rfc标准 http_已批准HTTP / 2标准,前往RFC

rfc标准 http

HTTP/2, the next version of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol – based on Google’s SPDY networking protocol – has been formally approved by the Internet Engineering Steering Group. As the latest and greatest, the new standard addresses many of the problems we’ve come to live with under HTTP/1.x. But don’t expect everyone to start jumping over immediately – HTTP/1.1 is going nowhere and will be with us for many years to come.

HTTP / 2是超文本传输​​协议的下一个版本-基于Google的SPDY网络协议-已由Internet工程指导小组正式批准 。 作为最新的和最伟大的,新标准解决了HTTP / 1.x下我们遇到的许多问题。 但是不要期望每个人都立即开始跳过-HTTP / 1.1毫无进展,并且将在未来很多年与我们同在。

HTTP / 2的发展 (Development of HTTP/2)

Work started in 2012 with the SPDY networking protocol being chosen as the basis for HTTP/2. SPDY (pronounced speedy) was developed by Google to addresses key performance issues with HTTP.

该工作始于2012年,当时选择SPDY网络协议作为HTTP / 2的基础。 SPDY(发音为speedy )是Google开发的,旨在解决HTTP的关键性能问题。

Development and standardisation of the new HTTP/2 protocol is the responsibility of the HTTP Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Now the IETF has finally signed off on HTTP/2, it is now headed for official publication as RFCs.

Internet工程任务组(IETF)的HTTP工作组负责新HTTP / 2协议的开发和标准化。 现在,IETF终于在HTTP / 2上签了字,现在正以RFC的形式正式发布。

SPDY gained significant traction for its performance benefits over traditional HTTP – with Chrome, Firefox, Opera and even Internet Explorer eventually supporting the protocol. However, now HTTP/2 has been approved – Google, Mozilla and Microsoft have announced they will be removing support for SPDY in future versions of their browsers – with Google confirming it will strip out support in Chrome by early 2016.

SPDY因其相对于传统HTTP的性能优势而获得了极大的吸引力-Chrome,Firefox,Opera甚至Internet Explorer最终都支持该协议。 但是,现在HTTP / 2已经获得批准-Google,Mozilla和Microsoft已宣布将在其未来版本的浏览器中删除对SPDY的支持-Google确认它将在2016年初取消对Chrome的支持。

In September 2012, a significant vulnerability was found with the use of gzip for header compression when used inside of encryption. This was, at the time, the proposed standard way to compress header information with SPDY/2, since it is a simple and very efficient way to achieve compression.

在2012年9月,发现在加密内部使用gzip进行标头压缩时发现了一个重大漏洞。 当时,这是使用SPDY / 2压缩标头信息的建议标准方法,因为它是实现压缩的简单且非常有效的方法。

Resulting from the discoveries, the Working Group has created a second standard for HTTP/2 called ‘HPACK’, which allows us to compress HTTP headers. Suffice to say, HTTP/2 works equally on non-secure connections too – HPACK was created so we can securely take advantage of header compression.

由于发现,工作组为HTTP / 2创建了第二个标准,称为“ HPACK”,它使我们能够压缩HTTP标头。 可以说,HTTP / 2在非安全连接上也同样起作用–创建了HPACK,因此我们可以安全地利用标头压缩。

HTTP / 2有什么新功能? (What’s new in HTTP/2?)

First and most importantly: the methods, status codes and semantics are the same as HTTP/1.1, so no changes are needed to web applications unless you want to take advantage of the new performance benefits it offers. The major changes are largely performance-oriented.

首先也是最重要的一点:方法,状态代码和语义与HTTP / 1.1相同,因此,除非您想利用Web应用程序提供的新性能优势,否则无需对Web应用程序进行任何更改。 主要变化主要是基于性能。

Any web developer will know the painstaking work it takes to reduce the number of network requests a client needs to make to fully render a web page. This is because HTTP requests are expensive and take up valuable time. What’s more, browsers have to examine each response and make subsequent requests when it needs multiple files to fully complete the rendering of a web page. It sounds tiring, doesn’t it? Surely there is a better solution in sight, right?

任何Web开发人员都将知道减少客户端完全呈现网页所需的网络请求数量所付出的艰苦工作。 这是因为HTTP请求昂贵且占用宝贵的时间。 而且,当浏览器需要多个文件来完全完成网页的呈现时,浏览器必须检查每个响应并提出后续请求。 听起来很累,不是吗? 当然可以找到更好的解决方案,对吗?

Finally, HTTP/2 will allow servers to push content even if the client does not request it at the time. For example, if a client is requesting an HTML document from the server and the document relies on a stylesheet for its appearance, we can supply the stylesheet with the original request – saving time by avoiding the browser making another request for the stylesheet later on.

最后,HTTP / 2将允许服务器推送内容,即使客户端当时不请求它也是如此。 例如,如果客户端正在从服务器请求HTML文档,并且文档依赖于样式表来显示外观,则我们可以向样式表提供原始请求-通过避免以后浏览器再次请求样式表来节省时间。

What’s more, HTTP/2 is fully multiplexed, meaning multiple request and response messages can be transmitted on a single connection at the same time. And if a prior request is still outstanding, it won’t hold up other requests that can be processed quicker by the server (e.g., requests for dynamic content will take longer than serving up static resources).

而且,HTTP / 2是完全多路复用的,这意味着可以在单个连接上同时传输多个请求和响应消息。 而且,如果先前的请求仍未完成,它将不会阻止其他可以由服务器更快处理的请求(例如,对动态内容的请求将比为静态资源提供服务花费更长的时间)。

Another important difference is all requests and responses over HTTP/2 are in binary rather than plaintext, so we will no longer be able to dissect HTTP messages through Telnet. Luckily, there are tools out there to help fill the void – such as the Wireshark plugin.

另一个重要的区别是,所有通过HTTP / 2进行的请求和响应都是二进制形式,而不是纯文本形式,因此我们将不再能够通过Telnet解析HTTP消息。 幸运的是,那里有可以填补空白的工具, 例如Wireshark插件

结论 (Conclusion)

Google has announced it will be rolling out support for HTTP/2 in an update to Chrome 40 over the next couple of weeks, with Firefox 36 (due next week) supporting drafts 14 and 15. It won’t be until after Firefox 38 we see it supporting the proposed standard approved by the Internet Engineering Steering Group. Subsequently, Chrome will likely be the first browser to bring full support for HTTP/2. No surprise there.

Google宣布将在未来几周内对Chrome 40进行更新,以支持HTTP / 2,而Firefox 36(将于下周发布)将支持草稿14和15。直到Firefox 38之后,看到它支持Internet工程指导小组批准的提议标准。 随后,Chrome可能会成为第一个完全支持HTTP / 2的浏览器。 毫不奇怪。

Internet Explorer 11 does indeed support HTTP/2 – albeit draft 14 – but only on Windows 10 Technical Preview. Microsoft’s new ‘Project Spartan’ web browser will include support. However, there is currently no word from Microsoft as to whether support will be offered for Internet Explorer on older versions of Windows (e.g. Windows 8.1).

Internet Explorer 11确实确实支持HTTP / 2(尽管是草案14),但仅在Windows 10 Technical Preview上才支持 。 微软新的“ Project Spartan”网络浏览器将提供支持。 但是,Microsoft目前尚无法确定是否将在较旧版本的Windows(例如Windows 8.1)上为Internet Explorer提供支持。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/http2-standard-approved-heading-to-rfc/

rfc标准 http





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