



There are a thousand potential reasons your Mac is having problems. Maybe an application is hogging resources. Maybe your hard drive is failing. Or maybe you’ve got malware. EtreCheck is a free program that runs over 50 diagnostics on your Mac, then gives you a tidy report outlining all of them—so you know where to start looking.

您的Mac出现问题有千种潜在原因。 也许应用程序正在占用资源。 也许您的硬盘驱动器出现故障。 也许您有恶意软件。 EtreCheck是一个免费程序,可以在Mac上运行50多个诊断程序,然后为您提供简洁的报告,概述所有诊断程序-因此您知道从哪里开始寻找。

This is not one of those scam tools that promises to “clean up your Mac.” It’s a true diagnostic: It gives you a report on what might be wrong, and leaves the actual fixes up to you. For power users, the benefit here is immediately obvious, but even for beginners this is useful. Send this report to your IT person and they’ll have a good idea of what’s going on, and what the solutions might look like.

这不是保证“清理Mac”的那些骗局工具之一。 这是一个真正的诊断:它会为您提供可能出问题的报告,而实际的解决方法则由您自己决定。 对于高级用户来说,这里的好处是显而易见的,但是即使对于初学者,这也是有用的。 将此报告发送给您的IT人员,他们将对正在发生的事情以及解决方案的外观有很好的了解。

To get started, head to and download the program. It comes in a ZIP file, which you can unarchive on your Mac simply by opening it. Drag the icon to your Applications folder.

首先,请访问EtreCheck.com并下载程序。 它以ZIP文件形式提供,您只需打开即可在Mac上取消存档。 将图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中。


When you run the application, you’ll be asked what’s currently wrong with your computer. Fill this in, if you like. The information won’t be sent anywhere, but will be included in the report, which is potentially useful if you plan on sending the report to your IT person.

运行应用程序时,系统将询问您计算机当前存在什么问题。 如果愿意,请填写。 信息不会发送到任何地方,而是会包含在报告中,如果您打算将报告发送给IT人员,这可能很有用。

Next, Etrecheck will scan your computer. First it will look over the hardware:

接下来,Etrecheck将扫描您的计算机。 首先,它将查看硬件:


Then, it will look over your software, one app at a time:



The entire scan will take a few minutes, so go ahead and clean the dishes or something. You’ll hear a notification sound when the report is complete, and be presented with the following window.

整个扫描将需要几分钟,因此请继续清洁餐具或其他物品。 报告完成后,您会听到通知声音,并显示以下窗口。


The report does a great job of explaining itself. It starts with a full summary of your computer, complete with official Apple links to the technical specifications, user guide, and warranty information for your exact model.

该报告很好地说明了自己。 它以您的计算机的完整摘要开始,并带有Apple的官方链接,这些链接指向您的确切型号的技术规格,用户指南和保修信息。

Scroll down and you’ll start seeing the actual reports. Every section has a bolded header, beside which you’ll see an information icon. Click this to see a plain language explanation of what information the section offers.

向下滚动,您将开始看到实际的报告。 每个部分都有一个加粗的标题,在旁边您会看到一个信息图标。 单击此以查看该部分提供的信息的简单语言说明。


As you read the report, you’ll notice some text is red. Pay attention to these lines, because Etrecheck uses red text to point out potential problems. For example, the screenshot below shows that my boot drive is getting pretty close to full.

阅读报告时,您会注意到一些文本为红色。 请注意这些行,因为Etrecheck使用红色文本指出潜在的问题。 例如,下面的屏幕快照显示我的启动驱动器快要满了。


This isn’t causing me any problems right now, but it could if I let things get much worse. I should probably free up some space on my Mac. As you can see, I can also read the complete SMART report for my hard drives from here.

现在这不会给我造成任何问题,但是如果我让情况变得更糟的话,可能会造成问题。 我应该释放Mac上的一些空间 。 如您所见,我还可以从此处阅读有关硬盘驱动器的完整SMART报告

You’re not going to know what a lot of the information in this report means, even if you’re a fairly advanced Mac user. For this reason, Etrecheck puts a clickable “Support” button beside nearly every line in the report.

即使您是相当高级的Mac用户,您也不会知道此报告中的很多信息意味着什么。 因此,Etrecheck在报告中几乎每行旁边都放置了一个可单击的“支持”按钮。


Clicking this will run a web search for the problem in question. In the above case, the problem was a program I installed a few years ago trying and failing to launch a daemon. That’s not a huge problem, but it’s probably best for me to clean this and a few other broken daemons.

单击此按钮将对问题进行网络搜索。 在上述情况下,问题是我几年前安装的程序,尝试启动守护程序失败。 这不是一个大问题,但是对我来说,最好清理这个和其他一些损坏的守护程序。

Keep scrolling and you’ll see all sorts of information. If your computer is running an daemons or applications that Etrecheck doesn’t recognize, those will be pointed out. If your Mac has malware, the malware will be pointed out, and the program can even delete it directly. If any of your hardware is broken, that will also be pointed out.

继续滚动,您会看到各种信息。 如果您的计算机运行的是Etrecheck无法识别的守护程序或应用程序,则会指出这些守护程序或应用程序。 如果您的Mac有恶意软件 ,则会指出该恶意软件,该程序甚至可以直接将其删除。 如果您的任何硬件损坏,也将指出。

Again, Etrecheck can’t fix your computer—outside of removing malware, all it offers is information. But if you want to know what’s going on with your Mac, this is one of the best tools out there for the job.

同样,Etrecheck无法修复您的计算机-除删除恶意软件外,它提供的仅仅是信息。 但是,如果您想知道Mac发生了什么,这是完成任务的最佳工具之一。







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