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翻译 ipad和iphone切图_如何在iPhone和iPad上密码保护照片

ipad和iphone切图Sometimes, you need to protect your iPhone or iPad photos from prying eyes that might also have access to your device. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t provide an obvious, secure way to do th...

2020-10-12 14:13:04 1632

翻译 如何使用Google TV设置Chromecast

Justin Duino贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)Google changed up its streaming platform with the release of the Chromecast with Google TV. Instead of being a Cast-only device like Chromecasts before it, Google’s la...

2020-10-12 13:54:35 17404

翻译 如何将世界时钟和时区小部件添加到您的iPhone

When you work remotely or have friends and family who live in another country, it’s important to know what time it is across time zones. A world clock (or time zone) widget on your iPhone’s Home scree...

2020-10-12 12:44:58 5377

翻译 ruby语法_Ruby函数(方法)语法

ruby语法The Rubylanguage makes it easy to create functions. Ruby语言使创建函数变得容易。Function Syntax 功能语法def functionname(variable) return <value>enddef functionname(variable)return <值>结束Exam...

2020-10-12 11:55:09 816

翻译 ubuntu列出所有磁盘_列出Ubuntu上的磁盘空间使用情况

ubuntu列出所有磁盘Simply open a new Terminal window and type in this command只需打开一个新的终端窗口并输入此命令df -Thf翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/list-disk-space-usage-on-ubuntu/ubuntu列出所有磁盘...

2020-10-12 11:34:14 3210

翻译 如何在Windows 8.1中获取Windows 10样式的开始菜单

On January 21, Microsoft officially announced the new features that would be included in Windows 10. While you’ll have to wait for the release to enjoy most of the new features, you cantake advantage...

2020-10-12 11:14:52 1393

翻译 如何在Instagram上过滤冒犯性评论

Shubham AgarwalShubham AgarwalIf you have a public Instagram profile, chances are you’ve been a victim of inappropriate comments from strangers. Given the social network’s vast size, it’s practically ...

2020-10-12 11:04:16 895

翻译 电台复活节_如何玩Android 11的隐藏复活节彩蛋游戏

电台复活节Justin Duino贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)Google includes a hidden “Easter Egg” with each new Android version. Android 11 has one of the more elaborate Easter Eggs as it’s actually a game you can play. We...

2020-10-12 09:22:22 20547

翻译 如何在iPhone或iPad的控制中心中控制智能家居设备

Apple’s Home app offers quick controls for controlling smart lights, doorbells, thermostats, and other smart home devices—right in your iPhone or iPad’s Control Center. Here’s how to set it up and use...

2020-10-12 08:33:13 3740

翻译 从Ubuntu命令行按进程名称杀死进程

There are a number of ways to kill a process if you know the name of the process. Here’s a couple different ways you can accomplish this. We are going to assume that the process we are trying to kill ...

2020-10-12 08:24:03 3023

翻译 进程handle获取线程_获取进程中的线程列表

进程handle获取线程The System.Diagnostics namespace contains functions that allow you to manage processes, threads, eventlogs and performance information.System.Diagnostics命名空间包含允许您管理进程,线程,事件日志和性能信息的函数。The...

2020-10-12 06:01:23 428

翻译 在Windows Vista中使用符号链接

One of the long-awaited features in Windows Vista was the ability to use symbolic links, the way you can in linux. Sadly, they don’t work quite as well as they could, but it’s a big upgrade from prior...

2020-10-12 05:12:23 173

翻译 在Ubuntu Linux中获取上次访问的文件时间

Ubuntu Linux has a rich set of commands for manipulating and accessing files. The stat utility gives detailed access to file information, including last accessed andlast modified file time.Ubuntu Li...

2020-10-12 04:01:31 629

翻译 短语密码_使用密码短语以提高安全性

短语密码Did you know that Windows supports usingpasswords of up to127 characters? I don’t use passwords anymore, and I haven’t for years. I’ve switched to using password phrases instead.您知道Windows支持使用最...

2020-10-12 03:51:23 730

翻译 为什么无法运行谷歌play_什么是Google Play积分,以及如何使用它们?

为什么无法运行谷歌playThe Google Play Store is home to thousands of apps, games, movies, e-books, and more. You might find yourself making a lot of purchases there, so why not get rewarded for it? That’s where...

2020-10-12 03:42:06 3145

翻译 ttl电路制作pong游戏_如何玩Mozilla Firefox的隐藏的独角兽Pong游戏

ttl电路制作pong游戏It seems like every browser has a hidden game these days. Chrome has a dinosaur game, Edge has surfing, and Firefox has . . . unicorn pong? Yep, you read that right—here’s how to play it....

2020-10-12 03:21:00 463

翻译 如何将iPhone应用程序从应用程序库移动到主屏幕

Justin Duino贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)So as to not clutter up your home screen, newly-downloaded apps from the App Store can be sent directly to the App Library. But what if you later want to open the app ...

2020-10-12 00:48:07 12128

翻译 dropbox mac_如何在Windows或Mac上启动时阻止Dropbox打开

dropbox macDropbox is a handy way to synchronize files across devices via the cloud. By default, Dropbox starts whenever you turn on your Windows PC or Mac, but sometimes you might not want it to. Her...

2020-10-12 00:38:34 552

翻译 在Windows Vista中使用复选框选择文件

Windows Vista has a new feature in Windows Explorer that is very useful.. checkboxes! Instead of holding down the Ctrl key and clicking a bunch of different files to select them, you can just click th...

2020-10-12 00:27:57 237

翻译 vista任务栏透明_在Windows XP中获取Vista任务栏缩略图预览

vista任务栏透明It was only a matter of time before people started cloning Windows Vista features and adding them into Windows XP. One of my favorite Vista features is the thumbnails that popup when you mou...

2020-10-11 23:48:11 159

翻译 powerpoint转换器_如何将PowerPoint演示文稿转换为主题演讲

powerpoint转换器If someone sends you a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, but you’d rather use Apple’s presentation software, Keynote, you’re in luck! Apple’s done all the hard work for you. Here’s how t...

2020-10-11 23:27:23 457

翻译 Zoom Host可以真正看到您的所有私人消息吗?

Girts Ragelis/Shutterstock.comGirts Ragelis / Shutterstock.comViral social media posts are alleging that Zoom’s private messages aren’t really private—if you’re chatting privately during a Zoom meetin...

2020-10-11 23:18:09 6617

翻译 设置微软应用商店的代理_如何设置和使用Microsoft家庭安全应用

设置微软应用商店的代理The Microsoft Family Safety app provides a set of reporting and parental control tools for people with Microsoft accounts. With filtering controls, location reporting, and app-usage recordi...

2020-10-11 23:08:02 4153

翻译 使用磁盘使用情况分析器检查Ubuntu上的磁盘使用情况

Ubuntu Linux includes a great Disk Usage AnalyzerGUI tool that will let you figure out what files and folders are taking up all the space on your hard drive. This is one of those great little tools t...

2020-10-11 21:59:40 2010

翻译 如何在Twitch上设置捐款

Many people on Twitch stream as a hobby. If you’re thinking about going full-time, though, you’ll need to raise some cash. Setting up donations on Twitch is one way you can do it!Twitch上的许多人都将其作为爱好。 ...

2020-10-11 21:49:26 1528

翻译 ubuntu 默认命令行_从命令行在Ubuntu上设置默认浏览器

ubuntu 默认命令行Ubuntu Linux has a default browser functionality that will automatically launch the correct browser when clicking on a link in a gnome gui application. It’s easy enough to set the default ...

2020-10-11 21:39:05 1755

翻译 MySql:从任何主机授予根用户登录权限

Note that this is Not very secure, and should only be used for a local development box where you don’t feel like setting up individual permissions, but still need to connect from other machines.请注意,这...

2020-10-11 19:49:12 843

翻译 如何在Chrome工具栏中固定和取消固定扩展程序

Not all extensions are made equal. Some extensions, like Grammarly, work quietly in the background and don’t need an icon in the Chrome toolbar. Here’s how to pin and unpin extensions for a cleaner Ch...

2020-10-11 19:39:33 5558

翻译 在Ubuntu服务器上打开第二个控制台会话

Ubuntu Server has the native ability to run multiple console sessions from the server console prompt. If you are working on the actual console and are waiting for a long running command to finish, the...

2020-10-11 19:08:46 998

翻译 ipad和iphone切图_如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上签名PDF

ipad和iphone切图Khamosh PathakKhamosh PathakDo you have documents to sign? You don’t need to worry about printing, scanning, or even downloading a third-party app. You can sign PDFs right on your iPhone,...

2020-10-11 18:37:51 1018

翻译 如何在Windows 7或Vista上安装IIS

If you are a developer using ASP.NET, one of the first things you’ll want to install on Windows 7 or Vista is IIS (internet information server). Keep in mind that your version of Windows may not come ...

2020-10-11 17:56:46 160

翻译 Trillian Astra V4.0a包括屏幕截图

I have begun Alpha testing on Cerulean Studios Trillian Astra the new version of the Trillian IM client. I thought I would share with you the look and feel of this new application as it goes through d...

2020-10-11 16:25:50 163

翻译 Windows Home服务器

I have been testing Windows Home Server (WHS) for about 6 months now. I thought I would write a few things about this new product from Microsoft. Basically, WHS is meant to be a computer which will si...

2020-10-11 14:35:27 244

翻译 Foobar2000我的新音频播放器?

In a previous post I mentioned that I am ready for a new audio player application. This all came to fruition because Apple pissed me off with their last iTunes update. It includes unnecessary software...

2020-10-11 14:16:02 297

翻译 centos proftp_在CentOS上禁用ProFTP

centos proftpI realize this is probably only relevant to about 3 of the readers, but I’m posting this so I don’t forget how to do it myself! In my efforts to ban the completely insecure FTP protocol f...

2020-10-11 14:06:00 313

翻译 如何提高gps精度_如何在锻炼应用程序中提高GPS跟踪精度

如何提高gps精度l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstocklightpoet /快门Tracking your runs, bike rides, and other workouts is fun because you can see how much you’re improving (or, in my case, dismally failing to improve...

2020-10-11 12:54:50 1128

翻译 智能手机的相机镜头附件值得购买吗?

Tom_RG/ShutterstockTom_RG / ShutterstockIf your smartphone doesn’t have a trio of lenses (like the iPhone 11 Pro), you might be tempted to purchase a snap-on set. These allow you to add telephoto, ult...

2020-10-11 11:32:09 1072

翻译 如何在iPhone上共享视频之前从视频中删除音频

Sometimes, you’d like to share a video with others, but the accompanying audio track is distracting or perhaps introduces privacy concerns. Luckily, there’s a quick way to silence a video using Photos...

2020-10-11 11:12:11 636

翻译 airpods2使用_如何使用AirPods和AirPods Pro:完整指南

airpods2使用Burdun Iliya/ShutterstockBurdun Iliya /快门Just bought yourself or received a new pair of AirPods or AirPods Pro? Welcome to the truly wireless earphones life. Setting up AirPods is quite stra...

2020-10-11 10:41:51 8300

翻译 使用LiveClick升级您的实时书签

If you like to subscribe to feeds using Firefox’s Live Bookmarks feature, the LiveClick extension gives you so many upgrades that I can only cover the highlights of how great it is.如果您想使用Firefox的“实时书...

2020-10-11 10:31:20 173



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