

Every week we dip into our mailbag and answer your pressing tech questions. This week we look at unmountable Windows volumes, opening Word files in Works, and removing a haywire bootloader.

每周我们都会浸入我们的邮袋,并回答您紧迫的技术问题。 本周,我们将研究无法卸载的Windows卷,在Works中打开Word文件以及删除haywire引导程序。

解决Windows中无法卸载的启动卷错误 (Resolving the Unmountable Boot Volume Error in Windows)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

When I boot my Windows XP machine I get a blue screen of death that says “UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME” and then nothing happens. I cannot boot into Windows. What can I do? Is this something I can fix myself?

当我启动Windows XP计算机时,出现蓝屏死机,显示“ UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME”,然后什么也没有发生。 我无法启动Windows。 我能做什么? 这是我可以自己修理的东西吗?



Blue Screen Watching in Boise


Dear Blue Screen,


There are three principle causes for that blue screen error code: the file system is damaged and cannot be mounted, you’re using a 40 wire IDE cable instead of an 80 wire IDE cable, and/or you’ve set the BIOS to force UDMA drive mode. Since it sounds like this just started out of the blue (you didn’t mention any cable swapping or mucking around in the BIOS), there’s a very high chance that your Master Boot Record has become corrupted. Fortunately it’s dead simple to fix.

导致蓝屏错误代码的三个主要原因:文件系统已损坏且无法安装,您使用的是40线IDE电缆而不是80线IDE电缆,并且/或者您将BIOS设置为强制UDMA驱动器模式。 由于听起来像是刚开始时就没想到(您在BIOS中没有提到任何电缆交换或乱码的情况),所以您的主引导记录很有可能已损坏。 幸运的是,它很容易修复。

Insert your Windows XP installation disc into your computer (or if you don’t have the installation disc download this recovery console disk ISO and burn it). Whether you’re using the official disk or the recovery disk we linked to, press the R button when the “Welcome to Windows” screen pops up. If you’re using Windows XP Home it won’t ask for a password if you’re using Windows XP Pro it will ask for your administrative password. At the recovery console command prompt type CHKDSK /R and then leave your computer alone. It’ll scan your hard drive with Check Disk and then repair bad sectors (as well as your Master Boot Record). It will easily take 30-45 minutes so just leave it alone for awhile. When you come back everything should be golden, pop out the disc and reboot your machine.

将Windows XP安装光盘插入计算机(或者,如果没有安装光盘,请下载故障恢复控制台磁盘ISO并将其刻录)。 无论您使用的是官方磁盘还是链接到的恢复磁盘,当“欢迎使用Windows”屏幕弹出时,请按R按钮。 如果您使用的是Windows XP Home,则不会要求输入密码;如果您使用的是Windows XP Pro,则会询问您的管理密码。 在故障恢复控制台命令提示符下,键入CHKDSK / R,然后不理会计算机。 它会使用Check Disk扫描您的硬盘,然后修复坏道(以及您的主启动记录)。 这很容易需要30-45分钟,因此请暂时搁置一段时间。 当您回来时,一切都应该是金色的,弹出光盘并重新启动计算机。

在Microsoft Works中打开Word文档 (Opening Word Documents in Microsoft Works)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My computer has Windows 7 64-bit. I do not have Microsoft Word on my computer I have Microsoft Works. Is it possible to open Word documents in Microsoft Works?

我的计算机具有Windows 7 64位。 我的计算机上没有Microsoft Word,但是我有Microsoft Works。 是否可以在Microsoft Works中打开Word文档?



Waiting for Word in Wisconsin


Dear Waiting,


Although you could try some of the many web-based convertors out there they aren’t very convenient (as they often vanish over night and require you to send your possibly sensitive documents to a 3rd party for conversion). Fortunately you don’t have to mess around with them as Microsoft has a Office Compatibility Pack. Download and install the Pack and you’ll be able to open .DOC, .DOCX, and .DOCM files in Works. You can download it and read about the Compatibility Pack here.

尽管您可以在那里尝试许多基于Web的转换器,但是它们并不是很方便(因为它们通常会在一夜之间消失,并要求您将可能敏感的文档发送给第三者进行转换)。 幸运的是,由于Microsoft具有Office兼容包,因此您无需弄乱它们。 下载并安装该包,您将能够在Works中打开.DOC,.DOCX和.DOCM文件。 您可以下载它,并在此处阅读有关兼容性包的信息

删除双/三引导程序,以实现从Windows的简单引导 (Removing Dual/Triple Bootloaders for Simple Right-to-Windows Booting)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I unsuccessfully attempted to install Mac OS X Snow leopard on a PC (Pretty stupid attempt, I know…) [Ed. We wouldn’t call it stupid, maybe you just needed to do a little more hardware research!]  Well earlier I saw a guide showing how to get rid of boot alternatives/selecting default OS to boot… And I was wondering if you guys could make a guide to help me with fixing my bootloader or give me some tips how to select Windows 7 as default booting system?

我尝试在PC上安装Mac OS X Snow Leopard失败(我知道这是非常愚蠢的尝试)。 我们不会称其为愚蠢的,也许您只需要做更多的硬件研究即可!]早些时候, 我看到了一个指南,该指南显示了如何摆脱引导替代品/选择默认的操作系统进行引导 ……而我想知道你们是否可以制作指南以帮助我修复引导加载程序,或给我一些提示,以了解如何选择Windows 7作为默认引导系统?



Dual Boot Meltdown in Delaware


It looks like we have a two-for-one special this week! Since your OS X installation was a failure and you don’t really want to dual boot (you just want to boot into Windows) you don’t really need to modify the bootloader to send you to Windows you really just need to remove the bootloader all together and return the Master Boot Record to it’s prior state. One of the downsides of using CHKDSK to repair the master boot record is that it removes the flags you need for a bootloader (and leaves you having to reinstall your bootloader) but in your case that’s exactly what you want. Scroll up to the top of this Ask How-To Geek post and read through the solution for resolving the Unmountable Boot Error in Windows. After you run CHKDSK /R you’ll have a clean Master Boot Record that boots right into Windows.

看来本周我们有一场二合一特惠! 由于您的OS X安装失败,并且您真的不想双重引导(您只想引导进入Windows),因此您实际上不需要修改引导程序以将您发送到Windows,您实际上只需要删除引导程序即可。全部合并,然后将主引导记录恢复到先前的状态。 使用CHKDSK修复主引导记录的弊端之一是,它删除了引导加载程序所需的标志(并且使您不必重新安装引导加载程序),但是在这种情况下,这正是您想要的。 滚动到此Ask How-To Geek帖子的顶部,并通读解决Windows中的Unmountable Boot Error的解决方案。 运行CHKDSK / R之后,您将获得一个干净的主启动记录,该记录可以直接引导到Windows。

Have a pressing question? Shoot us an email at
有一个紧迫的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer your question. ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力回答您的问题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/66389/ask-how-to-geek-unmountable-boot-volumes-opening-word-files-in-works-and-removing-bootloaders/





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