禁止访问潜在不安全因素附件_了解如何吸引潜在客户访问您的企业网站| 第2部分...


使用买方的关键字吸引潜在客户访问您的网站 (Use Buyer’s Keywords to get potential customers to your site)

The main problem faced by many internet marketers is getting laser-targeted visitors to his website. It is actually very easy to get potential customers to visit your business website if you use these SEO, advertising, and marketing strategies in use:

许多互联网营销商面临的主要问题是吸引激光瞄准的访问者访问他的网站。 如果您使用以下SEO,广告和营销策略,实际上很容易吸引潜在客户访问您的企业网站:

SEO技术来吸引以激光为目标的访问者: (SEO Techniques to get laser-targeted visitors:)

If you are able to find the “buyer’s keywords” in your niche, and use them in your content web page wisely, then you can see your content page appearing as top listing in the search engine result pages (SERPs).


买方关键字 (Buyer’s Keywords)

There are two chief types of keywords that are used in the search engines by web surfers who are especially looking for information on products:


1.      Information seeker keywords – such keywords are used along with a product or service name. These web surfers are seeking only free information about the product or service and they may not be purchasing the item anytime soon. The surfers are curious in getting information only. Such “information seeker keywords” can be “free tutorials”, “how to”, “what are the features of”, “benefits of”, “advantages of”, and so on.

1. 信息搜寻者关键字 –这些关键字与产品或服务名称一起使用。 这些网络冲浪者仅寻求有关产品或服务的免费信息,因此他们可能不会在短期内购买该产品。 冲浪者很好奇,只能获取信息。 这样的“信息搜寻者关键字”可以是“免费教程”,“如何”,“的特征是什么”,“的优点”,“的优点”等等。

2.      Buyer’s keywords – such keywords are extremely important keywords from the viewpoint of the internet marketer. The reason to know about these keywords is to use them in your content so that the entire form of the keywords along with your product can rank very high, preferably as number 1 or in the top 10 listings for that keyword/phrase in the SERPs. When the web surfer types the buyer’s keyword that you are targeting, then he may see your listing in the organic search result and he may just click that link and land up on your product page where you can convert him into a paying customer. Some examples of “buyer’s keywords” are given below.

2. 买方的关键字 -从互联网营销人员的角度来看,此类关键字是极其重要的关键字。 了解这些关键字的原因是在您的内容中使用它们,以便使关键字和产品的整体形式排名很高,最好在SERP中该关键字/短语的数量排在第一或前十。 当网络冲浪者键入您要定位的买方关键字时,他可能会在自然搜索结果中看到您的列表,他可能会单击该链接并进入您的产品页面,在这里您可以将其转换为付费客户。 以下是“买方关键字”的一些示例。

The Buyer’s keywords are typical keywords which are used by the web surfers when they are searching for a particular answer or solution to their specific issues. These issues can be health related, information related, or product related issues for which the surfer needs a proper and effective solution. He is prepared to buy the solution and so he inputs these types of keywords into the search engine’s search box.

买方的关键字是典型的关键字,当网络冲浪者在搜索针对其特定问题的特定答案或解决方案时,会使用这些关键字。 这些问题可能是与健康有关,与信息有关或与产品有关的问题,冲浪者需要针对这些问题采取适当有效的解决方案。 他准备购买解决方案,因此将这些类型的关键字输入搜索引擎的搜索框中。

Such buyer’s keywords, for example, show that the surfer has an intention to buy the item or solution if he finds it through web searching. Such buyer’s keywords can be one of the following:

举例来说,此类买方的关键字表明,如果冲浪者通过网络搜索找到了购买的商品或解决方案,则有购买意向。 此类买方的关键字可以是以下之一:

  • “<product-name> review”,

    “ <产品名称>评论”,
  • “<product-name> cost”,

    “ <产品名称>成本”,
  • “<product-name> coupon”,

    “ <产品名称>优惠券”,
  • “<product-name> discount”,

    “ <产品名称>折扣”,
  • “buy <product-name>”,

  • “where to buy <product-name>”,

  • and so on.


Notice that the <product-name> used by the surfer generally shows that he knows about the product and probably is now seeking information from where or how he can buy it.


另外一些买方的关键字是: (A few more buyer’s keywords are:)
  • “<product-name> special in <city-name>”,

    “ <城市名称>中特殊的<产品名称>”,
  • “<service-name> in <city-name>”,

    “ <城市名称>中的<服务名称>”,

These are just a few examples of buyer’s keywords that are used with the name of the product. There are literally countless “buyer’s keywords” which you can use to get the buyers’ attention and lead them to your website.

这些只是与产品名称一起使用的买方关键字的几个示例。 字面上有数不胜数的“买方关键字”,您可以使用它们来吸引买家的注意力并将他们引导到您的网站。

Think logically from the buyers’ viewpoint and you too can generate such powerful buyer’s keywords easily. Think of what keywords you yourself would use, what sort of phrase you would put in the search bar if you wish to buy something associated with your niche.

从购买者的角度进行逻辑思考,您也可以轻松生成如此强大的购买者关键字。 想想一下您自己将使用什么关键字,如果您想购买与利基市场相关的东西,您会在搜索栏中输入什么样的短语。

Learn how to use these buyer’s keywords in your content cleverly. Remember, such buyer’s keywords are a group of words – it is very difficult to rank high in the search engines for single word anyway. The knowledge of such advanced SEO techniques can help you set up a successful SEO campaign with ease and see profitable results.

了解如何在内容中巧妙地使用这些买方的关键字。 请记住,这样的买方关键字是一组单词-无论如何,要在单个单词中在搜索引擎中排名很高是很困难的。 对此类高级SEO技术的了解可以帮助您轻松地成功建立SEO广告系列,并获得可观的收益。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/learn-how-to-get-potential-customers-to-your-business-website-part-2/


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