混合云 数据迁移_如何保护混合云数据

混合云 数据迁移

Data loss can be devastating for a business, affecting operations, damaging reputations and leading to significant fines. For this reason, it is absolutely critical that those with hybrid cloud systems fully understand how to keep their data safe. In this post, we’ll explain how this can be done.

数据丢失可能对企业造成毁灭性影响,影响运营,损害声誉并导致巨额罚款。 因此,拥有混合云系统的人员完全了解如何确保其数据安全至关重要。 在这篇文章中,我们将解释如何做到这一点。

人身安全 (Physical security)

One key area of data protection is physical security; making sure data is not lost through power failure, natural disasters, accidents, loss or theft. To do this, datacentres are often located away from other buildings to reduce the risk of fire spreading and have more than one backup power supply available. They also have backup communications systems and secure physical security such as human patrols, access control, secure fencing and CCTV. The location of all devices is also monitored, as is logical access. The scale of this physical security is far more robust than most businesses can afford in protecting a much smaller datacentre on their own premises.

数据保护的关键领域之一是物理安全性。 确保数据不会因断电,自然灾害,事故,丢失或被盗而丢失。 为此,数据中心通常位于远离其他建筑物的位置,以减少火灾蔓延的风险,并具有多个备用电源。 它们还具有备用通信系统和安全的物理安全性,例如人员巡逻,访问控制,安全围栏和闭路电视。 还监视所有设备的位置,以及逻辑访问。 这种物理安全性的规模远比大多数企业在自己的场所保护一个小得多的数据中心所能承受的强大。

In the event that the datacentre itself is compromised, perhaps due to a natural disaster like a flood or earthquake, cloud providers remotely store backup copies of data at other datacentres and have enough inbuilt redundancy to continue service so that the data remains available.


设备故障,人为错误和损坏 (Device failure, human error and corruption)

Three common causes of data loss are device failure, human error and corruption from malware. One of the advantages of using hybrid-cloud is that data is dispersed across multiple machines managed by the cloud provider. If a failed drive occurs, the end user won’t even notice, a backup can be initiated immediately to maintain data availability. At the same time, for improved protection, it is possible to configure storage so that data cannot be erased, ensuring that saved files are always available for recovery.

数据丢失的三种常见原因是设备故障,人为错误和恶意软件破坏。 使用混合云的优势之一是数据分散在由云提供商管理的多台计算机之间。 如果发生故障的驱动器,最终用户甚至都不会注意到,可以立即启动备份以保持数据可用性。 同时,为了提高保护水平,可以配置存储以使数据无法擦除,从而确保已保存的文件始终可用于恢复。

灾难恢复 (Disaster recovery)

Having a disaster recovery strategy is essential for any business, ensuring that in the event of a disaster, it can be back online as soon as possible. Today, many businesses use two separate storage systems to put this into place, one for primary storage and another for backup and recovery. For those using a hybrid cloud model, there is no need to do this as the same cloud storage can be used for both primary storage and for disaster recovery backup.

制定灾难恢复策略对于任何企业都是必不可少的,以确保在发生灾难时可以尽快恢复在线。 如今,许多企业使用两个单独的存储系统来实现这一目的,一个用于主存储,另一个用于备份和恢复。 对于那些使用混合云模型的用户,无需这样做,因为可以将相同的云存储用于主存储和灾难恢复备份。

An additional advantage is that the storage architecture used in the hybrid cloud puts data into a single store, preventing multiple copies of files being stored on separate file servers. This cuts storage costs and eradicates the problems of having different versions of the same file being stored in different places. A hybrid cloud storage service is not only able to support file-level restore, it can also, when used with versioning, enable users to access earlier file versions if they are needed.

另一个优势是,混合云中使用的存储体系结构将数据放入单个存储中,从而防止了文件的多个副本存储在单独的文件服务器上。 这降低了存储成本,并消除了将同一文件的不同版本存储在不同位置的问题。 混合云存储服务不仅能够支持文件级还原,而且在与版本控制一起使用时,还可以使用户在需要时访问较早的文件版本。

防止数据泄露的安全性 (Security from data breach)

Data breach is a significant issue for businesses and, with the advent of GDPR, could result in enormous fines. Key areas of weakness are phishing attacks and social engineering, especially where staff have saved restricted data to their personal cloud storage accounts such as Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive.

数据泄露对企业来说是一个重要问题,随着GDPR的到来,可能会导致巨额罚款。 弱点的关键领域是网络钓鱼攻击和社会工程,尤其是在员工已将受限数据保存到其个人云存储帐户(例如Dropbox,OneDrive或Google Drive)的地方。

There a number of problems caused when staff use their personal accounts to save company data. Firstly, these personal accounts rarely offer the encryption needed to keep data secure and secondly, the company has no knowledge of what data has been shared or who with. Thirdly, the saving of data in this manner can be a violation of regulatory compliance.

员工使用个人帐户保存公司数据时,会引起许多问题。 首先,这些个人帐户很少提供确保数据安全所需的加密,其次,公司不知道共享了哪些数据或与谁共享数据。 第三,以这种方式保存数据可能违反法规。

While rarely malicious, these human errors are a serious threat to data security. However, by using a hybrid cloud architecture the threat can be minimised. Cloud services can provide at-rest and in transit encryption while employing ID and device management technology to limit how files can be shared and to prevent employees saving data to personal accounts. If a data breach does occur, accurate logging ensures that it will be easier to trace the source and speed up recovery.

这些人为错误虽然极少是恶意的,但却是对数据安全性的严重威胁。 但是,通过使用混合云架构,可以将威胁降到最低。 云服务可以提供静态和在途加密,同时采用ID和设备管理技术来限制文件的共享方式并防止员工将数据保存到个人帐户。 如果确实发生数据泄露,则准确的日志记录可确保更轻松地跟踪源并加快恢复速度。

持续的安全 (Ongoing security)

As new threats appear all the time, there is never a point at which your data is fully secure; you should always remain vigilant. To do this, regularly check that your platform has all the security features it needs and that it remains compliant with changes in regulations. You should also ensure that your cloud service provider does the same.

随着新威胁不断出现,您的数据将永远不会受到完全保护。 您应该始终保持警惕。 为此,请定期检查您的平台是否具有所需的所有安全功能,以及其是否符合法规的更改。 您还应确保您的云服务提供商执行相同的操作。

结论 (Conclusion)

Hybrid cloud offers one of the most secure solutions for businesses, providing physical security and an end to end architecture that protects data at rest and as it moves between locations. Importantly, it does this in a more affordable way than can be achieved in an on-site datacentre. Public cloud providers, for example, can use big data and AI to monitor cloud systems for threats and vulnerabilities on a scale that would be too costly for most businesses to do on-site.

混合云为企业提供了最安全的解决方案之一,它提供物理安全性和端到端架构,可保护静态数据以及在位置之间移动时的数据。 重要的是,它比现场数据中心更经济实惠。 例如,公共云提供商可以使用大数据和AI来监视云系统中的威胁和漏洞,其规模对于大多数企业而言实在太昂贵了。

If you are looking for secure cloud storage as part of your hybrid solution, check out our cloud hosting solutions.



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-protect-hybrid-cloud-data/

混合云 数据迁移

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