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翻译 excel按照天分组_Excel 4000天快乐

excel按照天分组 Excel 4000天快乐 (Happy Excel Day 44000) Since you love Excel, you probably already noticed that today (June 15, 2020), is Excel day 44000. You'll see that if you type today's date in a worksh...

2020-08-20 18:55:37 656

翻译 数据透视表切片器显示空白_使用切片器显示数据透视表值

数据透视表切片器显示空白Instead of adding and removing pivot table values one at a time, click a Slicer, to quickly add and remove them, in groups. Most pivot tables won't need this, but for source data with lots...

2020-08-20 18:45:43 5309

翻译 funcode高尔夫_高尔夫发球时间的Excel工作簿

funcode高尔夫 高尔夫发球时间的Excel工作簿 (Excel Workbook for Golf Tee Off Times) The golf courses aren't too crowded here this summer, because of the social distancing rules. So, if you're trying to spread out the...

2020-08-20 18:36:12 791

翻译 excel 多项 匹配_在Excel中显示匹配项列表

excel 多项 匹配 在Excel中显示匹配项列表 (Show List of Matching Items in Excel) Today's video shows how to set up a matching items list – select a region name, and the list shows all employees who work in that regi...

2020-08-20 18:26:03 840

翻译 透视表二级菜单_从数据透视表下拉菜单中清除旧项目

透视表二级菜单 从数据透视表下拉菜单中清除旧项目 (Clear Old Items from Pivot Table Drop Downs) Old items might still appear in pivot table drop down lists, even after you remove the items from the source data. Here’s how to ...

2020-08-20 18:15:13 1277

翻译 表单生成excel_Excel搜索表单生成器更新2020-06

表单生成excel Excel搜索表单生成器更新2020-06 (Excel Search Form Builder Update 2020-06) There's been an update to my Excel Search Form Builder (SFB), so download the latest version if you've bought this product be...

2020-08-20 18:05:57 632

翻译 如何右键菜单添加命令提示符_在右键菜单顶部添加过滤器命令

如何右键菜单添加命令提示符 在右键菜单顶部添加过滤器命令 (Add Filter Commands at Top of Right-Click Menus) Do you spend lots of time in Excel tables, filtering the data, then clearing those filters later? If so, this free add-in...

2020-08-20 17:55:28 330

翻译 色带通用型号表_Excel表中基于日期的色带

色带通用型号表 Excel表中基于日期的色带 (Colour Bands in Excel Table Based on Dates) When you create a named table in Excel, you can colour the alternating rows with one of the built-in Table Styles. But how could you...

2020-08-20 17:44:59 425

翻译 如何使用表引用复制Excel公式

如何使用表引用复制Excel公式 (How to Copy Excel Formulas with Table References) If you create Excel formulas that include table references, and then try to copy those formulas to adjacent columns, you might get ...

2020-08-20 17:35:41 540

翻译 九九乘法表练习_Excel乘法表练习工作簿

九九乘法表练习 Excel乘法表练习工作簿 (Excel Multiplication Table Practice Workbook) Do you remember the number grids from your schools days, where you filled in the multiplication answers? What's 4 times 8? Or 9 tim...

2020-08-20 17:24:45 1147

翻译 getch键盘输入存放在哪_键盘存放空间

getch键盘输入存放在哪 键盘存放空间 (Keyboard Storage Space) If you waste time searching for pens, paper clips and other small office items, a keyboard with storage space might save you time. 如果您浪费时间搜索笔,回形针和其他小型办公用...

2020-08-20 17:14:28 176

翻译 excel调色板自定颜色_抓住Excel调色板

excel调色板自定颜色 抓住Excel调色板 (Grab the Excel Color Palettes) While working on an Excel 2003 worksheet, you might want to colour a few of the cells, change the font colour for the text, or add borders to a ...

2020-08-20 17:05:26 937

翻译 Excel的三个数据输入提示

Excel的三个数据输入提示 (Three Data Entry Tips for Excel) Here are three quick data entry tips for Excel -- use these shortcuts to enter data in a cell: 这是Excel的三个快速数据输入提示-使用以下快捷方式在单元格中输入数据: To enter toda...

2020-08-20 16:54:31 134

翻译 excel快速去除重复项_在Excel中快速重复操作

excel快速去除重复项 在Excel中快速重复操作 (Quickly Repeat an Action in Excel) After you do something in Excel,you may be able to repeat the action by pressing the F4 key. 在Excel中执行某项操作后,您可以通过按F4键重复该操作。 For exampl...

2020-08-20 16:44:01 581

翻译 奇数项求和公式_Excel公式求和奇数或偶数周

奇数项求和公式 Excel公式求和奇数或偶数周 (Excel Formula to Sum for Odd or Even Weeks) Here's an Excel formula challenge for you, based on an email question that someone sent to me. They wanted help with an Excel formu...

2020-08-20 16:33:43 3714

翻译 windows任务栏透明_在Windows任务栏中轻松重新排列项目

windows任务栏透明 在Windows任务栏中轻松重新排列项目 (Easily Rearrange Items in the Windows Taskbar)As you work on your computer, you probably open several applications, and the Windows Taskbar quickly fills with button...

2020-08-20 16:23:12 103

翻译 excel组合汇总_Excel汇总20200319

excel组合汇总 Excel汇总20200319 (Excel Roundup 20200319) It's been a long time since the last Excel roundup, so here's a new one! Check out these Excel links and articles, and I'm sure you'll find a few int...

2020-08-20 16:13:57 170

翻译 Excel超链接到下一个空单元格

Excel超链接到下一个空单元格 (Excel Hyperlink to Next Empty Cell) Last week, someone asked me how to make an Excel hyperlink to next empty cell. See how to set that up, in a couple of different situations. 上周,有...

2020-08-20 16:03:46 670

翻译 power pivot_Excel Pivot Power Free外接程序更新

power pivot Excel Pivot Power Free外接程序更新 (Excel Pivot Power Free Add-in Update) If you're using my Excel Pivot Power Free add-in, there's a new version for you to download. There's one new feature, on...

2020-08-20 15:54:07 296

翻译 膳食结构_Excel每周膳食计划程序更新20200402

膳食结构 Excel每周膳食计划程序更新20200402 (Excel Weekly Meal Planner Update 20200402) There's an Excel weekly meal planner on my website, to help you organize your meals, and create a shopping list. Now that we're...

2020-08-20 15:44:27 236

翻译 fastexcel_使用FastExcel工具修复慢的Excel文件

fastexcel 使用FastExcel工具修复慢的Excel文件 (Fix Slow Excel Files with FastExcel Tools) If we're sitting at home, with little to do but eat, watch TV and sleep, we might get a bit slow and bloated, which isn't...

2020-08-20 15:34:16 530

翻译 数据透视表 筛选_筛选列表可见行中的数据透视表

数据透视表 筛选 筛选出的列表可见行的数据透视表 (Pivot Table from Filtered List Visible Rows) When you create a pivot table in Excel, it doesn't matter if there are filters applied in the source data table. The pivot table ...

2020-08-20 15:24:47 2168

翻译 c# 一个月中的工作日_在Excel中查找一个月中的第N个工作日

c# 一个月中的工作日 在Excel中查找一个月中的第N个工作日 (Find the Nth Weekday in a Month in Excel) Some events occur on the Nth weekday of a specific month each year. Maybe your book club meets on the 4th Tuesday every mont...

2020-08-20 15:14:58 519

翻译 数据透视表怎么刷新数据_数据模型的Excel数据透视表刷新错误

数据透视表怎么刷新数据 数据模型的Excel数据透视表刷新错误 (Excel Pivot Table Refresh Error with Data Model) A simple data change can cause a strange pivot table refresh error, if you added the data to the Data Model. The probl...

2020-08-20 15:04:33 2162

翻译 ubuntu快速打开文件夹_快速打开文件夹

ubuntu快速打开文件夹 快速打开文件夹 (Open Folders Quickly)When saving or opening a file in Excel or Word, you might have to navigate through several layers of folders to find the one that you need. 在Excel或Word中保存或...

2020-08-20 14:43:56 3240

翻译 财务报表_有效的财务报告

财务报表 有效的财务报告 (Effective Financial Reports)Although the book is out of print, the advice from the 3M Meeting Management Team, in How to Run Better Business Meetings, is still pertinent. 尽管这本书已绝版,但3M会议...

2020-08-20 14:23:38 349

翻译 快速填写网页表格 粘贴_快速填写在线表格

快速填写网页表格 粘贴 快速填写在线表格 (Fill in Online Forms Quickly) Throughout the day, I log in to several web sites that require a user name and password. I store them all in a list in an Excel workbook, but it's t...

2020-08-20 14:13:40 453

翻译 idea 列出所有项目_列出您的项目的下一步

idea 列出所有项目 列出您的项目的下一步 (List Your Project’s Next Steps) While working on a project, such as creating a database, or programming an Excel file, I make notes about the changes I'm making. 在处理项目(例如创建数据库...

2020-08-20 14:03:54 1192

翻译 xlrd关闭excel文件_关闭所有Excel文件

xlrd关闭excel文件 关闭所有Excel文件 (Close All Excel Files) While working in Excel 2003 (or earlier versions), you might open several files, to compare them, or copy and paste from one to another. When you're f...

2020-08-20 13:54:46 1220

翻译 excel打印分页打印技巧_Excel打印技巧视频

excel打印分页打印技巧 Excel打印技巧视频 (Excel Printing Tips Videos) Someone asked me for help with an Excel printing question recently – how to make the columns all fit on one printed page. Most of us don't print ...

2020-08-20 13:44:56 236

翻译 运输公司对用户计算运输费用_比较运输成本

运输公司对用户计算运输费用 比较运输成本 (Compare Shipping Costs)Don't waste time comparing shipping rates at individual carrier sites. Enter your starting point and destination, and let ShipGooder calculate the rates fo...

2020-08-20 13:34:20 739

翻译 excel重复数据编号_计算Excel中的重复编号集

excel重复数据编号 计算Excel中的重复编号集 (Count Duplicate Number Sets in Excel) Recently, someone asked me how to count duplicate number sets. There were hundreds of rows, with 6 numbers in each row. Did any of the...

2020-08-20 13:24:19 2100

翻译 excel用宏如何筛选日期_Excel自动筛选宏

excel用宏如何筛选日期 Excel自动筛选宏 (Excel AutoFilter Macros)There are two types of AutoFilters in Excel – worksheet AutoFilters, and List (Table) AutoFilters. If you're using Excel AutoFilter macros, be sure th...

2020-08-20 13:14:58 2359

翻译 决议要素_Excel在您的新年决议

决议要素 Excel在您的新年决议 (Excel at Your New Year Resolutions) Happy New Year's Eve! If you're setting goals for 2020, get these three free Excel templates to help you "Excel" at your New Year resolutions. Th...

2020-08-20 13:05:45 203

翻译 比较Excel数据透视图中的年度数据

比较Excel数据透视图中的年度数据 (Compare Annual Data in Excel Pivot Chart) If you have a couple of years of daily data in Excel, you can use a pivot chart to quickly compare that data, month by month, year over y...

2020-08-20 12:55:00 2308

翻译 如何刷新Excel数据透视表

如何刷新Excel数据透视表 (How to Refresh an Excel Pivot Table) If you change any of the information in a pivot table's source data, the pivot table won't immediately show your latest changes. You have to refre...

2020-08-20 12:45:37 2513

翻译 使用FreeSnap移动和调整Windows大小

使用FreeSnap移动和调整Windows大小 (Move and Resize Windows With FreeSnap)As you work on your computer, you probably have several windows open most of the time. Even with multiple monitors, it can be difficult...

2020-08-20 12:36:33 286

翻译 excel下拉更改颜色_自动更改Excel形状颜色

excel下拉更改颜色 自动更改Excel形状颜色 (Change Excel Shape Colour Automatically) We all want to be remembered for our contributions to humanity. That's why, way back in 2004, I made an Excel Smiley Face sample (ak...

2020-08-20 12:26:57 872

翻译 vba和宏_保留有关Excel公式和宏的注释

vba和宏 保留有关Excel公式和宏的注释 (Keep Notes on Excel Formulas and Macros) Do you keep notes about the Excel formulas and macros that you create? What's your documentation system, if you have one? Is it fancy o...

2020-08-20 12:17:26 213

翻译 菜单栏点击显示二级菜单_显示完整菜单

点击一级菜单显示二级菜单 显示完整菜单 (Show Full Menus)On my own computer, I like to see the full menus in Excel, so I selected that setting: 在我自己的计算机上,我想查看Excel中的完整菜单,因此我选择了该设置: On the Tools menu, click Customize 在工...

2020-08-20 12:07:07 1280



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