

Google takes over 200 things into consideration when calculating which order to show web pages in its search results. The most important of these are called the ‘core ranking factors’. To be successful on Google, it is important that you know what these factors are and that your site is optimised for them. This post will identify the six main core ranking factors and show you what actions you need to take when optimising your website.

在计算在搜索结果中显示网页的顺序时,Google会考虑200多种因素。 其中最重要的被称为“核心排名因素”。 要在Google上取得成功,重要的是要了解这些因素是什么,并且针对这些因素对您的网站进行优化。 这篇文章将确定六个主要的核心排名因素,并向您展示优化网站时需要采取的措施。


1.创建高质量的内容 (1. Create high-quality content)

At the top of Google’s list of criteria is high-quality content. For Google to remain the world’s leading search engine, the search results it provides have to be seen as useful by its users. If it sends people to sites with low-quality content, users will abandon it in favour of Bing and Yahoo and it will lose billions in revenue. For this reason, sites with high-quality content will always get ranked higher than other sites.

Google的标准列表的顶部是高质量的内容。 为了使Google保持世界领先的搜索引擎,它所提供的搜索结果必须被用户视为有用。 如果它将人们带到内容质量低劣的网站,则用户将放弃它,而使用Bing和Yahoo,它将损失数十亿美元的收入。 因此,具有高质量内容的网站将始终获得比其他网站更高的排名。

The problem for Google is that it’s difficult for it to judge what is or isn’t high-quality content. As the decision is made by an algorithm and not a team of expert human readers, the only way for Google to find quality content is to take a range of other factors into consideration. These include:

对于Google而言,问题在于,很难判断什么是高质量内容,什么不是高质量内容。 由于决策是由算法而不是由一群专业的读者组成的,因此Google查找高质量内容的唯一方法是考虑其他一系列因素。 这些包括:

  • The authority of the domain – .edu and .gov domains rank very highly.

    域的权威– .edu和.gov域的排名很高。
  • The number of links to specific pages from other high ranking sites.

  • The number of social shares the page has.

  • The quality of other pages on the site.

  • The amount of time people spend on the page – the higher, the better.

  • The page’s bounce rates – the lower, the better.


To Google, many of these factors indicate that previous users have found the page useful and so it is likely to have content which is of high quality. Do note, that the focus here is on individual pages. Google will rank each of your pages separately. Some may rank highly, others may not. It depends on the quality of each individual page. For more information, read our post: High-Quality Content: The Future of SEO

对于Google来说,许多因素表明以前的用户已经发现该页面有用,因此它可能包含高质量的内容。 请注意,这里的重点是单个页面。 Google会分别对您的每个页面进行排名。 有些人可能排名很高,有些人则可能没有。 这取决于每个页面的质量。 有关更多信息,请阅读我们的文章: 高品质内容:SEO的未来


2.优化的关键字 (2. Optimised keywords)

Keywords optimisation is still a core ranking factor as it is the appearance of these words in the URLs, page titles, text and meta descriptions which indicate the relevance of your content to a particular search query.


However, Google’s algorithm is a lot more sophisticated than most people think and is able to judge relevance through analysing what linguists call ‘latent semantic keywords’. What this means is that, after spotting the keywords in your text, the algorithm will then look for words which it expects to be associated with those keywords.

但是,Google的算法比大多数人想象的要复杂得多,并且能够通过分析语言学家所谓的“潜在语义关键字”来判断相关性。 这意味着,在文本中找到关键字之后,该算法将随后查找预期与这些关键字相关联的单词。

So, if someone was searching for the best way to boil an egg, not only would Google look for the words ‘boil an egg’ in the URL, title, content and metas, it would also look for words such as pan, timer, egg cup, tasty, etc., which would be associated with the topic. This would help it filter out irrelevant results such as a page with a title ‘Book your holiday in less time than it would take to boil an egg’.

因此,如果有人在寻找煮鸡蛋的最佳方法,那么Google不仅会在URL,标题,内容和元数据中寻找“煮鸡蛋”一词,还会寻找诸如pan,timer,蛋杯,美味等,这将与主题相关。 这将有助于过滤掉不相关的结果,例如标题为“用比煮鸡蛋要少的时间预订假期”的页面。

If you want your site to rank highly, therefore, not only must you use the relevant keywords, you must also make sure that the ‘latent semantic keywords’ are included in the content too.



3.使您的网站易于Google抓取 (3. Make your site easy for Google to crawl)

Google can only rank your content if it knows it is there. It discovers new and updated content by crawling the internet and indexing what it finds.

Google只能对您的内容进行排名。 它通过爬网并索引找到的内容来发现新的和更新的内容。

Crawling is done by search bots which move from site to site and page to page using internal and external links. If your site is poorly structured, there may be sections of it which Google cannot access and which, therefore, cannot be indexed. This means they will not appear in search results.

搜寻是由搜寻漫游器完成的,搜寻漫游器使用内部和外部链接从一个站点到另一个站点以及从一个页面到另一个页面。 如果您的网站结构不正确,则Google可能会访问其中的某些部分,因此无法对其建立索引。 这意味着它们将不会出现在搜索结果中。

To make your site easy for Google to crawl you need to do the following:


  • Make sure you have a Google Search Console account and that you add your website.

    确保您拥有Google Search Console帐户并添加了网站。

  • Enable your website to create automatic sitemaps which Google can crawl.

  • Make your website easily navigable with well-structured menus, sections, and categories.

  • Use internal linking to help Google’s search bots find related content.

  • Check that your website is configured to allow Google bots to access all content.

  • Make sure that any software use to block attackers doesn’t accidentally block Google bots.



4.提高网站速度 (4. Increase your site speed)

Slow loading websites annoy everyone and, for that reason, Google has included site speed as a core ranking factor since 2010. Simply put, slow sites won’t rank highly because they give poor user experience.


To have a chance at ranking well, your website needs load quickly on all types of device, including old phones with legacy network connections like 2G and 3G (you’ll be surprised how many people still use these).


The best way to find out if your site is fast enough for Google is to test it using their PageSpeed Insights page. All you need to do is type in your homepage URL and you will be given a speed score for desktop and mobile page loading. You’ll also be shown a list of improvements you need to carry out to make your site faster.

找出您的网站对Google而言足够快的最好方法是使用其PageSpeed Insights页面对其进行测试。 您所要做的就是输入您的首页URL,您将获得桌面和移动页面加载的速度得分。 您还将看到为使站点更快而需要进行的改进的列表。


5.使您的网站具有响应能力 (5. Make your website responsive)

Since 2014, we have spent more time surfing the internet on phones and tablets than we do on computers, so, as far as Google is concerned, websites that are still not set up to work on different devices fail to offer a good experience.


To urge everyone to update their sites, Google added mobile-friendliness as one of its core ranking factors in 2015, in what was then termed as ‘Mobilegeddon’. So, if you do not have a responsive website, your site will be losing out in search engine results and you need to make changes as soon as possible. To check whether your site is responsive, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

为了敦促所有人更新自己的网站,Google在2015年将移动设备友好性作为其核心排名因素之一,后来称为“ Mobilegeddon”。 因此,如果您没有响应式网站,那么您的网站将在搜索引擎结果中失传,您需要尽快进行更改。 要检查您的网站是否响应,请使用Google的“ 移动设备适合性测试”


6.使您的网站值得信赖 (6. Make your site trustworthy)

There is no way that Google would ever want to put its users at risk by sending them to a website where they may get hacked or infected. This is why website security is now a core ranking factor. The more secure a site is, the more trustworthy Google sees it and the better chance it has of ranking higher.

Google绝对不可能通过将用户发送到可能遭到黑客攻击或感染的网站来使用户面临风险。 这就是为什么网站安全现在是核心排名因素的原因。 网站越安全,谷歌对它的信任程度越高,排名越高的机会就越大。

How do you make your site trustworthy? Here are some the most important ways:

您如何使您的网站值得信赖? 以下是一些最重要的方法:

  • Get an SSL certificate to prevent transactions being hijacked.


  • Your company name, registration number, physical address and telephone number should be clearly visible on your site.

  • Terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policies should be available to read online.

  • Have well written, error free writing on your website.

  • Your website and email addresses should not be blacklisted.

  • Trusted sites often have links from other high-trust websites.

  • Make sure your website is regularly scanned for vulnerabilities, infections and other weaknesses.



结论 (Conclusion)

Ranking well on Google can have a massive impact on the success of your website and can transform your business. From reading this post, you should now have a much better understanding of the six main core ranking factors that Google uses to rank its search results.

在Google上排名靠前会对您网站的成功产生重大影响,并可以改变您的业务。 通过阅读这篇文章,您现在应该对Google用于对搜索结果进行排名的六个主要核心排名因素有更好的了解。

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如果您打算建立一个新网站或迁移到新主机,请查看我们的主机服务范围。 我们以可承受的价格为您提供安全的托管服务,并保证正常运行时间和24/7的技术支持。 有关更多信息,请查看我们的业务计划和专用的WordPress托管程序包。







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