
Finding the right type of dedicated server hosting can be a bewildering process. With so many options available, it’s easy to be baffled by all the components, configurations and specifications on offer. Even the jargon can be difficult to understand. To help make things easier, this post will try to explain the choices you have and the things you need to consider when choosing dedicated server hosting for your business.     

寻找合适类型的专用服务器托管可能是一个令人困惑的过程。 可用的选项太多,很容易被所提供的所有组件,配置和规格所困扰。 甚至术语也很难理解。 为了使事情变得容易,本文将尝试解释您的选择以及为企业选择专用服务器托管时需要考虑的事项。

了解您公司的需求 (Understanding your company’s needs )

Before you start looking for a server, it is essential that you have a thorough understanding of your company’s IT needs. If you don’t, you may end up with a server that either lacks the storage or performance you require or one that is too big and powerful and which you are paying for and not really using. After all, there is no point buying a Mini if you want to move furniture and no point getting an articulated lorry to deliver pizzas. 

在开始寻找服务器之前,必须对公司的IT需求有透彻的了解。 如果不这样做,您最终可能会遇到一台服务器,该服务器缺少所需的存储或性能,或者是一台太大而功能强大的服务器,您需要付费而不是真正使用它。 毕竟,如果您想搬家家具,那就没有必要购买Mini了,也没有必要让一辆铰接的卡车来运送比萨饼。

When considering a server, make a realistic assessment of your company’s requirements now and over the next few years and, at the same time, think carefully about what you can comfortably afford to pay for your hosting during that period.


In doing this, take account of the amount of traffic you expect your website to get each month, the amount of data you will need to store and process and whether there are any other applications you want to run on your server. All of these can have an impact on the size of your hard drive and the amount of processing power your server will need. 

在执行此操作时,请考虑您希望网站每个月获得的流量,需要存储和处理的数据量以及是否要在服务器上运行任何其他应用程序。 所有这些都会影响硬盘驱动器的大小以及服务器所需的处理能力。

Another factor will be the types of application you run. If you work with content management systems, such as WordPress or Magento, this can have an effect on the type of operating system (i.e., Linux or Windows) you need to choose. This is the same for many apps that are created for specific OS. Price is also a factor here. Linux is a free to use, open-source software whereas Windows is a licensed product. This often means that Windows-based servers are more expensive. In addition, many of the apps that run on Linux are also free to use, so this option can be significantly cheaper overall.      

另一个因素将是您运行的应用程序的类型。 如果您使用诸如WordPress或Magento之类的内容管理系统,这可能会影响您需要选择的操作系统类型(例如Linux或Windows)。 对于为特定操作系统创建的许多应用程序,这都是相同的。 价格也是这里的一个因素。 Linux是免费使用的开源软件,而Windows是许可产品。 这通常意味着基于Windows的服务器更加昂贵。 此外,许多在Linux上运行的应用程序也可以免费使用,因此,此选项总体上可以便宜得多。

Two of the things that many people get confused about are CPU cores and the difference between SSD and HDD hard drives. It is important to understand how these components can affect your hosting both in terms of performance and cost. CPU cores are processors, similar to the ones in your laptop or phone, which do the computing work of the server. Essentially, the more cores you have, the more processing your server can do at any one time. In this sense, they improve performance by speeding things up. SSDs, the new generation of hard drives, are far more reliable and significantly faster at being read and written to than traditional HDD drives. However, they are more expensive than HDDs and often have smaller storage capacity.  

许多人感到困惑的两件事是CPU内核以及SSD和HDD硬盘驱动器之间的区别。 重要的是要了解这些组件如何影响性能和成本方面的托管。 CPU内核是类似于笔记本电脑或手机中的处理器的处理器,它们负责服务器的计算工作。 从本质上讲,您拥有的内核越多,服务器一次可以完成的处理越多。 从这个意义上讲,它们通过加快速度来提高性能。 与传统的HDD驱动器相比,作为新一代硬盘驱动器的SSD更可靠,读写速度更快。 但是,它们比HDD昂贵,并且通常具有较小的存储容量。

托管或非托管主机 (Managed or unmanaged hosting)

Upgrading to a dedicated server from shared hosting or a VPS can mean you need to have a more hands-on involvement in the technical side of running a server. Typical management responsibilities include updating the operating system and applications, installing security patches, making backups, uptime monitoring, firewall configuration and antivirus/malware protection. 

从共享主机或VPS升级到专用服务器可能意味着您需要更多地动手操作服务器的技术方面。 典型的管理职责包括更新操作系统和应用程序,安装安全补丁,进行备份,正常运行时间监视,防火墙配置以及防病毒/恶意软件保护。

Undertaking these things can be challenging for companies that do not have the in-house expertise and employing someone with the necessary skills, or even training them up, can be expensive. However, one solution would be to opt for managed hosting where the web host would undertake these tasks on your behalf as well as ensuring that the physical server was maintained. Overall, managed hosting is less expensive than paying for it in-house and it frees staff up to work on more business-focused tasks.

对于没有内部专业知识的公司而言,采取这些措施可能会具有挑战性,而雇用具有必要技能的人员甚至培训他们可能会很昂贵。 但是,一种解决方案是选择托管主机,其中Web主机将代您执行这些任务,并确保维护物理服务器。 总体而言,托管托管比内部购买便宜,而且可以释放员工的精力来处理更多以业务为中心的任务。

SEO和安全性 (SEO and security)

In addition to providing greater storage and processing capacity, you’ll also want your dedicated server to help boost the fortunes of your website and attract new customers. Key to this is improving the speed of your website, which search engines use as a ranking factor, and dedicated servers can be helpful in achieving this. Simply increasing the processing capacity of your server can be one way to speed up loading times but hosting that includes faster SSD hard drives and load balancing can boost site speed even more.

除了提供更大的存储和处理能力之外,您还需要专用的服务器来帮助提升网站的财富并吸引新客户。 这样做的关键是提高网站的速度,搜索引擎将其用作排名因素,而专用服务器可以帮助您实现这一目标。 仅仅增加服务器的处理能力可以是缩短加载时间的一种方法,但是包含更快的SSD硬盘和负载平衡的托管可以进一步提高站点速度。

Website and server security are essential for all businesses so it is critical that any hosting you choose provides the best means to keep your company protected. SSL certificates, that encrypt online payment data, are vital requirements – not only to safeguard customers but because, without them, browsers label your website as ‘not secure’. At the same time, you want your host to provide protection against DDoS, intrusion and malware.

网站和服务器的安全性对于所有企业而言都是至关重要的,因此,至关重要的是,您选择的任何托管服务都应提供最佳方法来保护公司的安全。 加密在线支付数据的SSL证书是至关重要的要求–不仅是为了保护客户,还因为没有它们,浏览器会将您的网站标记为“不安全”。 同时,您希望您的主机提供针对DDoS,入侵和恶意软件的保护。

结论 (Conclusion)

Dedicated servers provide companies with the storage capacity and processing power needed to take their websites and IT systems to the next level. However, it is important that you understand your requirements and consider the financial costs before deciding which type of server is best for you. At the same time, you’ll need to think about whether you want a managed hosting solution or whether to undertake the management in-house. Hopefully, this post will have given you a better insight into the choices that need to be made.

专用服务器为公司提供了将其网站和IT系统提升到新水平所需的存储容量和处理能力。 但是,在决定哪种服务器最适合您之前,了解您的要求并考虑财务成本非常重要。 同时,您需要考虑是否要使用托管托管解决方案或是否要进行内部管理。 希望这篇文章能使您更好地了解需要做出的选择。

If you are considering a dedicated server, check out our dedicated server solutions.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-find-the-right-dedicated-server-hosting-for-your-business/





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