


Google Calendar is undoubtedly a powerful tool for managing everything from appointments to schedules to reminders (and everything in between). As good as it is by default, there are things you can do to make its notification system even better.

毫无疑问,Google日历是一种强大的工具,可用于管理从约会,日程表到提醒(以及介于两者之间的所有内容)的所有内容。 尽管默认情况下很好,但是您可以做一些事情来使其通知系统更好。

While we’re mostly focusing on Calendar’s web settings, some of the tweaks we’re going to talk about can also roll over into the mobile app, so you won’t miss a custom notification just because you’re away from your PC.

虽然我们主要关注Calendar的Web设置 ,但我们将要讨论的一些调整也可以扩展到移动应用程序中,因此您不会因为离开PC而错过自定义通知。

更改Google日历生成通知的方式 (Change How Google Calendar Generates Notifications)

By default, Google Calendar generates a new popup window for event notifications, which is actually kind of annoying. This popup hijacks the screen, so if you’re in the middle of doing something else, it can be very disruptive—in fact, these are called “interruptive alerts.”

默认情况下,Google日历会为事件通知生成一个新的弹出窗口,这实际上很烦人。 此弹出窗口会劫持屏幕,因此,如果您正在做其他事情,那可能会造成破坏性的破坏,实际上,这些被称为“破坏性警报”。

Fortunately, there’s a setting to change the style of notification from a popup to a native Chrome notification. This generates a small tooltip-esque notification in the system tray on Windows or Chrome OS devices.

幸运的是,有一个设置可以将通知样式从弹出窗口更改为本地Chrome通知。 这会在Windows或Chrome操作系统设备上的系统托盘中生成一条类似工具提示的小通知。

To tweak this setting, first click the gear icon just below your profile image on the Calendar webapp, then select “Settings.”

要调整此设置,请先在“ 日历”网络应用上点击个人资料图片正下方的齿轮图标,然后选择“设置”。

From there, look for the “Notifications” section. Enable the “Use browser notifications instead of interruptive alerts” option.

在此处,找到“通知”部分。 启用“使用浏览器通知而不是干扰性警报”选项。

Once enabled, you can also choose to have the browser play a sound if you’d like. Unfortunately, you don’t get to pick the sound.

启用后,您还可以根据需要选择让浏览器播放声音。 不幸的是,您无法选择声音。

Finally, click the “Save” button at the top to make the change stick.


Once enabled, notifications will look like this moving forward:


It’s also worth noting that since this is a web setting, it syncs with your Google account, and will generate this style of notification on all computers you use.


个别日历的调整通知默认值 (Tweak Notification Defaults for Individual Calendars)

Personally, I use multiple calendars within my Gmail account—I have my personal calendar, one for my kids’ appointments, and one for managing my work here at HTG. I don’t necessarily need notifications for every last one of them, so I’m glad Google offers tools to granularly handle notifications.

就个人而言,我在Gmail帐户中使用多个日历-我有个人日历,一个日历用于我的孩子的约会,另一个日历用于管理我在HTG的工作。 我不一定每个通知需要通知,因此我很高兴Google提供了可精细处理通知的工具。

To manage each calendar, first click the gear icon, then choose “Settings.”


From here, click the “Calendars” button at the top.


Your calendars are listed here, with custom settings for each on off to the right. Click “Edit Notifications” to the right of whichever calendar you want to modify.

此处列出了您的日历,每个日历的自定义设置均位于右侧。 点击您要修改的日历右侧的“编辑通知”。

There’s actually a lot to take in on this screen, so here’s a quick breakdown:


  • Event Notifications: Change the default notification setting for newly-added events. The default is 15 minutes before.

    事件通知 :更改新添加事件的默认通知设置。 默认值为15分钟之前。

  • All-Day Event Notifications: This is the default setting for all day events. The default is 11:50 PM the night before, as well as 4:45 PM the day before.

    全天事件通知:这是全天事件的默认设置。 默认值为前一天晚上11:50 PM,以及前一天下午4:45。

  • Shared Event Notification Settings: Toggle email settings for shared events.


These are pretty straightforward, but it’s worth mentioning that you can remove all of the notification settings if you’d like, then control each new event on an as-needed basis. This can be useful if you only occasionally need notifications for events on a particular calendar.

这些非常简单,但是值得一提的是,您可以根据需要删除所有通知设置,然后根据需要控制每个新事件。 如果您仅偶尔需要特定日历上的事件的通知,这将很有用。

To do this, simply click the “remove” button to the right of the event settings.


When finished, don’t forget to click “Save” at the top.


基于每个事件的更改通知 (Change Notifications on a Per-Event Basis)

Not all events are the same, nor do they all require the same amount of notice (if any at all). So there’s also the simplest option here: tweak notification settings as you create events.

并非所有事件都是相同的,也不都是需要相同数量的通知(如果有的话)。 因此,这里还有一个最简单的选项:在创建事件时调整通知设置。

When you create a new event—which you can do on the web by clicking the “Create” button on the left-side pane—there’s a Notification section near the bottom.


You can change the color of the event, as well as the notification settings. This includes adding or removing notifications from this particular event, as well.

您可以更改事件的颜色以及通知设置。 这也包括添加或删除此特定事件的通知。

Note: If you change the calendar for this specific event during creation, it will automatically take on the default notifications you set earlier.


You should also be aware that any changes you make here are specific to this event only. It will not change any of the global defaults for any of your individual calendars. This is nice for when you have an event that’s outside the norm for your usual schedule and want some sort of notice.

您还应该知道,您在此处所做的任何更改特定于此事件。 它不会更改任何单个日历的任何全局默认值。 当您的活动超出了正常计划的正常时间并需要某种形式的通知时,这非常有用。

完全删除日历 (Remove Calendars Completely)

Okay, this one may be deviating slightly from the topic at hand, but we still feel like it’s worth at least noting here.


If you’d like to remove a custom calendar from visibility completely, click the gear icon and choose “Settings.”


Click the “Calendars” button, then disable the “Show in List” option for the calendar you’d like to hide.


Nothing to it.


Without Google Calendar’s events and reminders, I honestly don’t know what I’d do. I mean, aside from never be anywhere I’m supposed to be, and never on time. I love these granular notification controls in Calendar, I’m just ashamed to admit how long it took me to find these settings and actually start using them. Hopefully you won’t suffer that same fate now.

没有Google日历的活动和提醒,老实说,我不知道该怎么办。 我的意思是,除了永远不在我应该去的地方,而且永远不要准时。 我喜欢Calendar中的这些细粒度的通知控件,我很ham愧地承认我发现这些设置并开始真正使用它们花了多长时间。 希望您现在不会遭受同样的命运。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41498/how-to-take-control-of-calendar-reminders-in-gmail/


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