

The Internet of Things is set to take the rest of this decade by storm it is predicted, with everything from your dishwasher to your doorbell becoming an Internet-connected device. Though you might feel this is going to be an amazing technological transition since you will be able to manage almost everything related to your home over the Internet, many are forgetting to take on board the inherent security risks that are associated with all web-connected devices. The question is, are you prepared for the onslaught of technological devices for any purpose, and if so, are you willing to put your security on the line in order to make some things in life just slightly easier?

预计,物联网将在本十年的剩余时间里被风暴席卷,从洗碗机到门铃的一切都将成为连接互联网的设备。 尽管您可能会觉得这将是一次了不起的技术转变,因为您将能够通过Internet管理几乎所有与房屋有关的内容,但许多人却忘记承担所有与Web连接的设备相关的固有安全风险。 问题是,您是否准备好出于任何目的对技术设备进行猛烈攻击,如果是,您是否愿意将安全性放在网上,以便使生活中的某些事情变得更加轻松?

一切都可以很快连接 (Everything could soon be connected)

Many experts are predicting a future where everything is connected to the Internet and this could be where the problems start. There is the theory that if somebody has a door lock that can be unlocked by their smartphone so to say, or a car that will only start using their smartphone or any other device, then this could produce a perfect environment for hackers looking towards extortion. If lax security were in place then it wouldn’t take much for a hacker to take over these devices and hold them to ransom, only letting the owner have use of them once a ransom has been paid. I’m of the opinion that it may just be best to keep some things simple and to continue to lock your doors using a regular key – making something as simple as this ‘smart’ won’t really add too much to consumers’ lives.

许多专家都在预测一切都连接到Internet的未来,而这可能是问题开始的地方。 有一种理论认为,如果有人拥有可以通过智能手机解锁的门锁,或者说只会开始使用智能手机或任何其他设备的汽车,那么这可能会为黑客寻求勒索提供理想的环境。 如果放宽了安全性,那么黑客接管这些设备并将其勒索就不会花很多钱,只有在支付了赎金后才让所有者使用它们。 我认为,最好使某些事情保持简单,并继续使用常规钥匙来锁上门-像“智能”这样简单的事情并不会真正增加消费者的生活。

一些设备已经证明了所拥有的好处 (Some devices have already proved the benefits that are to be had)

However, taking into consideration the above, it would be fair to say that some ‘smart home’ devices have already proved their worth – take the Nest thermostat for example, it’s been highly successful and the Nest company was this year acquired by Google for a cool $3.2bn. The Nest Thermostat though has tapped into a part of people’s lives that is a ‘first world problem’ for many – coming home to a cold house. With Nest you can easily switch on the heating before you get home, or control it from your mobile device if you don’t want to move from the sofa; these are common themes that many will be able to relate to. It is the devices that are able to find a real niche in people’s day-to-day lives that will be successful and not the ones that are smart just for the sake of being smart. The devices I don’t expect to be too successful include household items that already do their job and won’t gain or improve much from being connected to the Internet, these being items such as fridges and dishwashers.

但是,考虑到上述情况,可以说一些“智能家居”设备已经证明了自己的价值–以Nest恒温器为例,它非常成功,Nest公司今年被Google收购,收购了酷的32亿美元。 Nest Thermostat进入了人们生活的一部分,对许多人来说,这是“第一世界的问题” –回到冷库里。 使用Nest,您可以在回家之前轻松地打开暖气,或者如果不想从沙发上移开,也可以通过移动设备控制暖气。 这些是许多人都可以涉及的共同主题。 能够在人们的日常生活中找到真正利基的设备将是成功的,而不是仅仅为了变得聪明而变得聪明的设备。 我认为设备不会太成功,其中包括已经完成工作并且不会从连接到Internet上获得或改善很多的家用物品,例如冰箱和洗碗机。

默认密码 (Default passwords)

As with any technological device, the biggest security risk at present lies in the use of default passwords that are used by manufacturers and the failure of many users to change these when they purchase a device. We’ve already seen a website setup to display Internet-connected security cameras that have been hacked using just the default password and people’s privacy being invaded as these cameras are streamed to the public 24×7. When purchasing any electronic device that is going to be connected to the Internet, whether it is a router, IP camera, or fridge, you need to make sure that you change the password associated with any Internet accessible interfaces on these devices. Leaving the password as it was set in the factory could leave you vulnerable to attack and to having your privacy invaded, when it is something that can be prevented so simply.

与任何技术设备一样,当前最大的安全风险在于使用制造商使用的默认密码,并且许多用户在购买设备时也无法更改这些密码。 我们已经看到了一个网站设置,可以显示连接互联网的安全摄像头,这些摄像头仅使用默认密码被黑客入侵,并且随着这些摄像头以24×7的形式流向公众,从而侵犯了人们的隐私。 购买要连接到Internet的任何电子设备时,无论是路由器,IP摄像机还是冰箱,都需要确保更改与这些设备上任何Internet可用接口相关联的密码。 将密码保留为出厂时设置的密码可能会使您容易受到攻击,并可能侵犯您的隐私,而这种情况可以很容易地避免。

在医疗保健中 (In healthcare)

Removing the focus from purely smart home devices, the Internet of things is likely to include healthcare devices as well. In fact experts have predicted that the first ‘technological murder’ – by which hackers would end somebody’s life by compromising an Internet-connected health device – could take place by the end of 2014, but the odds are stacked against this. The benefit of making some devices, such as pacemakers and other internal instruments, smart, is that they can then be configured and have their settings changed wirelessly without the need for any further surgical intervention, something that is in the interests of the patient both physically and mentally. Making external instruments such as heart monitors and life support machines smart could allow for the remote monitoring of patients, but both of these scenarios have obvious security and safety implications, hence why their uptake has been minimal so far.

物联网从纯粹的智能家居设备上移开了焦点,它可能也包括医疗保健设备。 实际上,专家们预测说,第一次“技术谋杀”可能会在2014年底之前发生,通过这种技术谋杀,黑客会通过破坏与Internet连接的医疗设备来破坏某人的生命。 使某些设备(例如心脏起搏器和其他内部仪器)变得智能的好处在于,可以对它们进行配置并以无线方式更改其设置,而无需任何进一步的手术干预,这符合患者的身体和身体利益。和精神上。 使诸如心脏监护仪和生命支持机之类的外部仪器变得智能化可以实现对患者的远程监控,但是这两种情况都具有明显的安全性和安全性,因此,迄今为止它们的使用率一直很少。

进一步的安全措施 (Further security measures)

Further security measures can be taken to protect smart devices. I think a good rule to follow is to not choose any smart devices that you don’t really need – there’s no point introducing a security risk where there doesn’t need to be a security risk. Ensuring that any devices connected directly to the Internet lie behind a strong firewall is also recommended and that any other ways into your network, such as through a compromised computer or memory stick, are also well guarded will help to protect you.

可以采取进一步的安全措施来保护智能设备。 我认为要遵循的一个好规则是,不要选择您真正不需要的任何智能设备–在没有安全风险的地方引入安全风险是没有意义的。 还建议确保直接连接到Internet的所有设备都位于坚固的防火墙后面,并且还应确保通过任何其他方式进入网络,例如通过受感染的计算机或记忆棒,也能得到很好的保护,以保护您。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/are-you-prepared-for-the-internet-of-things/


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