amazon 使用密码登录_如何防止其他人用您的Amazon Echo购买东西

amazon 使用密码登录

amazon 使用密码登录

Amazon wants you to use Alexa to buy things with just a voice command. It sounds handy, until you realize everyone from your black hat house guests to the news reporter on TV can order things from your account. Here’s how to make sure no one but you can buy things on Amazon with your Echo.

亚马逊希望您仅通过语音命令即可使用Alexa来购买商品。 这听起来很方便,直到您意识到从黑帽会议的客人电视上的新闻记者的每个人都可以通过您的帐户订购商品为止。 这是确保没有人的方法,但是您可以使用Echo在Amazon上购买东西。

Alexa’s voice purchasing uses Amazon’s 1-Click Ordering settings. You can choose to give Amazon a default payment method and address to ship to, so you only have to click one button to order new stuff. While this is convenient, it’s not necessarily something you always want on. If you’ve never set up 1-Click Ordering, then Alexa won’t be able to buy stuff. It can add items to your Amazon shopping cart, but you’ll still need to visit the Amazon app or website to finish the order.

Alexa的语音购买使用Amazon的1-Click Ordering设置 。 您可以选择为亚马逊提供默认的付款方式和送货地址,因此您只需单击一个按钮即可订购新商品。 虽然这很方便,但不一定总是您想要的东西 。 如果您从未设置过1-Click Ordering,那么Alexa将无法购买商品。 它可以将商品添加到您的Amazon购物车中,但是您仍然需要访问Amazon应用或网站才能完成订单。

If you have enabled 1-Click Ordering, then you have a couple options to protect yourself from unauthorized purchases. To start, open the Alexa app on your phone and tap the menu button in the top-right corner, then tap Settings.

如果您启用了“一键订购”,那么您可以通过多种选择来保护自己免遭未经授权的购买。 首先,请在手机上打开Alexa应用,然后点击右上角的菜单按钮,然后点击“设置”。

Scroll down to find “Voice Purchasing” and tap on it.


On the next screen, you have two options to control your purchases. The first, simplest option is to turn off voice purchasing entirely. If you never order things with voice commands but still have 1-Click Ordering set up, you should disable this toggle so no one can accidentally buy things from your account.

在下一个屏幕上,您有两个选择来控制购买。 第一个最简单的选择是完全关闭语音购买。 如果您从未使用语音命令订购商品,但仍设置了“一键订购”功能,则应禁用此切换,这样就不会有人意外地从您的帐户购买商品。

Alternatively, if you’d like to be able to buy things with Alexa, but don’t want to let anyone else hijack your account, you can enable a 4-digit confirmation code. This code will be spoken aloud, so you still won’t want to say it in front of anyone you don’t trust with your Amazon account, but it should stop the TV from accidentally ordering something, or your friends from playing a prank. Simply enter a four digit code in the box and tap “Save Changes.”

另外,如果您想用Alexa买东西,但又不想让其他人劫持您的帐户,则可以启用一个4位数的确认码。 该代码会大声说出来,因此您仍然不希望在您不信任您的Amazon帐户的任何人面前说它,但是它应该防止电视意外订购某些东西或阻止您的朋友恶作剧。 只需在框中输入一个四位数的代码,然后点击“保存更改”。

As Amazon points out on this screen, your confirmation code will appear in your history in the Alexa app, so it’s not the most secure thing in the world. Still, it’s better than letting anyone in your living room buy whatever they want on your dime.

正如亚马逊在该屏幕上指出的那样,您的确认码将显示在您的历史记录中的Alexa应用程序中,因此这并不是世界上最安全的事情。 不过,总比让任何人在您的客厅里购买想要的东西要好得多。


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