

SEO for local businesses has a special set of requirements that don’t apply to other websites. Failure to put these into practice can have dire consequences for your company’s online visibility. In this post, we’ll explain what local businesses need to do to get themselves noticed by search engines.

本地企业的SEO有一套特殊的要求,不适用于其他网站。 未能将其付诸实践会对您公司的在线可见性产生严重后果。 在这篇文章中,我们将说明本地企业需要做什么才能使自己被搜索引擎吸引。

了解当地的SEO具有不同的排名因素 (Understand that local SEO has different ranking factors)

The first thing that local businesses need to take note of is that the ranking factors for local business are different to those of websites looking to operate over a wider geographical location. Whereas most websites are looking for high authority inbound links, site speed, high-quality content, etc., for local businesses the main ranking factors are these:

本地企业需要注意的第一件事是,本地企业的排名因素与希望在更广泛地理位置上运营的网站的排名因素不同。 大多数网站都在寻找高权限的入站链接,网站速度,高质量内容等,而对于本地企业而言,主要的排名因素是:

  • Google Place listing and optimisation

    Google Place列表和优化
  • On-page local SEO optimisation

  • NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) listings and citations

  • Customer reviews and social media feedback


Do note, however, that being a local business doesn’t mean you can ignore all the other ranking factors that non-local websites need to work on. You’ll still need to do the work here too.

请注意,但是,作为本地企业并不意味着您可以忽略非本地网站需要处理的所有其他排名因素。 您仍然需要在这里进行工作。

So, know we know what the key local ranking factors are, how do we optimise for them?


为您的业务设置Google地方信息页和Google+本地信息页 (Set up a Google Place and Google+ Local Pages for your business)

The first thing you need to do is open a Google My Business account. This will allow you to create a free listing on Google Places that will appear in results when anyone does a relevant search. As you can see from the image below, this listing features prominently on search results – especially on mobiles which are becoming increasingly useful tools for local businesses.

您需要做的第一件事就是开设一个Google我的商家帐户。 这样,您就可以在Google地方信息上创建免费的列表,当有人进行相关搜索时,该列表就会显示在搜索结果中。 从下图可以看出,该列表在搜索结果中具有突出的地位-特别是在移动电话上,这些移动电话对于本地企业而言正变得越来越有用。

Set up a Google Place

Even with less specific search criteria, such as “bike shop Barnstaple” you can see that those businesses listed on Google Places have been shown at the top of search results, both on a map and with a more detailed listing underneath.


Google Places

By listing with Google Places, you are automatically giving your website the biggest backlink possible – from Google itself.


You can enhance the impact of this by also creating a Google+ business page and putting your business website details on there too,


优化您的网站以进行本地排名 (Optimise your website for local ranking)

There are a few rules you need to follow to fully optimise your website for local ranking, here they are:


Firstly, you need to include the location of your business, together with your brand or business name and any keywords in your pages’ titles, URLs, tags and meta descriptions. Where these are primarily to be read by people, try to make them as naturally sounding as possible. For example, whilst a page’s slug (end part of URL) can read ‘building-design-reeds-hull’ the page title would need to be Building Design by Reeds, Hull.

首先,您需要在页面标题,URL,标签和元描述中包括您的企业位置,品牌或企业名称以及所有关键字。 在主要由人们阅读的地方,请尝试使其听起来尽可能自然。 例如,尽管页面的子弹(URL的结尾部分)可以读取“ building-design-reeds-hull”,但页面标题必须是Reeds,Hull的Building Design。

You should also include your location as a keyword or part of a long-tail key phrase in your content.  However, if you overdo this it can make difficult reading and lead to Google thinking you are keyword stuffing, so be judicious and place organically within the text.

您还应该在您的内容中将您的位置作为关键字或长尾关键词的一部分。 但是,如果您这样做过分,可能会使阅读变得困难,并导致Google认为您是关键字的填充物,因此请谨慎对待并有机地放置在文本中。

In addition, you could also include your business address and phone number in the footer of your website as this will be picked up by search engines.  For the biggest impact, make sure the phone number is clickable so that a visitor using a mobile phone can ring you directly from the page. Google likes to see this functionality on a website.

此外,您还可以在网站的页脚中添加您的公司地址和电话号码,因为搜索引擎会提取这些信息。 为了产生最大的影响,请确保该电话号码是可点击的,以便使用手机的访问者可以直接从页面上呼叫您。 Google喜欢在网站上看到此功能。

Finally, include a highly detailed contact us page on your website that includes business name, address, contact phone number, website address, email address and, if possible, a map from Google which shows your location. It can also help if you include opening times on this page too.

最后,在您的网站上提供一个非常详细的“与我们联系”页面,其中包括公司名称,地址,联系电话,网站地址,电子邮件地址,并在可能的情况下提供Google的地图,其中显示了您的位置。 如果您还在此页面上包含开放时间,也将有所帮助。

在第三方列表网站上列出您的业务 (List your business on third-party listing sites)

Besides listing on Google Places, it’s also a good idea to list your business on other high-quality listing sites such as Yell, Thompsons Local or Trip Advisor. Not only will these provide authority links to your site and encourage users to visit your business, they will also create a NAP citation (i.e. they’ll list your business’ name, address and phone number).

除了在Google地方信息中列出以外,将您的公司列出在其他高质量的列出网站(例如Yell,Thompsons Local或Trip Advisor)也是一个好主意。 这些不仅会提供指向您网站的权限链接,并鼓励用户访问您的公司,还会创建NAP引用(即,他们会列出您公司的名称,地址和电话号码)。

NAP citations are a key ranking factor used by search engines and if they appear on the better quality listing sites, like Yell, they can have a big impact on how Google views your site. Also, as the reviews on these sites are trusted by Google, it will often include your star rating on its Places pages.

NAP引文是搜索引擎使用的关键排名因素,如果它们出现在质量更好的列表网站(如Yell)上,则可能会对Google如何看待您的网站产生重大影响。 此外,由于这些网站上的评论受到Google的信任,因此通常会在其“地方信息”页面上包含您的星级。

确保NAP列表和引用相同 (Ensure that NAP listings and citations are identical)

When you list your business on other sites, make sure that the NAP data you provide is identical. This consistency will prevent search engines getting confused about your business. Whilst you might be able to work out that

当您在其他站点上列出您的业务时,请确保提供的NAP数据相同。 这种一致性将防止搜索引擎对您的业务感到困惑。 虽然您可能可以解决

eUKhost, 2, 7 Commercial St, Leeds LS27 8HX

eUKhost,2,7商业街,利兹LS27 8HX


eUKhost 2, 7 Commercial St, Morley, Leeds LS27 8HX

eUKhost 2,7 Commercial St,Morley,利兹LS27 8HX

are one and the same, the seemingly insignificant difference of adding or removing a suburb to your address might trick an algorithm.


Decide which address you want to rank for and stick to that one when you list your address on third-party sites. Make sure, too, that this is the same as the address on your own site.

当您在第三方网站上列出您的地址时,请确定您要为其排名的地址并坚持使用该地址。 同样,请确保该地址与您自己网站上的地址相同。

鼓励客户留下正面评价 (Encourage customers to leave positive reviews)

The aim of Google and other search engines is to provide their visitors with the most valuable results. It goes without saying, therefore, that if someone searches for a restaurant in their local town centre, those with poor reviews aren’t going to rank well. Location aside, businesses with the most five-star reviews are always likely to rank higher simply because there is publically verified evidence to show they provide the best service.

Google和其他搜索引擎的目的是为访问者提供最有价值的结果。 因此,不用说,如果有人在当地的镇中心搜索一家餐馆,那么评论不好的人的排名就不会很好。 除了位置之外,获得五星级评论最多的企业总是很可能会排名更高,这仅仅是因为有公开验证的证据表明它们提供了最好的服务。

To get amongst the highest rated businesses, therefore, you need to encourage your customers to leave positive reviews on Google and other quality websites. Not only will this improve your ranking it will also boost your reputation and thus generate more custom.

因此,要跻身收视率最高的企业之列,您需要鼓励您的客户在Google和其他优质网站上留下正面评价。 这不仅可以提高您的排名,还可以提高您的声誉,从而产生更多的自定义。

Whilst there are many ways you can encourage people to leave good reviews, you won’t get any if you don’t offer good service in the first place. You do need to be aware of the impact that consistently bad reviews can have. As we now live in an era of social media, there is no escaping the fact that people will comment on your business and that search engines will take note. It’s a democratising process that can make or break businesses.

尽管有很多方法可以鼓励人们留下好的评论,但如果您一开始就没有提供好的服务,您将一无所获。 您确实需要意识到一贯的差评可能带来的影响。 在当今生活在社交媒体时代的今天,人们不可避免地会对您的业务发表评论,而搜索引擎会注意到这一事实。 这是一个民主进程,可以成就或破坏企业。

What you must not do is pay people to write reviews for you or write your own. If you get found out these can ruin your credibility with your customers and can lead to you being removed from listings altogether.

您一定不要付钱给别人为您撰写评论或撰写您自己的评论。 如果您发现这些信息,可能会破坏您在客户中的信誉,并可能导致您完全从列表中删除。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from this article, local SEO requires a different strategy to optimising other websites. The key requirements for success are that you:

从本文中可以看到,本地SEO需要采用不同的策略来优化其他网站。 成功的关键条件是:

  • sign up for Google My Business and list with Google Places

    注册“ Google我的商家”并在Google地方信息中列出
  • optimise your site for location

  • extend your NAP citations by listing with high-quality listing sites

  • ensure those listings are consistent

  • encourage your customers to give positive reviews

  • offer the kind of customer service that generates good reviews


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