


When you register a new domain name, you are required by the registrar to provide accurate details that identify the owner of the domain; this is often part of your terms of service.

注册新域名时,注册服务商要求您提供准确的详细信息,以标识域的所有者; 这通常是您的服务条款的一部分。

With this however comes a threat from spammers and bots that harvest details from public WHOIS record and exploit these details for financial gain. Our Domain ID Protection product can help to protect your personal data at all times by keeping it invisible to everyone who queries the WHOIS database for your details.

但是,随之而来的是垃圾邮件发送者和漫游器的威胁,它们从公共WHOIS记录中收集详细信息并利用这些详细信息获取经济利益。 我们的域ID保护产品可以使所有查询WHOIS数据库以获取您详细信息的人都看不到它,从而可以随时保护您的个人数据。

为什么要保护我的个人数据? (Why protect my personal data?)

With the purchase of a domain, you are required to provide valid personal details. If personal data is incorrect, you risk losing your domain name as contact falsify data or dummy data set violates the terms and conditions that you have agreed to buy a domain name. This information should be available in the public databases, accessible via WHOIS and is a requirement of the body responsible for assigning Internet names, ICANN.

购买域名后,您需要提供有效的个人详细信息。 如果个人数据不正确,则可能会丢失域名,因为联系人伪造数据或虚拟数据集违反了您同意购买域名的条款和条件。 此信息应在公共数据库中可用,可以通过WHOIS访问,并且是负责分配Internet名称的机构ICANN的要求。

Unfortunately, every day this public information is used fraudulently by spammers and marketing companies to send you unsolicited information. In addition, all the contacts in the public database expose the real identity of the owners of domains and can be used fraudulently. The service “Domain ID Protection” we offer guarantees the privacy of your personal data replacing this information with alternative data.

不幸的是,垃圾邮件发送者和市场营销公司每天都在欺诈性地使用此公共信息,向您发送未经请求的信息。 此外,公共数据库中的所有联系人都暴露了域所有者的真实身份,并且可以被欺诈地使用。 我们提供的“域ID保护”服务可确保您的个人数据的私密性,用其他数据替代此信息。

这项服务如何运作? (How does this service work?)

When you activate the “Domain ID Protection”, we will replace all public data such as address, email, and phone number. You remain the owner with full rights to your domain name and have full control over it. Anyone trying to contact you through the data obtained from public databases, will be redirected to an accessible online form to establish contact with you. All mails sent to the alternate email address that appears in the WHOIS query will be automatically rejected. The service can be activated and deactivated from your control panel at any time.

当您激活“域ID保护”时,我们将替换所有公共数据,例如地址,电子邮件和电话号码。 您仍然是拥有对域名的完全权利的所有者,并对它拥有完全控制权。 任何试图通过从公共数据库获得的数据与您联系的人,都将被重定向到可访问的在线表单,以与您建立联系。 发送到WHOIS查询中出现的备用电子邮件地址的所有邮件将被自动拒绝。 您可以随时通过控制面板启用和停用该服务。

Here are some of the FAQs about Domain ID Protection, if your question is not answered here, please, email [email protected] and we will be more than happy to assist you.

以下是有关域ID保护的一些常见问题解答,如果您的问题在此处未得到回答,请发送电子邮件至[受电子邮件保护] ,我们非常乐意为您提供帮助。

1.什么是WHOIS? (1. What is WHOIS?)

WHOIS is used to find the contact information of a specific domain or IP address. You can also find out other details of the domain, such as a domain’s name servers, registration date, and expiration date. The WHOIS queries are traditionally made ​​using a command line interface, but there are now many websites that allow these queries.

WHOIS用于查找特定域或IP地址的联系信息。 您还可以查找域的其他详细信息,例如域的名称服务器,注册日期和有效期。 传统上,WHOIS查询是使用命令行界面进行的,但现在有许多网站允许这些查询。

2.什么是ID保护,或WHOIS保护? (2. What is the protection of ID, or WHOIS protection?)

Domain ID Protection hides WHOIS contact information in your WHOIS. In this way you will keep the privacy of your domains, preventing your data being used for purposes of spam or other intentions.

域ID保护将WHOIS联系信息隐藏在您的WHOIS中。 这样,您将保留域的隐私,防止您的数据被用于垃圾邮件或其他目的。

3.如何将域附加到域ID保护? (3. How to append a domain to Domain ID Protection?)

When you register a new domain or change your domain to us, you will receive an option to add the Domain ID protection to your package. If you care to add the service to an existing domain then all you require to do is email [email protected] and we will take care of that for you.

当您注册新域或将域更改为我们时,您将可以选择将域ID保护添加到您的软件包中。 如果您希望将服务添加到现有域中,那么您所需要做的就是发送电子邮件[受电子邮件保护] ,我们将为您解决。

4.为什么我在购买域名时可以访问我的私人信息? (4. Why is my private information accessible when I purchase a domain name?)

According to the International ICANN rules valid contact information be provided for all domain names by their owners, and that it is being accessed worldwide. Domain ID Protection provides valid contact data that meets the international requirements without revealing your private contact information to worldwide scrutiny.

根据国际ICANN规则,其所有者应为所有域名提供有效的联系信息,并且该联系信息将在全球范围内使用。 域ID保护提供了符合国际要求的有效联系数据,而不会向世界范围内透露您的私人联系信息。

5.域名WHOIS中显示什么个人信息,人们如何获取? (5. What individual information is displayed in the domain name, WHOIS, and how do people get it?)

Domain name WHOIS display name, address, and email address  anyone, anywhere can search the WHOIS database through any search engine and many other WWW websites. Domain ID Protection provides proxy information instead of your personal contact information. People online, who want to contact you, employ the proxy data, and we forward to you.

域名WHOIS显示名称,地址和电子邮件地址,任何人都可以在任何地方通过任何搜索引擎和许多其他WWW网站搜索WHOIS数据库。 域ID保护提供代理信息而不是您的个人联系信息。 想要与您联系的在线用户使用代理数据,我们将转发给您。

6.哪些域TLD允许ID保护? (6. Which Domain TLDs allow ID Protect?)

ID Protect can be added to the following TLDs: .com / .net / .org / .biz / .info / .name / .uk / .me and many more.

可以将ID Protect添加到以下TLD中:.com / .net / .org / .biz / .info / .name / .uk / .me等。

7.域ID保护要花多少钱? (7. How much does Domain ID Protection cost?)

Domain ID Protection costs just £5 per year, which is in addition to the renewal fee for your domain name. When you purchase Domain ID Protection, it will apply to your domain name for one year. After this you can renew your protection as prompted or leave it to expire, which could potentially leave your personal information exposed.

域名ID保护每年仅需支付£5英镑,这还不包括您域名的续订费用。 购买域名ID保护后,它将适用于您的域名,有效期为一年。 此后,您可以按照提示续订保护或使其失效,这有可能使您的个人信息暴露。

8.域ID保护如何帮助减少垃圾邮件/垃圾邮件? (8. How does Domain ID Protect help reduce junk e-mail/ SPAM?)

Domain name WHOIS is a source of email addresses for spammers, but with ID protect we will make sure that the email address is changed 3 times a year. Spammers harvest and will use one WHOIS email address, but once we shift it that source of spam is cut.

域名WHOIS是垃圾邮件发送者电子邮件地址的来源,但是使用ID保护,我们将确保该电子邮件地址每年更改3次。 垃圾邮件发送者会收获并使用一个WHOIS电子邮件地址,但是一旦我们将其更改,该垃圾邮件的来源就会被削减。

9.有人还能使用我的隐形电子邮件地址给我发送电子邮件吗? (9. Can anyone still email me using my cloaked email address?)

Email sent to the email address listed in the WHOIS will be replied to with an unbranded URL. Upon calling this URL, they would be able to bring up their query in a secure form, while assigning the type of Contact (Registrant, Administrative, Technical, Billing) they wish to email. The contents of the submitted form will then be emailed to the selected Contacts (Registrant, Administrative, Technical or Billing) email address, as assigned in your customer portal.

发送到WHOIS中列出的电子邮件地址的电子邮件将被回复,带有未标记的URL。 呼叫此URL后,他们将能够以安全的形式提出他们的查询,同时分配他们希望通过电子邮件发送的联系方式(注册人,管理人,技术人,账单人)。 然后,将提交的表单的内容通过电子邮件发送到您在客户门户中分配的选定联系人(注册人,管理人员,技术人员或帐单)的电子邮件地址。

10.我可以保护我在.UK域上的联系信息吗? (10. Can I protect my contact details on .UK domains?)

Yes, you can protect yourself. If you have a .UK domain name and you are a non-trading individual (i.e. not a business), then you can hide your WHOIS details with the “WHOIS opt-out” service specifically designed for .UK domain names.

是的,您可以保护自己。 如果您拥有.UK域名,并且是非交易性个人(即不是企业),则可以使用专为.UK域名设计的“ WHOIS退出”服务来隐藏WHOIS详细信息。

11.谁可以使用WHOIS隐私? (11. Who can use WHOIS Privacy?)

Anyone with a .com, .net, .org, .info, .me, .biz, .tv, .cc or .name, .me or .UK TLD extensions can benefit from Domain ID protection to feel the peace of mind WHOIS Privacy brings.

拥有.com,.net,.org,.info,.me,.biz,.tv,.cc或.name,.me或.UK TLD扩展名的任何人都可以受益于域ID保护,以放心使用WHOIS隐私带来。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/answering-your-questions-about-domain-id-protection/






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