使用,因此我们建议使用Web界面进行尽可能多的设置工作。

The only step you need to complete on the smartphone itself is to activate the Location Channel (more on that in a moment) because it requires local permissions to access the GPS/Wi-FI information on the device.

您需要在智能手机本身上完成的唯一步骤是激活位置通道(稍后对此进行更多介绍),因为它需要本地权限才能访问设备上的GPS / Wi-FI信息。

安装和配置应用 (Installing and Configuring the App)

You can find the IFTTT application on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Download the application to you device and launch it. Either enter your login credentials (if you already signed up on the web site or have an existing account) or create a new account now.

您可以在Google Play商店和Apple App Store上找到IFTTT应用程序。 将应用程序下载到您的设备并启动它。 输入您的登录凭据(如果您已经在网站上注册或拥有现有帐户)或立即创建一个新帐户。

All the services, apps, and other components of the IFTTT recipes are contained in “channels”. The core of all recipes can be described as (If this channel’s input = X) Then (Output predetermined Y from this channel).

IFTTT配方的所有服务,应用程序和其他组件都包含在“渠道”中。 所有配方的核心可以描述为(如果此通道的输入= X),然后(从该通道输出预定的Y)。

As such we need to subscribe to the Location channel for our respective smartphone operating system. We can enable everything else from either the phone or our web browser later, but you have to authorize the permissions on-device.

因此,我们需要为各自的智能手机操作系统订阅位置频道。 稍后,我们可以通过电话或Web浏览器启用其他所有功能,但是您必须在设备上授权权限。

The interface can be a tad bit tricky if this is your first time using the app. To add a channel from the device open the app, tap on the little mortar and pestle icon (seen in the image above) then, in the resulting “My Recipes” menu, tap on the little gear in the lower right corner to access the Settings menu. Within the settings menu you’ll see an entry for “Channels”.

如果您是第一次使用该应用程序,则界面可能有些棘手。 要从设备添加频道,请打开应用程序,点击小研钵和杵图标(如上图所示),然后在出现的“我的食谱”菜单中,点击右下角的小齿轮以访问设置菜单。 在设置菜单中,您会看到“频道”条目。

Simply tap on that, search for “location” to pull up entries for “Android Location” and “iOS Location” and then select the appropriate one for your device OS. You’ll be prompted to authorize the channel to use your device’s location data and then you’re all set.

只需点击一下,搜索“位置”以拉出“ Android位置”和“ iOS位置”的条目,然后为您的设备操作系统选择合适的条目。 系统将提示您授权频道使用设备的位置数据,然后就一切就绪。

查找食谱 (Looking Up Recipes)

Now that our device can share location data with the IFTTT system it’s time to start looking for location-based recipes. You may not find the exact recipe you’re looking for (and that’s OK) but we highly recommend at least browsing through the recipe database for a few minutes.

现在我们的设备可以与IFTTT系统共享位置数据了,是时候开始寻找基于位置的食谱了 。 您可能找不到要查找的确切食谱(没关系),但我们强烈建议至少浏览几分钟的食谱数据库。

Why look at other recipes first? Not only will you see interesting ways that people are using location and IFTTT (“Oh wow I didn’t know you could use IFTTT with the Smartthings hub!”) but you’ll also get a chance to peek inside the published recipes and see how exactly people configured them.

为什么要先看看其他食谱? 您不仅会看到人们使用位置和IFTTT的有趣方式(“哦,我不知道您可以在Smartthings中心使用IFTTT!”),而且还将有机会窥视已发布的食谱并查看人们如何精确地配置它们。

Everytime we look at the IFTTT recipe database we’re always impressed by some new and novel way people are using the service.


创建第一个食谱 (Creating Your First Recipe)

There are an abundance of recipes in the IFTTT catalog but that doesn’t mean that every possible contingency is covered (not by a longshot). Let’s take a look at how to create your own IFTTT recipe for custom alerts, notifications, and triggers.

IFTTT目录中有很多食谱,但这并不意味着所有可能的意外情况都可以涵盖(不是长镜头)。 让我们看一下如何为自定义警报,通知和触发器创建自己的IFTTT配方。

Currently there’s no way to craft a recipe through the IFTTT mobile app so we need to head over to the web site.


Log into the site and select “Create” under your username in the upper-right corner or jump right to the new recipe screen with this link. Tap on the underlined “this” text in the very large “ifthisthenthat” text on the screen to start the process.

登录该站点并在右上角的用户名下选择“创建”,或使用此链接直接跳到新的配方屏幕。 在屏幕上非常大的“ ifthisthenthat”文本中点击带下划线的“ this”文本以开始该过程。

The first step is to choose a trigger channel. You can mess around with the hundreds of input channels later to create all kinds of non-location-aware recipes, but right now the ingredient we crave is geo-location. Type in “location” in the channel search box to narrow it down and then select either Android or iOS location based on your mobile device.

第一步是选择一个触发通道。 您可以稍后使用数百个输入通道来创建各种非位置感知的配方,但是现在,我们需要的要素是地理位置。 在频道搜索框中输入“位置”以缩小范围,然后根据您的移动设备选择Android或iOS位置。

The next step is focused on what kind of trigger you want. Entering an area? Leaving an area? Both?

下一步集中在您想要哪种触发器上。 进入区域? 离开区域? 都?

What we select really depends on what we want to accomplish, so it’s time to decide what kind of results we’re cooking up with this recipe. Let’s say we work in downtown Chicago and we have an irregular work schedule, a lengthy commute, but despite that our spouse likes to eat dinner with us when we get home. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were automatically notified when we left the office so they had a good idea how long it would be before we arrived home? To start building such a recipe we’ll select the “You exit and area” trigger as we only want the text message to send when we leave and not when we enter the designated area.

我们选择的内容实际上取决于我们要完成的工作,因此现在是时候决定使用此食谱准备什么样的结果了。 假设我们在芝加哥市中心工作,我们的工作时间表不规则,上下班时间很长,但是尽管我们的配偶喜欢在回家时和我们一起吃晚餐。 如果在我们离开办公室时自动通知他们,这样他们就很好地知道我们回到家要多长时间,这会很好吗? 要开始建立这样的食谱,我们将选择“您退出并进入区域”触发器,因为我们只希望在离开时而不是在进入指定区域时发送短信。

Step 3 is to set the geofence. You can pick an address and then zoom in very close (to set the boundary as tight as within the office building or block the office building is located on) to as broad as the city itself or greater geographic region.

第三步是设置地理围栏。 您可以选择一个地址,然后将其放大得非常近(以将边界设置得与办公楼内一样紧密,或将办公楼所在的位置挡住),使其扩大到城市本身或更大的地理区域。

We’ve got the “If” part set up “If we leave the geographic boundary around 200 Whacker Dr. in Chicago, Illinois” all set up now. The next step is to specify the “then that” portion of the arrangement. We leave the office and then what?

现在,我们已经设置了“如果”部分,即“如果我们离开伊利诺伊州芝加哥市200 Whacker Dr.的地理边界”。 下一步是指定布置的“那么那个”部分。 我们离开办公室,然后呢?

Step 4 in the process is identical to step 1. We need to choose a channel that corresponds to the outcome we want. In this case we want the trigger to send a text message so we search for “SMS”.

该过程中的步骤4与步骤1相同。我们需要选择与所需结果相对应的渠道。 在这种情况下,我们希望触发器发送文本消息,以便搜索“ SMS”。

Select “Android SMS” if on Android and just “SMS” if you’re on iOS. Once you select it and hit next you’ll be prompted to input a phone number to receive a confirmation PIN. Be sure to enter in the number of the phone that will receive the notification and not your personal phone. This isn’t a security check for your IFTTT account, this is a security check to ensure that the SMS number in input wants to receive the alerts (i.e. your spouse’s phone).

如果是Android,则选择“ Android SMS”;如果是iOS,则选择“ SMS”。 选择它并单击下一步时,系统将提示您输入电话号码以接收确认PIN。 确保输入将接收通知的电话号码,而不是您的个人电话号码。 这不是您的IFTTT帐户的安全检查,而是安全检查,以确保输入的SMS号码希望接收警报(即您配偶的电话)。

Note: Presently you can only tie one phone number to your account for SMS use so if you wish to use SMS alerts for other purposes you should opt to send the notification via different means (e.g. email, a Twitter direct message, or such).


Step 5 is the step where you choose the specific action you want. In the case of the SMS alert, and many other IFTTT channels, there aren’t multiple choices. The only choice for the SMS channel is, you guessed it, to send an SMS. Select “Send me an SMS”.

步骤5是您选择所需的特定操作的步骤。 对于SMS警报和许多其他IFTTT频道,没有多种选择。 您猜到了,SMS通道的唯一选择是发送SMS。 选择“向我发送短信”。

The default text message is a little generic so we’re going to customize it a little bit.


Many of the recipe outputs have custom elements (like the “OccurredAt” seen above). If you hover over the creation box and click on the resulting bell icon you can select related elements for your alert.

许多配方输出都有自定义元素(例如上面显示的“ OccurredAt”)。 如果将鼠标悬停在创建框上,然后单击出现的响铃图标,则可以选择警报的相关元素。

Confirm the recipe and it’ll be automatically added to your IFTTT recipe list (available both on your phone and on the web-portal).


That’s all there is to it! Once you jump through the minor hassle of installing the application and giving it access to your location data the world is your recipe-programming oyster; you can link your location to alerts, smartphone triggers, emails, pop-up reminders, and any other “then” channel available in the IFTTT system. Browse through the location-based Android and iOS recipes for more ideas.

这里的所有都是它的! 一旦您跳过了安装应用程序并允许其访问您的位置数据的小麻烦,那么世界就是您的食谱编程牡蛎; 您可以将您的位置链接到警报,智能手机触发器,电子邮件,弹出式提醒以及IFTTT系统中可用的任何其他“ then”频道。 浏览基于位置的Android和iOS食谱,以获取更多建议。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/221555/how-to-create-geographic-event-triggers-with-your-smartphone-and-ifttt/






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