


It happens to the best of us. You’re minding your own business and then bam–somebody adds you to a group Facebook chat for planning the office potluck, spamming your inbox with constant nofications. Here’s how to put a lid on them.

它发生在我们最好的人身上。 你干好你自己,然后砰一声 -somebody将您添加到组的Facebook聊天规划办公室聚餐,恒nofications垃圾邮件收件箱。 这是盖上盖子的方法。

If you don’t frequently use the group chat function on Facebook, it likely surprised you how fast being added to one becomes a nuisance. When there are a many (if not dozens) of people included in the group chat if each person sends only a few messages to the group a day that’s still dozens and dozens of notifications chiming on your computer or popping up on your phone.

如果您不经常在Facebook上使用群聊功能,可能会令您惊讶,添加到其中的速度是如此令人讨厌。 当群聊中包含很多(如果不是几十个人)时,如果每个人每天只向群发几条消息,则仍然有数十条通知在您的计算机上响起或在手机上弹出。

Let’s look at how you can quiet things down using both the Facebook web interface as well as the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile device.

让我们看看如何使用Facebook Web界面以及移动设备上的Facebook Messenger应用程序使一切安静。

从Facebook.com管理群聊 (Managing Group Chat From Facebook.com)

To manage your chat notifications from the Facebook web interface, log into your Facebook account and look for the chat icon on the right side of the navigation bar. Click on the chat icon and then click on the entry for the group chat you wish to mute.

要从Facebook Web界面管理您的聊天通知,请登录您的Facebook帐户,然后在导航栏的右侧查找聊天图标。 单击聊天图标,然后单击您要静音的群聊条目。

Down in the bottom right corner of your browser pane, you will now see the chat box for that conversation. Click on the gear icon in the chat box header and then select “Mute Conversation”.

现在,在浏览器窗格的右下角,您将看到该对话的聊天框。 单击聊天框标题中的齿轮图标,然后选择“静音对话”。

Here you can select how long you wish to mute the conversation. If you just want to silence the chatter about an upcoming event while you’re in a meeting, the “1 Hour” setting might suffice, until the morning “Until 8 AM”, and if you’d like to keep up with the conversation on your own time without notifications “Until you turn it back on”.

在这里,您可以选择要静音多长时间。 如果您仅想在会议中使即将进行的活动的讨论保持沉默,则“ 1小时”设置可能就足够了,直到早晨“直到8 AM”为止,并且您想跟上对话的进行即可无需通知您“直到将其重新打开”。

Whatever choice you make here will also apply to your message notifications via Facebook Messenger on your mobile device.

您在此处所做的任何选择也将适用于通过移动设备上的Facebook Messenger进行的消息通知。

从Facebook Messenger管理群聊 (Managing Group Chat From Facebook Messenger)

Muting a conversation in Facebook’s mobile app, Messenger, is more or less the same process (with a bit more granularity over how long the mute should last for). To mute a conversation in Facebook Messenger, fire up the app and select the conversation you wish to mute.

在Facebook的移动应用Messenger中将会话静音或多或少是相同的过程(在静音应持续的时间上要有更多的粒度)。 要使Facebook Messenger中的会话静音,请启动该应用并选择您要静音的会话。

After selecting the conversation, click on the title bar of the conversation (which lists off the participants like “Steve Smith, John Adams, Mark…”).


In the resulting “Group” settings menu, select the entry for “Notifications”.


Here, just like on the Facebook webpage, you can select how long you’d like to mute the conversation. The only minor difference is that instead of 1 hour, until the morning, or indefinitely, you can mute the conversation in small increments of 15 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours, or until you enable the notifications again.

在这里,就像在Facebook网页上一样,您可以选择要静音多长时间。 唯一的细微差别是,您可以以15分钟,1小时,8小时,24小时的小增量而不是1小时,直到早上或无限期地使对话静音,或者直到再次启用通知为止。

Tap your selection and you’re done.


With just a minor tweak you can go from being very annoyed by a constant stream of notifications to helping plan Great Grandma’s surprise birthday party on your own, uninterrupted, terms.

只需进行一些细微的调整,您就可以从不断收到通知的烦恼中解脱出来,帮助您按照自己的计划而不间断地计划Great Grandma的惊喜生日派对。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/264926/how-to-mute-group-conversations-on-facebook-temporarily-or-permanently/






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