


Would you like to know how many days old are you today? Can you tell what will be the date 78 days from now? How many days are left till Christmas? How many days have passed since your last birthday? All these questions have their answers hidden within Windows! Curious? Keep reading to see how you can answer these questions in an instant using Windows’ built-in utility called ‘Calculator.’

您想知道您今天几岁吗? 您能告诉我从现在开始的78天之后的日期吗? 圣诞节还有多少天? 自您上次生日以来已经过了几天? 所有这些问题的答案都隐藏在Windows中! 好奇? 请继续阅读以了解如何使用Windows内置的称为“计算器”的实用程序立即回答这些问题。

No, no. This isn’t a guide to show you how to perform basic calculations on calculator. This is an application of a unique feature in the Calculator application in Windows, and the feature is called Date Calculation. Most of us don’t really use the Windows Calculator that much and, when we do, it’s only for an instant (to do small calculations). However, it is packed with some really interesting features, so lets go ahead and see how Date Calculation works.

不,不。 这不是向您展示如何在计算器上执行基本计算的指南。 这是Windows中“计算器”应用程序中独特功能的应用程序,该功能称为“日期计算”。 我们大多数人并没有真正使用Windows计算器那么多,当我们使用Windows计算器时,它只是瞬间(做少量计算)。 但是,它包含了一些非常有趣的功能,因此让我们继续看一下日期计算的工作原理。

To start, open Calculator by pressing the winkey, and type calcul… (it should’ve popped up by now, if not, you can type the rest of the ‘…ator’ as well just to be sure). Open it. And by the way, this date calculation function works in both Windows 7 and 8.

首先,通过按下Winkey打开计算器,然后键入calcul…(现在应该已经弹出了,如果没有,您也可以键入“…ator”的其余部分来确保)。 打开它。 顺便说一句,此日期计算功能可在Windows 7和8中使用。

Once it’s open, click View, and select Date Calculation (or press Ctrl+E).

打开后,单击查看,然后选择日期计算(或按Ctrl + E)。

Now here’s where the fun begins.


The idea is pretty straightforward. You can perform two types of calculations here:

这个想法很简单。 您可以在此处执行两种类型的计算:

  • Calculating the difference between two dates

  • Adding or subtracting a number (days) to a date


Since we are messing with dates, it is easy to work with the past, present, or even future. Let’s say you want to find out your current age in terms of days, months, and years. Click the Calendar button in the From field to select your birth date. Initially, it will be showing the current date. Navigating through the calendar is easy. Click the title (Month), and it zooms back to show all the months of the year and the title is changed from Month to Year (in this case, November to 2012). Click it again to see a list of years in the current decade, and the title changes to the decade it is showing (alternatively, click the buttons on the left and right to move between years). Click the title again to show several decades.

由于我们弄乱了日期,因此很容易处理过去,现在甚至将来。 假设您想以天,月和年为单位来查找当前年龄。 单击“ 发件人”字段中的“日历”按钮以选择您的出生日期。 最初,它将显示当前日期。 浏览日历很容易。 单击标题(月),然后缩放以显示一年中的所有月份,并且标题从“月”更改为“年”(在本例中为“ 11月”到“ 2012”)。 再次单击它可以查看当前十年的列表,标题将更改为它显示的十年(或者,单击左右按钮在年份之间移动)。 再次单击标题以显示几十年。

You can use the buttons at the left and right to navigate within months, years, decades, or list of decades. Finally, to jump to the current date, click Today.

您可以使用左侧和右侧的按钮在数月,数年,数十年或数十年的列表内导航。 最后,要跳至当前日期,请单击“今天”。

Now that you’ve learned how to navigate through the calendar, you can easily select your birth date (let’s assume it’s the 29th of February- Geeky, isn’t it?). Since we’re going to find out how old you are today, so in the To field we’ll use today’s date by clicking ‘Today.’

现在,您已经了解了如何浏览日历,可以轻松选择出生日期(假设它是2月29日-Geeky,不是吗?)。 由于我们要了解您今天的年龄,因此在“ 到”字段中,我们将通过单击“今天”来使用今天的日期。

(Yes, the date denoted in the Today field is the date on which this post was written!)


Finally, click Calculate to get the desired result. The resulting difference will be presented in terms of years, months, and days, and simply in days as well.

最后,单击“计算”以获得所需的结果。 由此产生的差异将以年,月和天的形式显示,也以天为单位。

Adding or subtracting a number to a specific date is a bit tedious in real life. For instance, you see this written somewhere: “43 days remaining!”, and you ask yourself “What will be the exact date after 43 days have passed”?

在现实生活中,给特定日期加上或减去一个数字有点繁琐。 例如,您看到它写在某个地方:“还剩43天!”,您问自己“经过43天之后的确切日期是什么?”?

I’d probably tackle it this way- Let’s see, if today is November 16, and this is a 30-day month, so after 40 days it will be December 26, and adding 3 to it makes 29th December. But what day will it be? Well, maybe we should try a different approach instead. Fire up calculator, click the drop down and select “Add or subtract days to a specified date.”

我可能会这样处理-让我们看看,如果今天是11月16日,并且这是一个30天的月份,那么40天后将是12月26日,再加上3则是12月29日。 但是会是哪一天? 好吧,也许我们应该尝试另一种方法。 启动计算器,单击下拉菜单,然后选择“将天数增加或减去到指定的日期。”

Now there’s just one date field in which we have to specify the date to (or from) which you want to add (or subtract) a particular number. Once the date is set, select whether we want to add or subtract something. We’ll try addition first. Select Add, and enter the number of days (or months/years) to be added to the specified date, and press the Calculate button.

现在只有一个日期字段,我们必须在其中指定要添加(或减去)特定数字的日期(或从该日期开始)。 设置日期后,选择我们要添加还是减去。 我们将首先尝试添加。 选择添加,然后输入要添加到指定日期的天数(或月/年),然后按计算按钮。

So it will be Saturday on 29th December, 2012.


You can also specify how many days, months, or even years are to be added or subtracted from the set date.  Once you’ve entered the information, click Calculate and you’ll be presented with the resulting day and date. Let’s see what the date was, 5 years, 8 months, and 80 days ago today.

您还可以指定要从设置的日期中添加或减去多少天,几个月甚至几年。 输入信息后,单击“计算”,然后将显示结果的日期和日期。 让我们看看今天是5年8个月80天。

And here’s a fun fact. You won’t be able to use the calculator itself unless you turn it on by clicking its ‘screen’ (just in case you want to convert days to weeks, or do any other calculation).

这是一个有趣的事实。 除非您通过单击计算器的“屏幕”将其打开,否则您将无法使用计算器(以防万一,您希望将天数转换为星期数,或进行其他任何计算)。

What interesting date calculations can you come up with? Let us know in the comments!

您可以得出哪些有趣的日期计算? 让我们在评论中知道!

Here’s one for you: Windows 8 was released how many days after the release of Windows 1.0? First one to calculate gets a virtual high-five!

这是为您准备的:Windows 8发布Windows 1.0发布后有多少天? 计算的第一个得到虚拟的高五!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/128985/stupid-geek-tricks-how-to-perform-date-calculations-in-windows-calculator/


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