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翻译 表格中怎么设置成相同的底纹_如何在Google表格中替换行或列底纹

表格中怎么设置成相同的底纹If you want to make your Google Sheets spreadsheet easier to read, you can apply alternate shading to rows or columns. We’ll walk you through it! 如果要使您的Google表格电子表格更易于阅读,则可以将替代阴影应用于行或列。 ...

2020-09-27 09:25:08 2484

翻译 如何在Windows 10上将窗口移动到另一个虚拟桌面

If you often use virtual desktops in Windows 10 to manage your workspaces, you might find that keeping track of windows between them can sometimes be a hassle. Luckily, Windows makes it easy to move w...

2020-09-27 08:44:44 4946

翻译 如何在Apple Watch上设置睡眠跟踪

Justin Duino 贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino) Sleep tracking is natively available on all Apple Watches Series 3 and newer. It’s an automatic feature that tracks data when you go to bed while wearing the smartwa...

2020-09-27 08:24:04 5040

翻译 discord linux_如何在Discord上使用文本转语音

discord linuxWhile Discord is a great platform for voice communication, you might not be able to (or want to) speak with your own voice. To get around the problem, you can use Discord’s built-in text-...

2020-09-27 07:33:12 1053

翻译 在Ubuntu Linux上设置OpenSSH服务器

Setting up an SSH server on Ubuntu is about as simple as it gets. The server of choice is OpenSSH. 在Ubuntu上设置SSH服务器非常简单。 选择的服务器是OpenSSH。 Run this command from a terminal window: 从终端窗口运行以下命令: sudo ...

2020-09-27 06:54:01 396

翻译 在Windows XP Home / Professional上自动登录

If your Windows XP installation forces you to login every time you reboot, you can automate the login process easily so that you won’t have to login again. 如果Windows XP安装在每次重新启动时都强制您登录,则可以轻松地自动执行登录过程...

2020-09-27 06:16:09 310

翻译 在Ubuntu的右键菜单中添加“使用gedit打开”

The file browser in Ubuntu provides the ability to run scripts on a selected file. These scripts can be used to do anything from opening a file to zipping or uploading, or anything that you can do fro...

2020-09-27 05:37:37 1130

翻译 vba 防止pc屏幕锁定_锁定Windows 10 PC的10种方法

vba 防止pc屏幕锁定Locking your Windows 10 PC is the best way to secure your computer when you step away. This won’t quit or interrupt any running applications, and you have to type your PIN or password to g...

2020-09-27 04:57:00 1673

翻译 如何阻止iTunes在Windows 10上自动打开

Have you ever wanted to charge your iPhone or iPad using a cable hooked to your Windows 10 PC, but every time you plug it in, iTunes starts up? It can get annoying pretty quickly. Here’s how to fix it...

2020-09-27 04:37:13 942

翻译 禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上禁用商店应用更新通知

禁用windows10更新By default, Windows 10 displays notification pop-ups when the Store automatically installs app updates. You’ll see a notification saying an app “Just got updated, check it out.” If you’d ...

2020-09-27 03:48:41 748

翻译 在Solaris上获取主机ID号

On Solaris, the hostid is similar to the hostname. To determine the hostid of a Solaris box, there are a couple of options to follow. 在Solaris上,主机标识类似于主机名。 要确定Solaris框的hostid,可以使用以下两个选项。 sysdef -h ...

2020-09-27 03:08:36 298

翻译 ubuntu rpm软件包_在Ubuntu Linux上安装RPM软件包

ubuntu rpm软件包Installing software on Ubuntu usually entails using Synaptic or by using an apt-get command from the terminal. Unfortunately, there are still a number of packages out there that are only ...

2020-09-27 02:58:33 1531

翻译 禁用音频CD和USB驱动器的自动播放

I find it very annoying when I go home from work and plug my laptop into my external hard drive… The autoplay window always pops up and asks me what I want to do with the files, which may be fine the ...

2020-09-27 01:51:33 226

翻译 如何保存Google Chrome标签页以备后用

When you’re researching online, you might come across multiple pages you want to refer back to later. Instead of leaving them open and wasting precious resources, you can use the following methods to ...

2020-09-27 00:42:04 3101

翻译 airdrop搜不到对方_如何在Mac的Finder中将AirDrop添加到收藏夹侧边栏

airdrop搜不到对方Apple’s AirDrop is a handy way to transfer files between Macs, iPhones, and iPads. By default, it usually sits in the Favorites sidebar in Finder on macOS, but it can easily be removed by ...

2020-09-26 23:21:10 1539

翻译 在ubuntu上使用gui_使用软件源GUI工具更新Ubuntu存储库列表

在ubuntu上使用guiUbuntu’s software package installation uses a list of repositories that house the various updates and software that you can install. By default, the repository list doesn’t include a lot ...

2020-09-26 23:02:20 477

翻译 iphone 屏幕_如何停止iPhone上的意外屏幕截图

iphone 屏幕If tiny images keep appearing in the corner of your iPhone’s screen, or you keep finding strange pics in the Photos library, you’re probably accidentally taking screenshots. To avoid this pro...

2020-09-26 22:21:35 1724

翻译 airdrop 是 蓝牙吗_什么是Android附近共享,它像AirDrop一样工作吗?

airdrop 是 蓝牙吗Android安卓系统 AirDrop is an Apple feature that lets you quickly and wirelessly transfer photos, links, and more between iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Google has a competing product on Android c...

2020-09-26 21:23:41 515

翻译 在Windows Vista中启用隐藏的BootScreen

The Windows Vista BootScreen is pointless, but Microsoft decided to hide a more visually appealing boot screen that can easily be enabled with very little trouble. I’m not sure why they didn’t make th...

2020-09-26 21:03:45 282

翻译 chrome禁用缓存_如何查找和禁用资源匮乏的Chrome扩展程序

chrome禁用缓存Google Chrome is a resource-intensive browser. You might be used to closing tabs to free up RAM, but extensions run constantly in the background and take a lot of resources. Here’s how to fi...

2020-09-26 20:05:40 439

翻译 outlook gmail_将您的Gmail帐户添加到Outlook 2007

outlook gmailEverybody loves Gmail, but some people use a desktop client, especially in corporate environments where Outlook is king. Adding your Gmail account to Outlook 2007 couldn’t be easier. 每个人...

2020-09-26 18:16:09 704

翻译 vista磁盘使用100%_减少Vista中系统还原的磁盘使用量

vista磁盘使用100%The System Restore feature in Windows Vista is very important to keep enabled, what with all the problems Vista users are having with compatibility. Even so, the disk usage can get out of...

2020-09-26 18:05:33 186

翻译 在Ubuntu中使用Unrar修复“需要密码”错误

If you’ve tried to use the built-in “Extract Here” functionality in Ubuntu’sFile Rollerto extract either a single or a multi-part zip or rar file and ended up with a “Password required” error, then ...

2020-09-26 17:27:08 419

翻译 图标缓存 vista_在Windows Vista上隐藏回收站图标文本

图标缓存 vistaThe recycle bin is really obvious. We’ve been seeing the same thing since Windows 95, so having text on the icon to tell us what it is seems a little unnecessary. With a little registry patc...

2020-09-26 17:07:17 136

翻译 更改Windows 7或Vista电源按钮以关闭/睡眠/Hibernate

The default action for the Power button on the start menuin Windows 7 is shutdown, and in Vista is Sleep, which isn’t necessarily useful for everybody, so we’ll explain how to change it here. Window...

2020-09-26 16:16:53 698

翻译 老版启用aero_在Windows Vista中启用慢动作Aero动画

老版启用aeroThis tip really isn’t very useful, but it’s an interesting hack to show your friends.You can enable a “Slow Motion” animation that will only activate if you are holding down the Shift key whi...

2020-09-26 16:06:44 295

翻译 xp电脑系统还原脚本_在XP中使用系统还原

xp电脑系统还原脚本Windows is well-known for having driver and .dll conflicts, as well as all sorts of software that causes problems with your computer. Luckily there’s a System restore feature that can return...

2020-09-26 15:46:30 206

翻译 pcie预取 不预取_快速提示:关闭Firefox中的预取

pcie预取 不预取Firefox has a spooky feature called “Prefetching” that downloads pages that it thinks you are going to click on. (note: this is a good excuse for how those pages ended up in your history). I...

2020-09-26 15:15:34 133

翻译 键盘忍者:将热键分配给任何窗口

When I need to perform a repetitive task such as checking my email or switching to an open IM window,the quickest option is to assign a hotkey directly to the window, so I can togglethe window minim...

2020-09-26 14:54:11 213

翻译 Windows 7或Vista Explorer的“上”键盘快捷键

The new Explorer window in Windows 7 and Vista doesn’t have an Up button, which drives me completely batty. Thankfully I found a keyboard shortcut replacement. Windows 7和Vista中新的“资源管理器”窗口没有“向上”按钮,这使我...

2020-09-26 14:33:22 136

翻译 vista任务管理器_在Windows Vista资源管理器中禁用“收藏夹链接”面板

vista任务管理器If you dislike the new Favorite Links panel in the Windows Vista Explorer panel, you might not realize that it’s really called the Navigation Pane, and it’s extremely simple to turn off. 如...

2020-09-26 13:24:34 147

翻译 Shell Geek:一次重命名多个文件

Let’s say you have a directory with hundreds of files with the wrong file names, and you’d like to replace every filename containing test with prod. (this is a contrived example). We can easily do thi...

2020-09-26 12:45:02 166

翻译 使用Outlook 2007的即时搜索查找带有附件的电子邮件

The Instant Search box in Outlook 2007 is a huge improvement over previous versions of Outlook, but remembering all the search operators can be a little difficult, so here’s a quick one that I use all...

2020-09-26 10:12:32 426

翻译 unity点击物件出现物件_小物件,小工具和小部件噢,噢!

unity点击物件出现物件Call them what you want Gadgets, Widgets, Gizmo’s … but what they are is stupid. I have not found a single gadget that is anything but annoying. None of these little eye candy toys do a...

2020-09-26 09:23:27 187

翻译 火狐浏览器更新后书签丢失_更改Firefox中实时书签的更新间隔

火狐浏览器更新后书签丢失If you are a fan of the Live Bookmarks feature, you might wonder how to make them update quicker since the default update time is once per hour, and there isn’t a place in the interface to...

2020-09-26 07:43:37 1452

翻译 创建终极Firefox Web开发配置文件

When properly configured, Firefox can become the ultimate web development tool, giving you direct access to the page you are working on so you can style your page in real-time, debug javascript or eve...

2020-09-26 07:12:37 200

翻译 找出哪些关键字通过Google Analytics(分析)将访问者带到您的网站

Note: This article is was for the prior version of Analytics 注意:本文适用于旧版Google Analytics(分析) Google Analytics is a wonderful free tool for webmasters to track stats. The only problem with it is that ...

2020-09-26 06:12:14 409

翻译 vim 显示语法_在Vim中禁用语法突出显示

vim 显示语法I’m the type of geek that always has an open ssh session connected to my servers, but ever since I switched to using a Mac running OS X, I noticed a huge annoyance in my terminal… the syntax h...

2020-09-26 06:02:15 501

翻译 oracle禁用索引_改进性能禁用索引服务XP

oracle禁用索引According to Microsoft’s own knowledge base there are several issues with the Indexing Service used in XP to provide the so called “faster searching”. I believe there is a good deal of resou...

2020-09-26 05:32:42 233

翻译 Firefox:使用MozBackup备份所有内容

In a typical day I will use up to 8 different PC’s. When I am on these machines I want all of my custom settings to be there for me. Having a user profile on a Windows machine is easy. However, wha...

2020-09-26 02:51:59 572



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