

Want more traffic? Better conversion rates? Higher search engine rankings? Then it’s time to focus on your keywords. The foundation of every successful SEO strategy is solid keyword research and in this post, we’ll explain what keyword research is and how to go about it effectively in order to improve your website’s performance.

需要更多流量吗? 更高的转化率? 更高的搜索引擎排名? 然后是时候专注于您的关键字了。 每个成功的SEO策略的基础都是扎实的关键词研究,在本文中,我们将解释什么是关键词研究以及如何有效地进行关键词研究,以提高您网站的性能。


什么是关键字,为什么重要? (What are keywords and why are they important?)

Keywords or key phrases are the terms that people use when searching for things on the internet. They are important because when people search for a term, the search engine looks for web pages which have those words in their content and meta descriptions. The more relevant your website is for those key terms, the more likely you are to rank highly for them.

关键字或关键词是人们在互联网上搜索事物时使用的术语。 它们之所以重要,是因为当人们搜索术语时,搜索引擎会寻找在其内容和元描述中包含这些单词的网页。 您的网站与这些关键术语的相关性越高,则您对其排名越高的可能性就越大。

The benefit of this is not just more traffic but better traffic. In other words, the search engine is sending you potential customers, not just random visitors and, consequently, your conversion rates are likely to improve, too.

这样做的好处不仅是增加流量,还可以带来更好的流量。 换句话说,搜索引擎为您带来了潜在的客户,而不仅仅是随机访问者,因此,您的转化率也有可能提高。

It is possible to rank for the wrong keywords. You could be getting lots of visitors to your page who are visiting for the wrong reasons simply because your pages are badly optimised.  Good keyword research will help you ensure that you rank for the right terms to get more of the visitors that count.

可能会为错误的关键字排名。 您可能会因为错误的原因而吸引大量访问页面的访问者,这仅仅是因为页面的优化不佳。 优质的关键字研究将帮助您确保您对正确的词进行排名,以吸引更多的访问者。


什么是关键字研究? (What is keyword research?)

To get the right visitors, you have to discover the keywords they use when searching the internet and make sure that you use these on your web pages. For example, if you are selling a bag and describe it as a cross-body bag when your customers are searching for a messenger bag, you won’t get many visitors. If you know what your customers are searching for and use those terms, then you are more likely to get better results. Keyword research is the process of discovering exactly what terms your customers are using to find your products and services.

为了吸引合适的访问者,您必须在搜索互联网时发现他们使用的关键字,并确保在网页上使用这些关键字。 例如,如果您出售一个包并将其描述为斜挎包,而您的客户正在寻找一个斜挎包,那么您将不会有很多访客。 如果您知道客户在搜索和使用这些术语,那么您更有可能获得更好的结果。 关键字研究是准确发现您的客户用来查找您的产品和服务的术语的过程。


如何进行关键字研究 (How to do keyword research)

The first step in the process is to make a list of all the keywords you want to rank for. You’ll need to know what products and services you are offering and then think of the terms people will use to find them when searching on the internet.

该过程的第一步是列出要排名的所有关键字。 您需要知道所提供的产品和服务,然后考虑人们在互联网上搜索时会使用哪些术语。

The second stage is to find out which keywords your site is currently being found for. You can do this through your Google Search Console account.

第二阶段是找出当前正在为您的网站找到哪些关键字。 您可以通过Google Search Console帐户执行此操作

How to do keyword research


The ‘Search Analytics’ section of your Search Console will give you a list of the search terms your website is ranking for. More importantly, it will also tell you, for each keyword listed, how many queries have been made, the position your site ranks at, the number of impressions your website receives and the click through rate.

Search Console的“ Search Analytics”部分将为您提供网站排名的搜索词的列表。 更重要的是,它还会告诉您,对于列出的每个关键字,已进行了多少次查询,网站的排名,网站获得的展示次数和点击率。

You may be surprised at some of the results and how they differ from the keywords you originally had in mind.


Another essential tool is the Google Adwords Keyword Planner. By typing in your product or service, you can find out a list of the most searched-for terms used by people on Google. Below, we searched for messenger bags and Google provided a list of suggested keywords together with their average monthly search volumes over the past 12 months.

另一个必不可少的工具是Google Adwords关键字规划师 。 通过输入您的产品或服务,您可以找到Google上人们搜索最多的术语列表。 在下面,我们搜索了邮差包,Google列出了建议的关键字列表以及过去12个月的平均每月搜索量。

Using this tool, it is also possible to focus on specific locations, so if you only sold messenger bags in the UK, you could get a list of the keywords most used in the UK and their monthly search volumes.


Google Adwords Keyword Planner

The best way to compare keyword traffic over time is to use Google Trends. In the image below we have used Google Trends to compare two of the keywords suggested by the Keyword Planner, ‘men’s messenger bags’ and ‘messenger bags for men’. Here are the results.

比较一段时间内关键字访问量的最佳方法是使用Google趋势 。 在下图中,我们使用了Google趋势来比较关键字规划师建议的两个关键字:“男士斜挎包”和“男士斜挎包”。 这是结果。

Google Trends

As you can see, ‘messenger bags for men’ has been the most searched-for term over the last 5 years. However, it’s popularity has waned significantly and it is now not much different to ‘men’s messenger bags’. This would indicate that our imaginary bag company should try to rank for both these terms in order to drive as much traffic as possible in what looks like a shrinking market.

如您所见,“男士信使包”在过去5年中一直是搜索次数最多的词。 但是,它的受欢迎程度已经大大降低,现在与“男士斜挎包”没有太大区别。 这表明我们假想的制袋公司应该尝试对这两个术语进行排名,以便在看起来萎缩的市场中吸引尽可能多的流量。

Once you have undertaken your research, you should have a detailed list of the most important keywords you need to rank for, including longer key phrases or ‘long-tail’ keywords.


The next stage is to prioritise these for your optimisation by asking which are the most important keywords for your business. From here, you should begin creating or updating the content of your website by adding these keywords to the relevant pages. For optimum impact, you should aim to include them in your:

下一步是通过询问哪些是对您的业务最重要的关键字来优先进行优化。 从这里开始,您应该通过将这些关键字添加到相关页面来开始创建或更新网站的内容。 为了获得最佳效果,您应努力将它们包括在您的:

  • Page or post titles

  • In your opening paragraph

  • H2 subheadings

  • Throughout your page’s content (don’t over optimise)

  • In meta descriptions


One way to help you achieve success is to create separate landing pages for each of the main keywords you want to rank for.  Our made-up bag company, therefore, could have two messenger bag landing pages, one focusing on the keyword ‘men’s messenger bags’ and the other on ‘messenger bags for men’.

帮助您获得成功的一种方法是为您要排名的每个主要关键字创建单独的登录页面。 因此,我们的化妆袋公司可能有两个“邮差包”着陆页,一个着重于关键字“男士斜挎包”,另一个侧重于“男士斜挎包”。


您应避免的关键字错误 (Keyword mistakes you should avoid)

Before choosing your keywords, do take into account your competition. If you are a new company selling iPhones, for example, it’s unlikely that you are ever going to get on page 1 of Google for the term iPhone 7. There’s no way Google is going to rank you higher than well-established companies like Apple, Carphone Warehouse or EE. Instead, you need to think of more long tail keywords which might help you rank better, e.g. cheapest UK iPhone 7 contracts.

在选择关键字之前,请务必考虑您的竞争。 例如,如果您是一家销售iPhone的新公司,那么您不太可能会在Google的第1页上出现iPhone 7一词。Google绝对不可能将您的排名比诸如Apple这样的知名公司高, Carphone仓库或EE。 相反,您需要考虑更长的尾巴关键字,这可能会帮助您提高排名,例如,最便宜的UK iPhone 7合约。

Another mistake many companies make is not getting it right when it comes to plural and singular keyword terms. As you can see in the image below, the term ‘messenger bag’ is searched for far more frequently than ‘messenger bags’. A simple change from plural to singular in your SEO could double the amount of traffic you receive.

许多公司犯的另一个错误是,在涉及复数和单数的关键字词时,它的用法不正确。 如下图所示,搜索“信使包”一词的频率远远高于“信使包”。 在SEO中从复数到单数的简单更改可能会使您获得的访问量翻倍。

change from plural to singular

Geography can also have an impact on your choice of keywords and this needs to be considered. For example, the most popular keyword for a training shoe is ‘sneaker’. However, if you are selling only to the UK and use this term, you’re unlikely to get any UK traffic. In the UK, ‘trainer’ is the predominant term used. Make sure, when doing keyword research, that you use the right keywords for the location in which you sell. If you sell training shoes globally, then have two landing pages, one focused on ‘sneakers’ and the other on ‘trainers’.

地理位置也会影响您选择的关键字,因此需要考虑这一点。 例如,训练鞋最流行的关键字是“运动鞋”。 但是,如果您仅向英国销售商品并使用此字词,那么您不太可能获得英国的点击量。 在英国,“培训师”是最常用的术语。 在进行关键字研究时,请确保您在销售地点使用正确的关键字。 如果您在全球范围内销售训练鞋,那么会有两个着陆页,一个着眼于“运动鞋”,另一个着眼于“运动鞋”。

The final mistake that companies make is not to measure the impact of their keyword strategy. You should use the Google Analytics and Google Search Console to see if the new keywords you are using are having an impact on your traffic and conversion rates. At the same time, you need to keep an eye on how user behaviour changes. Keywords which are being used today might not be used tomorrow – Google Trends and the Keyword Planner can help you with this.

公司犯的最后错误不是衡量关键字策略的影响。 您应该使用Google Analytics(分析)和Google Search Console来查看正在使用的新关键字是否对流量和转化率产生影响。 同时,您需要关注用户行为的变化。 今天使用的关键字明天可能不会使用-Google趋势和关键字规划师可以为您提供帮助。


结论 (Conclusion)

Keyword research is the cornerstone of successful on-page SEO. Making sure you use the same terms as those being used by your potential customers is vital to ensure you rank higher for relevant searches. This will help increase the number of people who click through and, because the page is relevant to them, will increase conversion rates.

关键字研究是成功的页面SEO的基石。 确保使用与潜在客户所用术语相同的术语对于确保您在相关搜索中的排名较高至关重要。 这将有助于增加点击的人数,并且由于该页面与他们相关,因此可以提高转化率。

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