


Before the rise of digital photography, things were a lot less standardized. There were countless films available in different sizes that you could shoot on cameras from a dozen different manufacturers.

在数码摄影兴起之前,事物还没有标准化。 您可以用十几个不同制造商的相机拍摄无数不同大小的胶卷。

These days, outside of smartphones, you have three main camera manufacturers (Canon, Nikon, and Sony) and two main camera sizes: APS-C crop sensors and full-frame sensors. Other older variations, like medium format, have retreated to the margins where they have specialized uses. But what do they do?

如今,在智能手机之外,您拥有三个主要的相机制造商(佳能,尼康和索尼)和两个主要的相机尺寸:APS-C裁剪传感器和全画幅传感器。 其他较旧的变体,如中型,已退缩到有特殊用途的边缘。 但是他们怎么办?

什么是中画幅摄影? (What Is Medium Format Photography?)

Medium format photography traditionally uses the 120 film size. It is significantly larger than 35mm film size, which is the basis of modern digital photography. Similarly, medium format digital photography uses a sensor that’s bigger than the 35mm full-frame standard.

传统上,中画幅摄影使用120胶卷大小。 它远远大于35毫米胶片尺寸,这是现代数码摄影的基础。 同样,中画幅数码摄影使用的传感器大于35mm全画幅标准

A full-frame sensor is roughly the same size as a single frame of 35mm film—36mm x 24mm—and old lenses can often be made work on new cameras.

全画幅传感器的大小与35毫米胶片的单幅照片(36毫米x 24毫米)大致相同,而且旧镜头通常可以在新相机上使用。

There is more variation in medium format photography. The 120 size film used was 60mm wide, but exposures could be shot with various different aspect ratios, such as 1:1 (for a roughly 60mm x 60mm exposure) or 1.2:1 (for a roughly 60mm x 72mm exposure). There’s still some of the same variation with digital medium format. You can get sensors that come in sizes such as 54mm x 44mm or 44mm x 33mm.

中画幅摄影有更多变化。 所使用的120尺寸胶卷宽60毫米,但是可以用各种不同的纵横比拍摄曝光,例如1:1(约60mm x 60mm曝光)或1.2:1(约60mm x 72mm曝光)。 数字媒体格式仍然存在一些相同的变化。 您可以获得尺寸为54mm x 44mm或44mm x 33mm等尺寸的传感器。

While there are some dedicated digital medium format cameras, such as the PhaseOne XF, because of how medium format film cameras were designed, you can easily convert one into a digital camera with a “digital back”. This is just a digital sensor that slots into place where the film holder would traditionally have gone. You can take a Hasselblad from the 70s, similar to the ones used in the Apollo missions, and turn it into a modern digital camera.

尽管有一些专用的数码中画幅相机,例如PhaseOne XF ,但由于中画幅胶片相机的设计方式,您可以轻松地将其转换为带有“数码后背”的数码相机。 这只是一个数字传感器,可将其插入胶卷固定器传统上无法使用的位置。 您可以像70年代阿波罗任务中使用的哈苏相机一样,将其变成现代数码相机。

中画幅相机的优势是什么? (What’s the Advantage of a Medium Format Camera?)

Medium format cameras, whether film or digital, have one big advantage over 35mm cameras: image quality.


Since the sensor is so much larger, manufacturers can add more megapixels (up to 100MP in some cases!) without making the photosites on the sensor any smaller than they would be on a full-frame camera. They can even use bigger photosites and still have a higher resolution image. A 50MP Hasselblad sensor, for example, is about 70% bigger than a 50MP full-frame sensor such as the one found in the Canon 5DS. With a medium format camera you basically get bigger, better photos.

由于传感器非常大,因此制造商可以添加更多的百万像素 (在某些情况下,最高可达100MP!),而不会使传感器上的照像场比全画幅相机小。 他们甚至可以使用更大的photosite,但仍具有更高分辨率的图像。 例如,一台50MP哈苏传感器比50MP全画幅传感器(如佳能5DS中的那种传感器)大70%。 使用中画幅相机,您基本上可以获得更大,更好的照片。

Images from a medium format camera look slightly different, and to many people better, than those from a full frame or crop sensor camera. This is mainly down to having a wider field of view than a DSLR would have at the same length lens. You can get all the benefits of a long lens (shallow depth of field, background compression, minimal distortion) while having the field of view of a wide-angle lens. Look at how shallow the depth of field in the photo above is while still having a wide angle. A photo like this is impossible with a DSLR.

中画幅相机的图像看上去比全画幅或作物传感器相机的图像稍有不同,并且对很多人来说更好。 这主要归因于比相同长度的镜头具有更大的视野。 在拥有广角镜的视野的同时,您可以获得长镜头的所有优势 (景深浅,背景压缩,失真最小)。 看看上面照片中的景深有多浅,同时仍具有广角。 用数码单反相机无法拍摄出像这样的照片。

Image quality isn’t the only thing medium format cameras have going for them; they’re are also normally “system cameras”. This means that they are built around interchangeable parts rather than a single camera body. This is what lets old medium format cameras be converted into digital cameras. With most medium format systems, you can use different viewfinders, film and digital backs, focus systems, and so on.

图像质量并不是中画幅相机所追求的唯一目标。 它们通常也是“系统相机”。 这意味着它们围绕可互换部件而不是单个相机机身构建。 这就是将旧的中画幅相机转换为数码相机的原因。 在大多数中画幅系统中,您可以使用不同的取景器,胶卷和数码后背,聚焦系统等。

中画幅相机用于什么用途? (What Are Medium Format Cameras Used For?)

The downside of medium format cameras is that they are big, bulky, heavy, and fragile. They also have less advanced autofocus systems and slower burst modes. This limits them to certain uses.

中画幅相机的缺点是体积大,笨重,笨重且易碎。 他们还拥有不太先进的自动对焦系统和较慢的连拍模式。 这将它们限制为某些用途。

The main use for medium format cameras is in fashion and advertising photography. The majority of covers for magazines like Vogue or Esquire are shot with a medium format camera. It’s the same story with ads. If you’re working in a studio, all you care about is image quality; you don’t need the versatility that a DSLR brings. The look and resolution of a medium format camera is a distinct advantage.

中画幅相机的主要用途是时装和广告摄影。 《 Vogue》或《 Esquire》等杂志的大多数封面都使用中画幅相机拍摄。 广告也是如此。 如果您在工作室工作,那么您所关心的只是图像质量。 您不需要DSLR带来的多功能性。 中画幅相机的外观和分辨率是一个明显的优势。

If you’re an amateur photographer, the odds are you’re never going to see a medium format camera in the wild. They make up a tiny fraction of all the cameras in use. Now though, you know a bit more about the gigantic cameras the photographers in America’s Next Top Model use.

如果您是一名业余摄影师,那么您绝对不会在野外看到中画幅相机。 它们仅占使用中所有摄像机的一小部分。 现在,您对美国Next Top Model摄影师使用的巨型相机有了更多了解。

Image Credits: Hasselblad, Benjamin Balázs, Ryan Winterbotham.

图片来源: HasselbladBenjaminBalázsRyan Winterbotham

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319757/what-is-medium-format-in-photography/


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