

Choosing a host for your website can be hard work; choosing an ecommerce host for your budding online business can be even harder! An ecommerce hosting package can simply be thought of as a regular hosting package with various features and functionalities added on to save you money and make your online business easier to build and run.

为您的网站选择主机可能很辛苦。 为您的新兴在线业务选择电子商务主机可能会更加困难! 电子商务托管程序包可以简单地看作是常规的托管程序包,其中添加了各种功能,可以节省您的钱,并使您的在线业务更易于构建和运行。

This checklist is designed to help anyone with a basic understanding of web hosting find their perfect ecommerce host.


1.Don’t rush into anything – this is going to be a long-term relationship and possibly quite a big investment on your part; don’t rush into the first hosting contract that comes your way – research is vital!

1.不要急于求成–这将是长期的关系,可能对您来说是一笔巨大的投资; 不要急于达成您的第一个托管合同-研究至关重要!

2.Look for Specialists – most hosts will mention ecommerce hosting somewhere on their site, but you want to be looking for a host that features their speciality prominently, ideally on their homepage.


3.Are you a newb? If the answer is ‘yes’, are you willing to put time and effort into learning more about hosting? Answering these questions honestly will help you work out what kind of level of support you’ll need further down the line.

3.你是新手吗? 如果答案是“是”,您是否愿意花费时间和精力来学习有关托管的更多信息? 诚实地回答这些问题将帮助您确定进一步需要的支持级别。

4.Uptime – this is the metric used to start any search for a web host, not just an ecommerce host. Look for a guaranteed uptime of at least 99.99% – remember that if your online shop is down you’ll actively be losing money.

4.Uptime –这是用于开始搜索网络主机(而不仅仅是电子商务主机)的指标。 保证至少99.99%的正常运行时间–请记住,如果您的网上商店不营业,您将很可能会亏本。

5.Bandwidth/data transfer – again, this is a starting point in choosing a host, so make sure not to miss it off your ecommerce checklist just because there’s so much other stuff on there!


6.Competitive price – at the end of the day, the cost of a hosting package is going to be one of the biggest deciding factors. Remember however, ecommerce hosting packages will often have lots of extras included (that will save you money in the long run), so don’t just choose your host on sticker price alone.

6.具有竞争力的价格–最终,托管软件包的成本将成为最大的决定因素之一。 但是请记住,电子商务托管软件包通常会包含很多附加功能(从长远来看可以节省您的钱),因此,不要仅凭标价选择主机。

7.Jargon spot check – even if you’re completely new to the world of hosting and/or don’t have an interest in learning more about it, you’re going to have to understand a few terms and phrases so that you’re able to choose a good host. Here are a few to get you started: SSL, shopping cart software, merchant account, payment gateway, MySQL, PHP, ASP, Control Panel.

7.Jargon抽查–即使您对托管世界完全陌生 ,并且/或者对学习更多内容不感兴趣,您也必须理解一些术语和短语,以便能够选择一个好的主机。 以下是一些入门指南:SSL,购物车软件,商家帐户,支付网关,MySQL,PHP,ASP,控制面板。

8.Online Transactions – taking money online isn’t always that straightforward. If you’re setting up a business to sell products online, you’ll need to get hold of a merchant account and a payment gateway. Some hosts will help with this, so make sure to take a look at the specifications to see what’s on offer.

8.在线交易–在线赚钱并不总是那么简单。 如果您要建立一家在线销售产品的公司,则需要拥有一个商家帐户和一个支付网关。 一些主机将对此提供帮助,因此请确保查看规格以了解所提供的功能。

9.Shopping Cart Software – this is one of the most standard offerings in an ecommerce hosting package, but it’s still worth checking to see a) if there’s a choice of software available to you, and b) if there are any hidden costs associated with the software (eg. expensive upgrades or monthly fees).

9.购物车软件–这是电子商务托管软件包中最标准的产品之一,但仍然值得检查一下:a)是否有可供选择的软件; b)是否有与之相关的隐性成本软件(例如昂贵的升级或月租费)。

10.Cost Check Point – keep an eye on costs as you proceed through this checklist. A good idea is to imagine you’re going to stick with a host for three years – you can then start to work out what the ongoing costs might be compared to the up front costs. This will stop you going for a cheap looking hosting package that will ending up costing more!

10.Cost Check Point(成本检查点)–在检查此清单时,请密切注意成本。 一个好主意是想象您将要与主机保持三年的关系–然后您可以开始算出与持续性费用相比,哪些持续性费用是可以的。 这将使您停止寻找便宜的主机托管软件包,最终导致其成本更高!

11.SSL – a Secure Socket Layer is essential for secure transactions on a website. Some hosts will charge an extra fee per month for this certificate, so make sure you check where you stand.

11.SSL –安全套接字层对于网站上的安全交易至关重要。 某些主机每月会为此证书收取额外的费用,因此请确保您检查自己的位置。

12.Analytics – you should be able to install analytics yourself once you’re site is up and running, but it can helpful to have an easy install option provided by a host. Analytics will help you understand your customers better and therefore improve your online business.

12.Analytics(分析)–网站启动并运行后,您应该能够自行安装Analytics(分析),但是由主机提供简便安装选项会有所帮助。 Google Analytics(分析)将帮助您更好地了解客户,从而改善您的在线业务。

13.Customer Support/Tech Support – if you’re just starting out with an online business then you’re going to have a lot of questions and might need help at the most unexpected moments. Customer and technical support can be one of the biggest let downs for an otherwise top-notch host. There’s no way to be completely assured of quality, but reading reviews and testing pre-sales support with a few questions can be a good start.

13.客户支持/技术支持–如果您刚开始从事在线业务,那么您将有很多问题,并且在最意外的时刻可能需要帮助。 对于其他一流的主机,客户和技术支持可能是最大的失败之一。 不能完全保证质量,但是阅读评论和测试售前支持时有几个问题可能是一个好的开始。

14.MySQL and PHP Support – This should be a standard feature of any ecommerce hosting package, but, again, it’s always worth double checking.


15.Custom Error Page – A nice extra feature that will add a lot of professionalism to your ecommerce site. It’s possible to build your own custom error page from scratch, but a handy plugin will make the experience much more enjoyable!

15.Custom Error Page –一个不错的附加功能,它将为您的电子商务网站增加很多专业水平。 可以从头开始构建自己的自定义错误页面,但是方便的插件将使体验更加愉快!

16.Data Backup – it’s definitely worth checking out what kind data backup your potential ecommerce hosts offer: some will include regular back ups free of charge; others will only offer one-off back ups at an extra cost.

16.数据备份–绝对值得检查一下潜在的电子商务主机提供哪种数据备份:其中一些将免费包括定期备份; 其他人将只提供一次性备份,但需要支付额外费用。

17. Email – your email is going to be very important to your online business, so better make sure you get the right hosting features for the job. Look out for POP-3 email addresses, aliases, free forwarding and auto responder functionality.

17.电子邮件-电子邮件对于您的在线业务将非常重要,因此最好确保您获得适合该工作的托管功能。 注意POP-3电子邮件地址,别名,免费转发和自动回复功能。

18.Community – many of the bigger and/or better hosts will have a strong online community, which may well become invaluable in helping you succeed with your ecommerce site. Check out which of the following your potential hosts have (and how robust they look!): forums, FAQs, social presence (blog, Facebook, Twitter) online support, a ‘Knowledgebase’.

18.社区–许多更大或更佳的托管人都将拥有一个强大的在线社区,这对于帮助您成功建立电子商务网站可能非常宝贵。 找出您的潜在主机中的以下哪些(以及它们看起来有多健壮!):论坛,常见问题解答,社交状态(博客,Facebook,Twitter)在线支持,“知识库”。

19. Reviews – it’s well worth doing a bit of research around the web to find out what existing customers think of your potential ecommerce hosts. Beware though, it can be a challenge to find legitimate reviews – there are lots of fakers out there so take everything you read with a pinch of salt.

19.评论-值得在网络上进行一些研究以找出现有客户对您的潜在电子商务主机的看法。 但是要当心,要找到合法的评论可能是一个挑战–那里有很多假货者,因此请捏一点盐来阅读所有内容。

20. Your Gut – there are lots of solid things to check out for a good ecommerce host, but don’t sign anything without getting a ‘vibe’ for the company first. Do you like the look of their site? Does their sales pitch make you feel uncomfortable? Can you find any genuine positive reviews online? Have they made an effort to explain the different features in each hosting package? Are their terms and conditions comprehensible?

20.您的胆量–要想成为一名优秀的电子商务主机,有很多坚实的内容要检查,但是在没有首先获得公司“氛围”的情况下不要签署任何东西。 您喜欢他们网站的外观吗? 他们的推销会让您感到不舒服吗? 您可以在网上找到任何真正的正面评价吗? 他们是否努力解释每个主机包中的不同功能? 他们的条款和条件可以理解吗?

We hope this checklist helps you out on your ecommerce adventure.




This is a guest post from Lucy at Who Is Hosting This. They’re currently accepting eUKhost reviews. Be sure to spend a few minutes telling us what you love about eUKhost.

这是露西(Lucy)在“谁在主持此”的嘉宾帖子。 他们目前正在接受eUKhost评论。 请务必花几分钟告诉我们您对eUKhost的喜爱

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-write-an-ecommerce-host-checklist/






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