
There’s a good chance you’ll have your phone with you in a medical emergency. That’s why Apple allows you to set a Medical ID that shows your medical conditions, drug allergies, emergency contacts, and organ donor status that anyone can see without unlocking your phone.

在医疗紧急情况下,您很有可能随身携带手机。 因此,Apple允许您设置一个医疗ID,以显示您的医疗状况,药物过敏,紧急联系人和器官供体状态,任何人都可以在不解锁手机的情况下看到它。

这不能代替医疗警报手链 (This Is No Substitute For a Medical Alert Bracelet)

This feature is a great idea, but it’s probably a bad idea to depend on it if there’s crucial information you need paramedics, doctors, or other medical professionals to see in an emergency.


First of all, not everyone knows about this feature, so a doctor or paramedic may not think to check your iPhone for it. Second, it’s possible your phone could become damaged or the battery may die. If you need to communicate this information, it’s probably better to do it in the traditional way: By wearing a medical alert bracelet and recording more information on a card in your wallet.

首先,并非所有人都知道此功能,因此医生或护理人员可能不会考虑检查iPhone。 其次,您的手机可能会损坏或电池可能耗尽。 如果您需要传达此信息,则最好以传统方式进行处理:佩戴医疗警报手镯并将更多信息记录在钱包中的卡上。

But, if you’re already wearing such a bracelet—or if you just want to note down a few details, like your emergency contacts and organ donor status—you may want to record this information on your iPhone.


Note that, when you set this up, people will be able to view the medical details you provide from your lock screen without signing in. That’s the whole point! People can access this information even if you’re unconscious.

请注意,进行此设置后,人们无需登录即可从锁定屏幕查看您提供的医疗详细信息。这就是重点! 即使您昏迷,人们也可以访问此信息。

输入您的医疗信息 (Enter Your Medical Information)

This feature is part of the Health app on your iPhone. Once you enter the information in the Health app, it will become available on the lock screen.

此功能是iPhone上“健康”应用程序的一部分。 在“健康”应用程序中输入信息后,该信息将在锁定屏幕上可用。

Launch the Health app and tap the “Medical ID” icon on the bottom to get started. Tap “Create Medical ID” if you haven’t created one yet.

启动Health应用程序,然后点击底部的“ Medical ID”图标以开始使用。 如果尚未创建,请点击“创建医疗ID”。

At the top of the screen, ensure “Show When Locked” is enabled. If you ever want to hide this information from your lock screen, you can disable “Show When Locked” and people won’t be able to see the information without unlocking your phone and opening the Health app.

在屏幕顶部,确保启用“锁定时显示”。 如果您想在锁定屏幕上隐藏此信息,则可以禁用“锁定时显示”,如果不解锁手机并打开Health应用程序,人们将无法看到该信息。

Enter the information you want to share in the boxes provide. Your iPhone will grab your name, photo, and birthday from your Contacts, and you can add medical conditions, notes, allergies and reactions, medications you’re taking, your blood type, whether you’re an organ donor, and your weight and height.

在提供的框中输入您要共享的信息。 您的iPhone将从联系人中获取您的姓名,照片和生日,您可以添加医疗状况,便笺,过敏和React,所服用的药物,您的血型,您是否是器官捐献者以及体重和高度。

You can also select emergency contacts from your iPhone’s contacts and fill in their relation to you. You’ll need to actually add a person to your contacts from elsewhere on the system—via the Phone app, for example—before you can select their name and phone number as an emergency contact.

您还可以从iPhone的联系人中选择紧急联系人,并填写他们与您的关系。 您实际上需要从系统上其他位置(例如,通过“电话”应用程序)将联系人添加到联系人中,然后才能选择其姓名和电话号码作为紧急联系人。

Tap “Done” when you’re finished entering information.


You’ll see your medical ID information displayed under “Medical ID” in the Health app. You can always return to the Health app to change what you entered or add more information later, if you like. Just tap “Edit” at the bottom of the Medical ID card. If you decide you want to erase this sensitive information, you can tap “Delete Medical ID” at the bottom of this screen.

您会在“健康”应用程序的“医疗ID”下看到您的医疗ID信息。 如果愿意,您随时可以返回“健康”应用程序以更改输入的内容或以后添加更多信息。 只需点击医疗身份证底部的“编辑”。 如果您决定要删除此敏感信息,则可以点击此屏幕底部的“删除医疗ID”。

If you want to become an organ donor, Apple helps you register online through Donate Life by selecting the “Organ Donor” option and selecting “Register with Donate Life” or by tapping “Sign Up with Donate Life” on the bottom of the Medical ID screen.

如果您想成为器官捐赠者,Apple可以帮助您通过“ 捐赠生命 ”在线注册,方法是选择“器官捐赠者”选项,选择“以捐赠生命注册”,或点击“医疗ID”底部的“注册以捐赠生命”屏幕。

如何查找某人的医疗身份证 (How to Find Someone’s Medical ID)

If someone has made Medical ID information available on their iPhone’s lock screen, anyone with the phone can access it in a few taps.


Turn on the iPhone by pressing the Power or Home button. From the lock screen, press the Home button again to see the passcode prompt. If your iPhone just signs in immediately, it’s probably because you used a finger registered with Touch ID or because the iPhone doesn’t have a passcode enabled.

按下电源或主页按钮打开iPhone。 在锁定屏幕上,再次按“主页”按钮以查看密码提示。 如果您的iPhone仅立即登录,则可能是因为您使用了已注册Touch ID的手指,或者是因为i​​Phone没有启用密码。

Tap “Emergency” at the bottom left corner of the Enter Passcode screen.


You will see the emergency dialer, which allows you to dial 911 or another number without unlocking the iPhone in an emergency. At the bottom left corner of this screen, tap “Medical ID”.

您会看到紧急拨号器,该拨号器使您可以拨打911或其他号码,而无需在紧急情况下解锁iPhone。 在此屏幕的左下角,点击“ Medical ID”。

If someone hasn’t filled out a Medical ID card or just hasn’t made the information available from the lock screen, you won’t see a Medical ID link on the emergency dialer screen. The bottom left corner of the screen will just be empty and white instead.

如果某人没有填写医疗身份证或只是没有从锁定屏幕提供信息,则您在紧急拨号器屏幕上不会看到医疗身份证链接。 屏幕的左下角将是空白,而是空白。

Anyone who opens this screen can see the medical ID card you filled out in the Health app.


As you can see, this feature is buried a few taps deep on your iPhone. Not everyone knows about it, so not everyone will check to see if you’ve filled out a Medical ID card on your iPhone in an emergency situation.

如您所见,此功能在您的iPhone上隐藏了几处。 并非所有人都知道它,因此并非所有人都会检查以查看您是否在紧急情况下在iPhone上填写了医疗身份证。

Remember, Apple is a company that wants to eliminate the old-fashioned wallet with features like Apple Pay and Wallet app. Medical ID is a piece of that puzzle, especially if many people begin using it. But, for now, it’s no replacement for the traditional methods of making medical information available in an emergency.

请记住,苹果公司是一家希望淘汰具有Apple PayWallet app之类功能的老式钱包。 医疗ID是这个难题的一部分,尤其是如果许多人开始使用它。 但是,到目前为止,它还不能替代在紧急情况下提供医疗信息的传统方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/318192/how-to-show-emergency-medical-information-on-your-iphone/





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