geektool 天气_桌面自定义:适用于OS X的GeekTool简介

geektool 天气

geektool 天气

Something we like to do as geeks is add customizations to our desktops, whether with themes or wallpapers. Today we take a look at GeekTool for OS X that will let you add different types of data to your desktop.

作为极客,我们喜欢做的事情是在桌面上添加自定义设置,无论是主题还是墙纸。 今天,我们来看看适用于OS X的GeekTool,它将使您可以将不同类型的数据添加到桌面。

GeekTool for OS X is capable of many things from showing the weather outside to what’s playing on iTunes and more. It can display both static and dynamic information.

适用于OS X的GeekTool可以执行许多操作,从显示外界天气到iTunes上正在播放的内容等等。 它可以显示静态和动态信息。

Getting Started


We will look at adding a clock and a basic calendar to your desktop. Once you have GeekTool installed, you will find it in System Preferences. We have three options for the type of tool to place on your desktop. File will be typically used when you download eeklets. Image can be used to have a dynamic picture updated from a URL (such as weather images) or rotate though a folder on your computer. Shell, which will be looking into with today, can be used with terminal commands.

我们将考虑在您的桌面上添加时钟和基本日历。 安装GeekTool后,您将在“系统偏好设置”中找到它。 对于要放置在桌面上的工具类型,我们有三个选项。 下载eekeek时通常会使用文件。 图像可以用于从URL更新动态图片(例如天气图像),也可以旋转图像通过计算机上的文件夹。 今天将要研究的Shell可与终端命令一起使用。

NOTE: If you plan on experimenting with the commands you can use, be careful that you do not use a command that has no termination (Ping for example).


The end result of what we are working on today will look like the following. You can place the info how ever you find appealing and functional, This is just a starting point.

我们今天正在努力的最终结果将如下所示。 您可以按自己喜欢的方式放置信息,这只是一个起点。

Adding Information to the Desktop


To start you will drag a Shell onto the desktop and place it in the approximate location you want the information to be.


For the static texts, Today is: and The time is:, you will use the Override text section. To change the font styles use the Click here to set font & color. For this example we are using the default font face, black and white, with a font size of 45 for everything except the day of the week which is at 50.

对于静态文本, 今天是:时间是: ,您将使用替代文本部分。 要更改字体样式,请使用“ 单击此处设置字体和颜色” 。 在此示例中,我们使用默认字体(黑白),除星期几为50外,所有其他字体的字体大小均为45。

Each of the sections is a different Shell using the date command. There are many options that can be used with this command. You can use date /? in the terminal to see all of the options available. The different sections we are interested in for this example will be:

每个部分都是使用date命令的不同Shell。 此命令可以使用许多选项。 您可以使用日期/? 在终端中查看所有可用选项。 我们对该示例感兴趣的不同部分是:

date +%A – for the full day of the week

日期+%A –一周中的整天

date +%b – for the three letter month

date +%b –三个字母月

date +%d – for the day of the month

日期+%d –每月的某天

date +%Y – for the four digit year

日期+%Y –四位数年份

date +%X – for the locale formatted hour, minute, and second

日期+%X –用于语言环境的小时,分​​钟和秒格式

Once you have laid out all of your pieces, you can align them anyway you like. For this example we did a block format and resized the date areas to be closer to the text they held.

布置好所有作品后,您可以按照自己的意愿对齐它们。 在此示例中,我们采用了块格式,并调整了日期区域的大小,使其更接近其所容纳的文本。

There are a lot of different Geeklets available that you can find at the link below. Here is an example of our desktop running several different Geeklets for iTunes, IP info, iCal, Weather – which pulls weather data from Yahoo, and the Time and Date we looked at above.

您可以在下面的链接中找到许多不同的Geeklet。 这是我们的桌面运行一个示例的示例,该桌面针对iTunes,IP信息,iCal,天气运行了多个不同的Geeklet,它们从Yahoo提取天气数据,以及上面我们查看的时间和日期。




This simple tool can be used to add a wide range of customizations. In later posts we will look at other tasks that can be used with GeekTool and also some of the pre-made tools that can be downloaded A.K.A. Geeklets.

这个简单的工具可用于添加各种自定义项。 在以后的文章中,我们将介绍可以与GeekTool一起使用的其他任务,以及可以从AKA Geeklets下载的一些预制工具。



Download GeekTool 3.0Download fun Geeklets to Customize Your OS X Desktop

下载GeekTool 3.0 下载有趣的Geeklet以自定义您的OS X桌面


geektool 天气





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