云计算为什么发展_为什么快速发展的公司需要云计算? 第1部分


为什么快速增长的公司需要云计算 (Why rapidly growing companies need Cloud Computing)

Any rapidly-growing business enterprise — whether it is a small, medium, or a large company; also, whether it is an online  or even an off-line (brick and mortar) company — will need strategies to stay cost-effective as well as use cutting-edge Web technologies. In the earlier times, a few years ago, using expensive web technologies was the only choice for them. Even using those web servers, which of course were quite robust and state-of-the-art computers used in the web hosting industries, had their own intrinsic or external issues which would cause minor and major web-related problems, such as a server crash, leading to downtime and inactivity, leading to damages and losses.

任何快速发展的商业企业,无论是小型,中型还是大型公司; 此外,无论是在线公司,还是离线公司(实体店),都需要采取策略来保持成本效益以及使用尖端的Web技术。 在几年前的早期,使用昂贵的Web技术是他们的唯一选择。 即使使用那些网络服务器,这些服务器当然是相当强大的,并且是网络托管行业中使用的最先进的计算机,但是它们也具有自身的内在或外部问题,这些问题会导致与网络相关的次要和主要问题,例如服务器崩溃,导致停机和不活动,从而导致损失和损失。

在线业务面临的问题: (Issues faced by online businesses:)

Earlier, there were also broader issues like lack of proper web connectivity and broadband deployment to majority of the population, web security concerns, e-commerce related issues, lack of high-speed data-transfer over the Internet, high costs needed for its web development, higher costs of procuring web servers and related technologies; need to maintain specialist technologists, software and maintain a special IT zone inside the company to maintain and sustain their nominal web presence; a non-stop monitoring of their online businesses, and other such issues kept the companies off the Internet for doing serious business.

早些时候,还存在更广泛的问题,例如缺乏适当的网络连接和对大多数人的宽带部署,网络安全问题,与电子商务有关的问题,缺乏通过互联网的高速数据传输,其网络所需的高成本开发,购买Web服务器和相关技术的成本较高; 需要维护专业技术人员,软件并在公司内部维护特殊的IT区域,以维护和维持其名义上的Web形象; 对他们的在线业务进行不间断的监控,以及其他类似问题,使公司无法上网进行严肃的业务。

They preferred offline business more than the online business, especially in the large numbers of developing countries. As a result, these companies prospered and expanded their business in the real world easily, but their presence on the Internet was negligible.

他们比在线业务更喜欢离线业务,尤其是在许多发展中国家。 结果,这些公司很容易在现实世界中繁荣发展,并扩大了业务,但它们在互联网上的存在微不足道。

To have a professional quality web presence for these companies meant acquiring highest-quality and professional web hosting packages that included dedicated web servers, or even use the collocation facilities to house the companies web servers. Along with that, they needed to use the data centers which provided safety and security of both data and hardware, get regular backups, and have the Internet connectivity which was not just fast and secure but also it should be without any stoppages or outages.

对这些公司而言,要拥有专业质量的Web业务意味着要获得包括专用Web服务器的最高质量和专业的Web托管程序包,甚至使用并置设施来容纳公司的Web服务器。 除此之外,他们还需要使用提供数据和硬件安全性的数据中心,进行定期备份,并具有不仅快速安全的Internet连接,而且还应该没有任何中断或中断。

They also needed highly qualified and regularly trained web specialists to monitor every aspect of web hosting. It was a tough task for these growing businesses in getting over all those issues, maintain a rapidly growing business on- and offline, and make overall profits. Keeping down the costs of doing business on the Internet was an equally greater task.

他们还需要高素质和定期培训的Web专家来监视Web托管的各个方面。 对于这些成长中的企业而言,这是一项艰巨的任务,要解决所有这些问题,维持在线和离线业务的快速增长,并获得整体利润。 降低在互联网上开展业务的成本同样是一项更大的任务。

针对在线业务的云计算解决方案: (The Cloud Computing solutions for online businesses:)

The contemporary computational model, especially the Cloud Computing model, has given a new healthy and economically viable lifeline to these small to large online businesses. On the sides, the web security and control over cyber crimes, growing global laws and awareness for data privacy, easily available and affordable broadband services for the masses and companies as well, reliable and secure as well as affordable professional-quality web services have created the necessary foundation for global expansion for all these companies to conduct effective online businesses.

当代的计算模型,尤其是云计算模型,为这些小型到大型在线企业提供了一条健康且经济可行的新生命线。 从侧面看,网络安全和对网络犯罪的控制,不断增长的全球法律和对数据隐私的认识,为群众和公司提供的易于获得和负担得起的宽带服务以及可靠,安全以及负担得起的专业质量的Web服务已经创建所有这些公司开展有效在线业务的全球扩张的必要基础。

还有谁在使用云: (Who else are using the Cloud:)

Now let us see some examples of how the Cloud (Cloud computing) can be utilized very successfully and effectively by very active online businesses and very busy social networking sites. One knows that an online business or any social networking site which experiences large numbers of web traffic needs lots of web resources during those high traffic moments, or its web server may crash due to the high overload and the site can become inaccessible.

现在让我们看一些活跃的在线企业和繁忙的社交网站如何非常成功和有效地利用云(云计算)的示例。 众所周知,经历大量网络流量的在线业务或任何社交网站在那些高流量时刻都需要大量的网络资源,否则其网络服务器可能会因高过载而崩溃,并且该站点可能无法访问。

This inaccessibility for the web visitors to the site is one of the most undesirable events for any business site and its visitors as well. Imagine a very busy website like Amazon or eBay becoming inaccessible to the thousands of visitors they get every minute! That would send a wrong signal to the visitors and they may avoid visiting those sites for purchasing in future, least of all think of using their credit cards for purchasing, because they feel that the sites are managed by unprofessional managers and therefore there are risks to doing e-commerce on those websites. But these websites do not experience such down times, and therefore that is one major factor to build trust between them and their visitors.

对于网站的访问者来说,这种不可访问性对于任何商业网站及其访问者来说都是最不可取的事件之一。 想象一下像亚马逊或eBay这样非常繁忙的网站,每分钟吸引的成千上万的访问者无法访问! 这会向访问者发出错误的信号,他们可能会避免将来访问那些网站进行购买,尤其是考虑使用信用卡进行专业购买,因为他们认为这些网站是由非专业的经理管理的,因此存在风险。在这些网站上进行电子商务。 但是,这些网站不会遇到这种停机时间,因此,这是在它们与访客之间建立信任的主要因素。

Such extremely busy sites use the Cloud computing platforms in a major way. Most of their tasks use Cloud technologies. Yahoo!, Hotmail, and GMail, the top e-mail applications, use the Cloud computing technology. Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter use the Cloud technology. Microsoft, Google, Skype, Youtube, Picassa, Google Voice, and other top organizations, s well as millions of large to small business organizations and even individuals are using the Cloud technology easily and effectively.

如此繁忙的站点主要使用云计算平台。 他们的大多数任务使用云技术。 顶级电子邮件应用程序Yahoo!,Hotmail和GMail使用云计算技术。 诸如Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter之类的社交网站都使用Cloud技术。 微软,谷歌,Skype,Youtube,Picassa,谷歌语音和其他顶级组织,以及数以百万计的大型到小型企业组织,甚至个人,都在轻松有效地使用Cloud技术。

In fact, Cloud Computing technologies have become game changers in the Internet world! It is not only these giant organizations but countless small businesses are also using Cloud computing technologies and are reaping great benefits from them, not just to save operational costs, but also for utilizing other online softwares and immensely beneficial features of Cloud Computing.

实际上,云计算技术已经成为互联网世界的游戏规则改变者! 不仅是这些大型组织,而且无数的小型企业也在使用云计算技术,并从中获得巨大收益,不仅可以节省运营成本,而且还可以利用其他在线软件和云计算的巨大优势。

云计算,什么是云计算?: (Cloud computing, What is Cloud computing?:)

Cloud computing is a service that offers online services such as data storage and management, hardware and software management services over the Internet. In other words, many free and paid-for Cloud computing services that are delivered over the Internet. In the Cloud computing world, one pays for the time spent on usage of the software and applications instead of buying these software and applications outright in the real world which of course need lots of money.

云计算是一项服务,可通过Internet提供在线服务,例如数据存储和管理,硬件和软件管理服务。 换句话说,许多免费和付费的云计算服务是通过Internet交付的。 在云计算世界中,人们花钱花在使用软件和应用程序上的时间,而不是在现实世界中直接购买这些软件和应用程序,这当然需要很多钱。

Thus the Cloud service saves a lot of money which can thus be used for other important business purpose! Same way, in the Cloud computing world, one uses additional web resources like space, servers, bandwidth, etc. only when needed and then pay the normal fees to the Cloud service provider based on the day-to-day normal requirements.

因此,云服务节省了大量资金,可用于其他重要业务目的! 同样,在云计算世界中,只有在需要时才使用其他Web资源,例如空间,服务器,带宽等,然后根据日常的正常需求向Cloud服务提供商支付正常费用。

Continued… Why rapidly growing companies need Cloud Computing | Part 2

继续...为什么快速增长的公司需要云计算| 第2部分

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/why-rapidly-growing-companies-need-cloud-computing-part-1/


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