

The brilliance of the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected technologies is now realized, and adoption of the technology has exploded. It is now used in many industries, from retail to medical, to facilitate operations and vastly improve worker, customer and vendor experiences.

物联网(IoT)和互联技术的辉煌如今已实现,并且该技术的应用也在爆炸式增长。 现在,它已用于从零售到医疗的许多行业中,以简化操作并极大地改善工人,客户和供应商的体验。

It begs the question, what’s the next phase? Where will IoT and similar technologies make an impact next?

这就引出了一个问题,下一阶段是什么? 物联网和类似技术接下来将在哪些方面产生影响?

The answer — and it’s become more prevalent in the current climate — is disaster recovery and response. The IoT can predict potential emergencies, monitor active ones and alert the necessary populations, all in real-time. Most importantly, it can enhance the performance and response times after a major event has occurred. Here’s a closer look:

答案是-灾难恢复和响应,并且在当前气候下变得越来越普遍。 物联网可以实时预测潜在的紧急情况,监控活动中的紧急情况并向必要的人群发出警报。 最重要的是,它可以提高重大事件发生后的性能和响应时间。 仔细看一下:

1.为冲击做好准备 (1. Bracing for Impact)

Earthquakes don’t just randomly occur, especially the large ones. There are plenty of warning signs before they happen, as ground movement tends to accelerate. IoT sensors specifically developed to detect certain types of ground movement can help discern when a quake is coming.

地震不仅是随机发生的,尤其是大地震。 由于地面运动趋于加速,因此在出现警告信号之前,有很多警告信号。 专为检测某些类型的地面运动而开发的IoT传感器可以帮助识别地震何时发生。

Because the smaller movements only tend to happen moments before a large shockwave, we’re not talking about days or even hours of warning time. The heads up will only come a few seconds to a minute or two before, but it’s enough to warrant a response. IoT solutions can pick up on these movements, send out automated alerts to the local populace and even take action in some cases, like shutting down a smart factory.

由于较小的运动仅倾向于在大冲击波之前的瞬间发生,因此我们所谈论的并不是警告时间,甚至是数小时。 抬头只有几秒钟到一分钟或两分钟,但这足以保证响应。 物联网解决方案可以掌握这些动向,向本地民众发送自动警报,甚至在某些情况下采取行动,例如关闭智能工厂。

Transportation and infrastructure can be halted — such as elevators — and businesses can temporarily close or pause operations.


The same technological systems can be implemented for other disasters, too, such as hurricanes, tornados, floods and more.


2.准备平民 (2. Preparing the Populace)

Before, during and after a natural disaster, there are many things people should and shouldn’t be doing. Even the most seasoned preppers don’t have all the information and guidance necessary to stay safe. Automated IoT systems can send out alerts, news and other digital resources to keep people in the know.

在自然灾害之前,之中和之后,人们应该做很多不应该做的事情。 即使是经验最丰富的准备者,也没有掌握安全所需的所有信息和指导。 自动化的物联网系统可以发出警报,新闻和其他数字资源,以使人们保持了解。

Having a disaster preparedness plan is always vital, especially when 60% of organizations must close their doors only six months after experiencing a cybersecurity attack. You can imagine how much worse the effects would be after a natural disaster. However, people might not understand or study these plans enough to know precisely what to do in an emergency. By doling out such information in real-time to a local populace or area, IoT systems give people valuable resources for staying healthy — and sometimes even staying alive.

制定灾难预防计划总是至关重要的,尤其是当60%的组织在遭受网络安全攻击后仅六个月就必须关门时 。 您可以想象自然灾害后后果将更加严重。 但是,人们可能对这些计划的了解或研究不足,无法确切地了解紧急情况下该怎么办。 通过将此类信息实时分发到当地居民或地区,物联网系统为人们提供了宝贵的资源,以使其保持健康,甚至有时保持生命。

Mobile updates might provide tracking information for a disaster, such as where a tornado has touched down. Updates might also explain what to do to keep safe, where to go or how to handle an event. Moreover, they might provide location and resource tips for seeking shelter or supplies.

移动更新可能会提供灾难的跟踪信息,例如龙卷风降落的地方。 更新可能还会说明如何确保安全,去哪里或如何处理事件。 此外,它们可能会提供位置和资源提示,以寻找庇护所或补给品。

3.实时监控 (3. Monitoring in Real-Time)

Imagine this — a massive hurricane hits a Southeastern area, causing flood surges, power outages and wind damage. Residents can text a hotline or resource number to receive real-time and up-to-date alerts about what’s happening around them. This setup provides a few benefits. First, people can stay hunkered down when and where they’re safe. Next, they can remain informed and clued-in about what’s going on. Finally, they can take action using the information provided.

想象一下-东南部地区遭受飓风袭击,造成洪灾,停电和风灾。 居民可以通过拨打热线电话或资源号码的方式发送短信,以接收有关周围发生的事情的实时和最新警报。 此设置提供了一些好处。 首先,人们可以在安全的时间和地点保持沉默。 接下来,他们可以随时了解最新情况。 最后,他们可以使用所提供的信息采取行动。

The system might tell them when there’s flooding in their area and when they should flee to higher ground. It might send out last-minute warnings to those who need it most. It may even help facilitate emergency response by collecting location and situational data to relay to first responders.

系统可能会告诉他们他们所在地区何时发生洪灾,何时应该逃往更高的地方。 它可能会向最需要的人发出最后一刻的警告。 它甚至可以通过收集位置和情况数据以中继到第一响应者来帮助促进紧急响应。

These systems are powered by IoT and related sensors, which collect the information in real-time and then distribute it to the necessary platforms and parties.


4.促进自动驾驶汽车的响应 (4. Facilitating Autonomous Vehicle Response)

With some disasters, it’s just not plausible or possible to respond manually. It may be too dangerous, or rubble and damage may be creating an impasse. Autonomous vehicles, or drones, of the land, sea and air varieties, can fill in the gaps. As with all things IoT related, the technology can automate everything from locational and populace data to proper response times.

在发生某些灾难时,只是不可行或无法手动响应。 这可能太危险了,或者瓦砾和损坏可能造成僵局。 陆地,海洋和空中品种的无人驾驶车辆或无人驾驶飞机可以填补这些空白。 与物联网相关的所有事物一样,该技术可以使从位置和人口数据到正确的响应时间的所有过程实现自动化。

By sending a quick text to a central system, for instance, it might fire up local emergency response drones to deliver bandages, food or other supplies. Larger vehicles may even provide transportation to safety. Imagine using autonomous boats during a flood, designed to pick up people stranded all over a local area and bring them back to a shelter.

例如,通过向中央系统发送快速文本,它可能会激发当地的应急无人机来运送绷带,食物或其他物资。 较大的车辆甚至可以提供安全的运输工具。 想象一下在洪水期间使用自动驾驶船的意图,该船旨在将困在当地的人们接走并带回庇护所。

5.用科技灭火 (5. Fighting Fire With Tech)

Some experts have proposed using tree-mounted IoT sensors to monitor natural factors, like humidity, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Readings will drastically shift when there’s a fire, so the sensors serve as an early detection system. Automating data collection and relay can help local firefighters respond faster.

一些专家建议使用树上安装的物联网传感器来监测自然因素,例如湿度,二氧化碳和一氧化碳。 发生火灾时,读数会发生剧烈变化,因此传感器可作为早期检测系统。 自动数据收集和中继可以帮助本地消防员更快地做出响应。

This is an excellent example of how the IoT can improve event response times, offering a speedier recovery. After a disaster, for example, a system might alert first responders about safe areas to visit or tell them where mass injuries might be located. Rather than waiting until an emergency has played out, they can respond within an ongoing process, following moment-to-moment guidance. This strategy would be similar to how firefighters might control a forest fire or blaze.

这是物联网如何改善事件响应时间,提供更快恢复的绝佳示例。 例如,在灾难发生后,系统可能会向第一响应者发出有关安全区域访问的警报,或者告诉他们可能存在重伤的地方。 他们可以等到瞬间的指导,而不是等到紧急情况发生后,再在正在进行的过程中做出回应。 该策略类似于消防员如何控制森林大火或大火。

什么时候发生? (When Is This Happening?)

Believe it or not, many of these technologies already exist and are already in place. This is an ongoing movement, and the technology’s power and capabilities continue advancing considerably over time. We are merely scratching the surface in terms of full potential, which is equally promising and inspiring.

信不信由你,这些技术中有许多已经存在并且已经存在。 这是一个持续不断的运动,随着时间的流逝,该技术的力量和能力继续不断进步。 我们只是在发挥全部潜力方面抓挠表面,这同样是充满希望和鼓舞性的。

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免责声明:作为“物联网杂志”的追随者,它提供了很多好处:)与来自各个行业的专家进行的咨询会议是一项重要的会议。 在此处提交您的查询 ,我们将与您联系合适的物联网专家。 你可能永远不知道他可能坐在隔壁。

翻译自: https://theiotmagazine.com/5-ways-iot-will-change-how-we-respond-to-disasters-b70eaa066661


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