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翻译 如何轻松地将自定义CSS添加到您的WordPress网站

ladda添加自定义cssSometimes you may find yourself needing to add Custom CSS in your WordPress site. 有时您可能会发现自己需要在WordPress网站中添加自定义CSS。 Perhaps it’s because you’re following a tutorial on WPBeginner or o...

2020-09-17 18:18:52 1072

翻译 xampp本地_如何使用XAMPP创建本地WordPress网站

Do you want to create a local WordPress site on your computer using XAMPP? 您是否要使用XAMPP在计算机上创建本地WordPress网站? Installing WordPress on your computer helps you try out WordPress, test themes and plugin...

2020-09-17 18:00:27 979

翻译 聊天ai机器人_适用于您网站的14种最佳AI聊天机器人软件(已比较)

Are you looking for the best chatbot software for your site? 您是否正在寻找适合您网站的最佳聊天机器人软件? Chatbots allow you to free up time by automatically answering common customer questions. They can also be used t...

2020-09-17 17:50:39 11466

翻译 url wordpress_如何从WordPress URL中删除日期

url wordpressDo you want to remove the date from your WordPress URLs? 您是否要从WordPress URL中删除日期? WordPress comes with an SEO friendly URL structure. This includes several link formats including one t...

2020-09-17 17:40:16 792

翻译 wordpress端口更改_如何在外发WordPress电子邮件中更改发件人名称

wordpress端口更改Do you want to change the default sender name and email address for outgoing WordPress emails? 是否要更改外发WordPress电子邮件的默认发件人名称和电子邮件地址? By default, WordPress uses ‘WordPress’ as the sender...

2020-09-17 17:30:36 1301

翻译 如何在WordPress中创建RSVP表单(简易)

ldp rsvpAre you planning a big event like a birthday party, fundraiser, or even a wedding? Then you need an easy way to collect RSVPs from your guests. 您是否正在计划举办大型活动,例如生日聚会,筹款活动甚至婚礼? 然后,您需要一种简便的方法来从客...

2020-09-17 17:21:22 821

翻译 wordpress生成静态_9个最佳潜在客户生成WordPress插件(功能强大)

Are you looking for the best lead generation plugins for WordPress? 您是否在寻找WordPress的最佳线索生成插件? Using the right lead generation tools can help you get more customers and sales faster, so you can grow...

2020-09-17 17:11:08 640

翻译 wordpress入门主题_什么是WordPress? 入门指南(常见问题解答+利弊)

wordpress入门主题WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder. It allows you to easily create websites, blogs, eCommerce stores and more. WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 它使您可以轻松创建网站,博客,电子商务商店等。 If y...

2020-09-17 16:52:23 4748

翻译 WordPress 5.5的新功能(功能和屏幕截图)

WordPress 5.5 was released earlier today, and it is the second major release of 2020. WordPress 5.5今天早些时候发布,这是2020年的第二个主要版本。 This new release is packed with a lot of improvements, many of them are f...

2020-09-17 16:42:15 419

翻译 如何在WordPress中编写数学方程式

Do you want to write math equations in WordPress? 您是否要在WordPress中编写数学方程式? Writing math equations in WordPress is a bit difficult as the default WordPress editor does not come with full support for ...

2020-09-17 16:13:41 536

翻译 wordpress表单调用_如何使用密码保护您的WordPress表单

wordpress表单调用Do you want to password protect a form on your WordPress website? 您想用密码保护WordPress网站上的表单吗? Normally, when you add a form to your website, it is visible to all users who can see that pa...

2020-09-17 15:52:50 532

翻译 如何删除WordPress中所有待处理的注释

删除wordpressDo you have a lot of pending comments in WordPress that you want to delete? This can easily happen if you get a lot of spam comments. 您是否要在WordPress中删除许多待处理的注释? 如果您收到大量垃圾邮件评论,这很容易发生。 Norm...

2020-09-17 15:31:56 594

翻译 authorize.net_6个最佳Authorize.Net WordPress插件(比较)

authorize.netAre you looking for the best Authorize.net plugin for WordPress? 您是否在寻找适用于WordPress的最佳Authorize.net插件? Authorize.net is a popular payment gateway that allows you to easily accept credi...

2020-09-17 14:52:01 1098

翻译 wordpress创建_如何在WordPress中创建问卷(简易方式)

wordpress创建Do you want to create a questionnaire in WordPress to survey your visitors or collect data? 您是否要在WordPress中创建调查表以调查访问者或收集数据? Getting feedback on your products or simply learning more abo...

2020-09-17 14:42:13 1605

翻译 WordPress 2.8.4 –重要的安全版本

Yesterday, WPBeginner was facing some hacker attack. It was users trying to reset the password, but thankfully they could not get the random password because the site is not using the default admin us...

2020-09-17 13:43:43 80

翻译 http标头_14种真正艺术性的WordPress标头设计

http标头WordPress designs are often overlooked, and so are some of the web designers. But the truth is that there are a lot of WordPress designs that are worthy of the same attention as other art works ...

2020-09-17 13:33:24 353

翻译 css媒体查询示例_如何举办社交媒体竞赛来扩大您的网站(最佳做法和示例)

css媒体查询示例Do you want to run a social media contest to grow your website traffic? 您想举办社交媒体竞赛来增加您的网站流量吗? Social media platforms already have billions of active users. It is a lot easier to find a ver...

2020-09-17 13:24:09 614

翻译 转发按钮小程序 不用按钮_如何在博客上添加转发按钮

转发按钮小程序 不用按钮Twitter has seen exponential growth in the past year which is the reason why more and more bloggers are now sharing their stories on twitter. If you haven’t seen one of the cool Retweet bu...

2020-09-17 12:54:48 456

翻译 2020年64种最佳免费WordPress博客主题

Are you looking for a free WordPress blog theme for your website? 您是否正在为网站寻找免费的WordPress博客主题? There are thousands of free blog themes for WordPress, making it hard for beginners to choose between al...

2020-09-17 12:34:29 3419

翻译 wordpress注入_WordPress SQL注入–最新攻击

wordpress注入A lot of sites are being hit by a recent SQL attack where codes are being injected to your site. This MySQL injection affects your permalinks by making them ineffective. As a result, your b...

2020-09-17 11:34:34 2348

翻译 wordpress自动草稿_如何在WordPress中禁用自动更新

wordpress自动草稿Did you know that WordPress can automatically update your website? In some cases, that can include plugins and themes too. 您知道WordPress可以自动更新您的网站吗? 在某些情况下,它也可以包括插件和主题。 Despite the secu...

2020-09-17 10:36:14 469

翻译 wordpress表单调用_如何在WordPress中创建文件上传表单

wordpress表单调用Do you need to have your website visitors upload files on your contact form? 您是否需要让网站访问者在您的联系表上上传文件? Maybe you’re hiring employees and want to collect resumes, or perhaps you’re runnin...

2020-09-17 10:26:00 1495

翻译 wordpress克隆站点_23个使用WordPress的环保站点

wordpress克隆站点In this showcase, we feature 18 23 Eco Friendly sites that are using WordPress. It is an odd showcase as you might think, but the idea is to raise awareness and get more people to be eco-...

2020-09-17 10:05:42 175

翻译 如何在WooCommerce中创建会员计划

Recently, one of our readers asked us if it’s possible to give customers loyalty points in WooCommerce. 最近,一位读者问我们是否有可能在WooCommerce中为客户提供忠诚度积分。 This might be something you’ve wondered about too, es...

2020-09-17 09:54:49 568

翻译 如何使用日期选择器创建WordPress表单

wordpress表单调用Do you need people to pick a date when they fill in a form on your website? 当人们在您的网站上填写表格时,您是否需要挑选日期? Perhaps you want to know a good time to call them, or maybe you want to gather inf...

2020-09-17 09:45:01 689

翻译 wordpress添加页面_如何在WordPress中向页面添加节选

wordpress添加页面Do you want to add excerpts to your WordPress pages? By default, excerpts in WordPress are only available for posts. In this article, we will show you how to add excerpts to your pages in...

2020-09-17 09:34:03 396

翻译 wordpress 自定义_如何创建自定义WordPress小部件

wordpress自定义Do you want to create your own custom widgets in WordPress? Widgets allow you to add non-content elements into a sidebar or any widget-ready area of your website. 您要在WordPress中创建自己的自定义小...

2020-09-17 09:04:48 643

翻译 如何组织您的WordPress Blogroll链接?

Many WordPress Themes that are released usually come with the default blogroll codes. With that code you have no control over the organization of the blogroll links in your sidebar. By default it is a...

2020-09-17 08:44:18 184

翻译 6个最佳在线简历网站建设者(易于使用)

建设网站 使用什么技术Do you want to build an online resume website? Often beginners are not sure about which website builder to use to launch their resume site? 您想建立一个在线简历网站吗? 通常,初学者不确定使用哪个网站构建器来启动其简历网站? Whe...

2020-09-17 08:33:39 873

翻译 30+最佳WordPress商业主题(2020)

wordpress最佳架构Are you looking for the best WordPress business themes? 您是否在寻找最佳的WordPress商业主题? While there are many free and premium WordPress themes available on the internet, not all of them are sui...

2020-09-17 08:23:31 2151

翻译 wordpress发邮件_如何修复WordPress不发送电子邮件的问题

wordpress发邮件One of the most commonly asked questions on WPBeginner is how to fix WordPress not sending email problem. WPBeginner上最常见的问题之一是如何修复WordPress不发送电子邮件的问题。 Many of our beginner level users as...

2020-09-17 08:13:09 4371

翻译 如何在WordPress贡献者页面中显示带有化身的作者列表

While working on a client’s website, we realized that the built-in function for listing authors was not enough. We showed you how to display all authors from your site, but that method was only good i...

2020-09-17 08:03:55 306

翻译 WordPress 2.9中最著名的功能

Long awaited WordPress 2.9 has been finalized by the developers and it is put out for download as a release candidate. Some of you might be wondering what is a release candidate. A release candidate i...

2020-09-17 07:34:24 248

翻译 适用于健身博客的21个最佳WordPress主题(2020)

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for fitness blogs or gym websites? 您是否正在寻找健身博客或健身网站的最佳WordPress主题? As a fitness website owner, you may be looking for a theme with a specific look and f...

2020-09-17 07:04:45 832

翻译 wordpress最佳架构_2009年最佳WordPress教程

2009 has been a great year. It was the year this site was formed, it is the very same year that WordPress 2.9 was launched. During the year, many helpful articles were written on this site. In this ar...

2020-09-17 06:55:09 197

翻译 如何在WordPress中创建付费墙(带有预览选项)

wordpress付费阅读Do you want to create a paywall on your WordPress site to publish paid content? 您是否要在WordPress网站上创建付费专区以发布付费内容? Adding a paywall allows you to monetize some or all of your content with...

2020-09-17 06:33:38 1675

翻译 rockchip研讨会_地下在线研讨会6

rockchip研讨会This past week Syed was given an opportunity to attend Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar 6 as one of the Young Moguls. This event brings together the top online marketers in the ind...

2020-09-17 06:02:34 202

翻译 自媒体博主都用什么剪辑视频_博主和设计师的最佳免费社交媒体图标兆集

自媒体博主都用什么剪辑视频Social Media Integration is becoming a must have feature for every website and blog. It is crucial for a website’s success that this feature is not overlooked. One of the ways to get user...

2020-09-17 05:32:35 297

翻译 wordpress 功能_WordPress for iPad功能[屏幕截图]

wordpress 功能Apple’s new iPad is creating a buzz just like every other Apple product. There was over 700,000 copies sold in one day. WordPress announced a new version of their application called WordPr...

2020-09-17 05:22:20 187

翻译 wordpress做cms_2020年25个使用WordPress作为CMS的流行站点

wordpress做cmsWondering how you can use WordPress as a CMS? 想知道如何将WordPress用作CMS? One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it is just a blogging software. Some of you often ask u...

2020-09-17 04:22:12 837



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