itunes替代_这是iTunes 10的五个替代品,可轻松管理iPod



When you think of iTunes, you might think of clunky, slow, and bloated software that isn’t always the easiest to use. If you’re looking for something that allows you to manage iPod content easier, today we look at some free and commercial alternatives.

当您想到iTunes时,可能会想到笨拙,缓慢且过时的软件,但它并非总是最容易使用。 如果您正在寻找可以使您更轻松地管理iPod内容的产品,那么今天我们将寻找一些免费的商业替代产品。

Even with the recent release of iTunes 10, speed and performance hasn’t been addressed in any meaningful way. We have covered some tips to make iTunes run faster, but if you’re a geek who wants as as little to do with iTunes as possible, we’ll look at some quality alternatives.

即使最近发布了iTunes 10,也没有以任何有意义的方式解决速度和性能问题。 我们已经介绍了一些使iTunes运行速度更快的技巧 ,但是如果您是一个极客,希望尽可能少地与iTunes接触,我们将介绍一些优质的替代产品。

CopyTrans管理器 (CopyTrans Manager)

This is a free app that will let you transfer your songs from your computer to an iPod, iPod Touch, or iPhone out of the box. After a quick and easy install, it will launch and is ready for you to connect your iPod, iPod Touch / iPhone.

这是一个免费的应用程序,可让您立即将歌曲从计算机传输到iPod,iPod Touch或iPhone。 快速简便的安装后,它将启动并准备就绪,可以连接iPod,iPod Touch / iPhone。


We were then able to add playlists to CopyTrans Manager and sync them with the iPod. You can add and delete music, videos, podcasts, and more. It’s lightweight and works nice for managing your music collection without iTunes. You can also listen to the music through your computer with your iPod or iOS device plugged in.

然后,我们可以将播放列表添加到CopyTrans Manager,并将其与iPod同步。 您可以添加和删除音乐,视频,播客等。 它轻巧,非常适合在没有iTunes的情况下管理您的音乐收藏。 您也可以在插入iPod或iOS设备的情况下通过计算机听音乐。

They also offer a standalone version that you can use on your iPod and listen to your music on any computer without having to authorize it via iTunes.



Download CopyTrans Manager

下载CopyTrans Manager

Foobar2000 (Foobar2000)

Foobar2000 is a personal favorite because it’s light on system resources and is a fully customizable player. To get it working with your iPod you’ll need to install a couple of free components to get it to sync up, but once you do it works very well. The two components you need are the iPod Manager and Nero AAC Codec.

Foobar2000是个人最爱,因为它占用系统资源,并且是完全可自定义的播放器 。 要使其与iPod一起使用,您需要安装几个免费组件以使其同步,但是一旦完成,它就可以很好地工作。 您需要的两个组件是iPod Manager和Nero AAC编解码器

For a full step-by-step…check out our article on how to use your iPod with Foobar2000.

要获取完整的分步指南,请参阅我们的文章“ 如何在Foobar2000使用iPod”


MediaMonkey (MediaMonkey)

Another good alternative is either the free Standard version of MediaMonkey or the Gold version which requires a license. It allows you to manage your iPod out of the box without any additional addons and will play a large number of music formats including FLAC, MP3, APE, AAC, and more.

另一个不错的选择是免费的MediaMonkey标准版或需要许可证的黄金版。 它使您可以直接使用iPod进行管理,而无需任何其他插件,并且可以播放大量音乐格式,包括FLAC,MP3,APE,AAC等。

For more, check out our article on using Media Monkey as an iTunes alternative for managing your iPod.

有关更多信息,请查看有关使用Media Monkey作为iTunes替代品来管理iPod的文章


鸣禽 (Songbird)

Songbird has actually come a long way in its evolution, and if you leave the defaults while installing, it will also work with your iPod out of the box. During setup make sure to import your iTunes library.

Songbird实际上在其发展过程中已经走了很长一段路,如果您在安装时保留默认设置,它也可以与iPod一起使用。 在安装过程中,请确保导入iTunes库。


Now you can select to automatically sync all music or sync selected playlists manually.



You can simply drag and drop songs from your music collection over to your iPod too.



It also includes a lot of other cool features including different skins or “feathers” as Songbird calls them. Along with many plugins for enhancing your music experience.

它还包括许多其他很酷的功能,包括Songbird称呼它们的不同皮肤或“羽毛”。 以及许多用于增强音乐体验的插件。


SharePod (SharePod)

SharePod is a useful tool that lets you transfer music and video from your iPod, iPod Touch, or iPhone to you PC and vice versa.

SharePod是有用的工具,可让您将iPod,iPod Touch或iPhone的音乐和视频传输到PC,反之亦然。


Highlight the songs you want to copy to your PC and click Copy to computer on the navigation bar. Then choose a location on your hard drive, decide how you want the music to look like, and you can import tracks to iTunes if you want.

突出显示要复制到PC上的歌曲,然后单击导航栏上的“复制到计算机”。 然后在硬盘驱动器上选择一个位置,确定音乐的外观,然后根据需要将曲目导入iTunes。


SharePod doesn’t require installation so you can run it from a thumb drive which is always useful. After your tunes are copied over, you can move them where you want.

SharePod不需要安装,因此您可以从始终有用的拇指驱动器中运行它。 乐曲复制完后,可以将它们移到所需位置。


It has a simple media player so you can play your songs from your iPod as well.



One caveat we noticed is when we tried to copy media to an iPod Touch running iOS 4.1 we received the following error. This is a project that is in constant development, so the issue will likely be fixed in future releases. We didn’t have a non-iOS iPod to test out, but if you’ve had success with the Nano, Shuffle, or older generation device let us know in the comments.

我们注意到的一个警告是,当我们尝试将媒体复制到运行iOS 4.1的iPod Touch时,收到以下错误。 这是一个正在不断发展的项目,因此该问题很可能会在将来的发行版中得到解决。 我们没有非iOS iPod可供测试,但是如果您在Nano,Shuffle或较老一代的设备上取得了成功,请在评论中告知我们。


商业软件 (Commercial Software)

We have also covered a couple of commercial apps that will help you manage your iPod data without iTunes. Starting with TouchCopy 09 that works on Mac and PC and let’s you use your iPod as a hard drive.

我们还介绍了一些商业应用程序,可帮助您在没有iTunes的情况下管理iPod数据。 从可在Mac和PC上运行的TouchCopy 09开始,让您将iPod用作硬盘驱动器。


Another handy utility for managing and cleaning it up a messy iTunes collection is TuneUp Media, which does have a free limited version and also an Annual and Gold service.

TuneUp Media是另一个用于管理和清理杂乱的iTunes集合的便捷实用程序,它确实有免费的限量版以及“年度和金牌”服务。


It’s really unfortunate we need to find other alternatives to iTunes to better manage music on our iPods. With the introduction of iTunes 10, we were hoping there would be wireless sync capability and a streamlined interface. That wasn’t the case though, and one could call iTunes 10 the same old piece of bloated software it’s always been. If you’d like to make iTunes 10 a bit lighter, check out our step-by-step guide to installing iTunes without extra bloatware.

确实很不幸,我们需要找到iTunes的其他替代品,以便更好地管理iPod上的音乐。 随着iTunes 10的推出,我们希望能够提供无线同步功能和简化的界面。 事实并非如此,人们可以将iTunes 10称为与以往一样same肿的旧软件。 如果您想使iTunes 10更加轻巧,请查看我们的分步指南,以安装没有额外的膨胀软件的iTunes

Also make sure to check out Ed Bott’s Unofficial Guide to installing iTunes 10 without bloatware.

另外,请确保查看Ed Bott的非官方指南,以安装没有膨胀软件的iTunes 10

If you want to stick with iTunes for accessing the iTunes store and other features like Home Sharing, check out our article on Ways to Make iTunes Run Faster. By using different alternatives, you can get by with using iTunes as little as possible for things like updates, and the iTunes Store. Of course if you have an iOS device, you can access a lot of it directly from your device.

如果您想使用iTunes来访问iTunes商店以及其他功能(如家庭共享),请查看有关“ 使iTunes更快运行的方法”的文章。 通过使用不同的替代方法,您可以尽可能少地使用iTunes处理更新和iTunes Store等事情。 当然,如果您有iOS设备,则可以直接从设备上访问很多设备。

While the apps we covered here do a good job of managing your iPod, there are a lot of other apps out there we didn’t cover here. What is your take? Are you sick of iTunes and looking for an alternative? Leave us a comment and let us know what you use.

尽管我们在此介绍的应用程序在管理iPod方面做得很好,但还有许多其他我们未在此处介绍的应用程序。 你拿什么 您是否对iTunes感到厌倦并正在寻找替代方案? 给我们留言,让我们知道您使用什么。







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