操作系统的组成部分_操作系统的组成| 第2部分


操作系统和网络或网络 (Operating System, and Network or Networking)

In a computer network, two computers connected are able to communicate as long as communications are of both sides on the same network protocols. According to the OSI model, the various existing protocols are divided into seven levels, where a protocol for a given level can be combined with any protocol levels located above and below (see encapsulation).

在计算机网络中,只要双方在同一网络协议上进行通信,连接的两台计算机就可以通信。 根据OSI模型,现有的各种协议分为七个级别,其中给定级别的协议可以与位于上方和下方的任何协议级别组合(请参见封装)。

An operating system typically contains several programs to exchange information in various protocols of levels 1-4. While levels 5-7 are supported by application software and middleware.

操作系统通常包含几个程序,用于以1-4级的各种协议交换信息。 应用软件和中间件支持5-7级。

To exchange information according to protocols of Level 1 and 2, the operating system requests the operation of computer hardware through a pilot computer pilot who can be part of the system operation or be provided by the manufacturer of the equipment.


When sending information over the network, application software creates information, which is formatted according to the protocols of levels 7-5, then forward it to the operating system. Various programs of the operating system will cut the information into frames, then go to format and send frames according to the protocols of levels 4-1.

通过网络发送信息时,应用程序软件会创建信息,并根据7-5级协议对信息进行格式化,然后将其转发给操作系统。 操作系统的各种程序会将信息切成帧,然后按照4-1级协议格式化并发送帧。

Upon receipt of frames from the network, different programs of the operating system will attempt to decode them according to various protocols at 1-4, and then convert the following frames in a continuous stream, which will be sent to the recipient software application. The software will then decode the stream according to the protocols of levels 5-7. The application software performs before a connection, that is to say, a logical link through which it will associate with a particular feed.

在从网络接收到帧后,操作系统的不同程序将尝试根据1-4中的各种协议对它们进行解码,然后将以下帧转换为连续流,并将其发送到接收方软件应用程序。 然后,软件将根据5-7级协议对流进行解码。 应用软件在连接(即逻辑链接)之前执行,通过该链接它将与特定的提要相关联。

The exact choice of protocols depends on the affected computer and network links that will be used. Various configuration parameters can influence the choice of protocols. They allow for example to prevent the use of protocols allowed on the network concerned.

协议的确切选择取决于将使用的受影响的计算机和网络链接。 各种配置参数会影响协议的选择。 例如,它们允许阻止使用有关网络上允许的协议。

访问控制逻辑 (Access control logic)

In a multi-operating system users a set of programs ensures the security of information stored in the memory and the availability of the computer, in order to preserve confidentiality and prevent manipulation performed by a user disrupt the computer use by other users. This feature is often absent from operating systems for personal devices.

在多操作系统用户中,一组程序可确保存储在内存中的信息的安全性和计算机的可用性,以便保留机密性并防止用户执行的操作破坏其他用户对计算机的使用。 个人设备的操作系统通常不提供此功能。

In these operating systems any user must first identify himself or herself before using the computer. Then a program of the operating system checks the identity against a directory or a repository (see authentication). The operating system then prepares a list of permitted and prohibited transactions with the user according to the regulations (also called policies) which have been introduced by the security administrator – the person responsible for information security.

在这些操作系统中,任何用户都必须在使用计算机之前首先标识自己。 然后,操作系统程序会根据目录或存储库检查身份(请参阅身份验证)。 然后,操作系统根据安全管理员(负责信息安全的人员)引入的规定(也称为策略),准备与用户进行的允许和禁止的交易的列表。

During each operation requested by an application software, the operating system must first check if the user manipulates the software application is authorized to perform this operation. The verification is done on the basis of regulations and lists of access rights introduced by the security administrator. The operating system will refuse any unauthorized transaction and enter the refusal in an activity log.

在应用程序软件请求的每个操作过程中,操作系统必须首先检查用户是否操纵了该软件,并且该应用程序有权执行该操作。 验证是根据安全管理员引入的法规和访问权限列表进行的。 操作系统将拒绝任何未经授权的交易,并在活动日志中输入拒绝信息。

In particular, the operating system may deny a user to read, modify, or delete a file, according to the list of access rights introduced for this file. The names of persons authorized to amend the lists of access rights is also indicated in the list of access rights.

特别是,操作系统可能会根据为该文件引入的访问权限列表,拒绝用户读取,修改或删除文件。 在访问权限列表中还指示了有权修改访问权限列表的人员的姓名。

The operating system will also disallow the decommissioning of core programs such as software programs or server operating system by any user who has not previously received the privilege to perform this operation – according to the rules introduced by the security administrator.


When a standalone software (computer bot) Operations requests to the operating system, software must first identify himself as a product and then, on the basis of this identity, the operating system performs the same checks as a individual.


The access control mechanisms have also effectively fight against malware – they often carry out operations that might disrupt the use of the computer.


用户界面 (User Interface)

A set of programs of the operating system receives the information submitted by application software, and places them on a digital image that will be sent to the hardware via a driver. In addition another set of programs receiving operations performed by the user through the pilot and transmit the relevant software. Both projects create man-machine interface that allows a user to interact with the machine.

操作系统的一组程序接收由应用程序软件提交的信息,并将其放置在将通过驱动程序发送到硬件的数字图像上。 另外,另一组程序接收用户通过飞行员执行的操作并传输相关软件。 这两个项目都创建了人机界面,该界面允许用户与机器进行交互。

The operating system can interact with a user through another computer or a terminal interface (distributed). The information sent by the application software will then be sent to another computer using a protocol designed for this purpose, while the other computer will send the operations performed by the user. See SSH, RFB or X Window System.

操作系统可以通过另一台计算机或终端界面(分布式)与用户交互。 然后,将使用为此目的设计的协议将应用程序软件发送的信息发送到另一台计算机,而另一台计算机将发送用户执行的操作。 请参阅SSH,RFB或X Window系统。

When the interface is text, the digital image is a grid that is placed in print, the grid typically comprises 80 columns and 35 lines. The interface can be manipulated with a keyboard. This type of interface, which has existed since the early days of computing [note 5] is now replaced by graphical interfaces.

当界面是文本时,数字图像是放置在打印中的网格,该网格通常包括80列和35行。 可以使用键盘来操作界面。 这种类型的界面(从计算的早期开始就存在[注5])现在已由图形界面取代。

图形用户界面– GUI (The graphical user interface – GUI)

In a GUI (Graphical User Interface or GUI), the digital image is composed by a program operating system by superposition of points, lines, symbols and letters. The interface is typically manipulated with a mouse on a WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing device). The digital image is created using the graphics processor on the computer.

在GUI(图形用户界面或GUI)中,数字图像由程序操作系统通过点,线,符号和字母的叠加组成。 该界面通常使用WIMP(Windows,图标,菜单和定点设备)上的鼠标进行操作。 使用计算机上的图形处理器创建数字图像。

When handling the mouse, the operating system moves the image element that is the pointer and performs the necessary calculations to determine which element of the image that lies just below. At each picture element may be associated with a program. A widget is a program that draws and animates an image whose appearance may be that of a push button, a lamp, a lift, a text box, menu, etc.. Various widgets are included with the operating system.

在处理鼠标时,操作系统将移动作为指针的图像元素,并执行必要的计算以确定图像的哪个元素位于其正下方。 在每个图片元素处可以与程序相关联。 窗口小部件是一种绘制图像并对其进行动画处理的程序,其外观可能是按钮,灯,升降机,文本框,菜单等的外观。操作系统随附各种窗口小部件。

The graphical user interface programs are now (since 2009) included in all modern operating systems. The X Window System is the set of programs for graphical user interface included in all operating systems of the Unix family.

图形用户界面程序现在(自2009年起)已包含在所有现代操作系统中。 X Window System是Unix系列所有操作系统中包含的图形用户界面程序集。

实用软件 (Utility Software)

A software application used to assist the user in an activity. The software utilities are software applications that allow the user to perform basic manipulations such as start programs, copy files or change configuration settings. Various software tools are provided with operating systems.

用于协助用户进行活动的软件应用程序。 软件实用程序是允许用户执行基本操作(如启动程序,复制文件或更改配置设置)的软件应用程序。 操作系统附带了各种软件工具。

A shell is a program that lets you run other programs by writing their name possibly followed by various parameters. It comes with several programs that allow file manipulation (copy, rename, etc.). This type of program is used to perform manipulations or run scripts – sequences of manipulations pre-recorded (see ordering information).

外壳程序是一个程序,可让您通过编写其他程序的名称(可能后面带有各种参数)来运行其他程序。 它带有几个允许文件操作(复制,重命名等)的程序。 此类程序用于执行操作或运行脚本-预先记录的操作序列(请参阅订购信息)。

A desktop environment is a program in which the various elements of the computer (programs, files, and disks) are presented as icons on which you can perform different actions. It can run programs and perform various file operations (copying, renaming, moving or deleting, etc.)

桌面环境是一种程序,其中计算机的各种元素(程序,文件和磁盘)以图标形式显示,您可以在这些图标上执行不同的操作。 它可以运行程序并执行各种文件操作(复制,重命名,移动或删除等)。

Some programs serve the user to change the configuration settings of the operating system. They offer multiple choice lists and perform validity checks before changing settings.

一些程序为用户提供更改操作系统的配置设置的服务。 他们提供多个选择列表,并在更改设置之前执行有效性检查。

Other programs used to install software, that is to say, copy the files in the locations provided for that purpose, and perform configuration changes needed to make the software operational. These programs can also be used to view the list of software currently installed in the computer.

用于安装软件的其他程序,也就是说,将文件复制到为此目的提供的位置,并执行使软件运行所需的配置更改。 这些程序还可用于查看计算机中当前安装的软件列表。

An operating system multi-user is typically provided with programs to monitor the activity on the computer – consulting activity logs – or edit the lists of access rights to authorize or prohibit a file to some users.


建筑 (Architecture)

An operating system is typically organized into distinct layers [T 12].

操作系统通常组织为不同的层[T 12]。

The top layer is the programming interface with application software (which includes software utilities included with the operating system).


In the center is one or more layers which contain the main components of the operating system such as programs for file systems and networking, memory management (see above), the pilots, the scheduler, the interrupt handler [T 13].

在中心是一层或多层,其中包含操作系统的主要组件,例如文件系统和网络程序,内存管理(请参见上文),飞行员,调度程序,中断处理程序[T 13]。

The lower layer, called HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer English Short HAL), is responsible for hiding the physical characteristics [T 14].

下层称为HAL(硬件抽象层,英文简称HAL),负责隐藏物理特征[T 14]。

内核操作系统–核心 (Kernel operating system – The core)

The core (kernel English) is a single memory space, which is placed in all or part of the operating system. In common parlance, the term ‘kernel’ refers to the location, and all of its programs and form the heart of the rigid operating system. The content of the nucleus can not be inadvertently altered by software applications – a modification would crash the computer.

核心(英文内核)是单个内存空间,位于整个或部分操作系统中。 通常,“内核”一词是指位置及其所有程序,它们构成刚性操作系统的心脏。 原子核的内容不能被软件应用程序无意更改-修改会使计算机崩溃。

Monolithic kernel


The architecture is said to be monolithic kernel where all the programs of the operating system (especially the drivers, programs that deal with the network file system) resides in kernel space. In this architecture each use of a function of the programming interface causes a context switch and the transition kernel mode (see above).

据说该体系结构是单片内核,操作系统的所有程序(尤其是驱动程序,处理网络文件系统的程序)都驻留在内核空间中。 在这种体系结构中,对编程接口功能的每次使用都会导致上下文切换和转换内核模式(请参见上文)。

Linux, FreeBSD, OpenVMS and Solaris operating systems are monolithic stone.


微内核 (Micro-kernel)

The architecture is called micro-kernel (also called the microkernel) when the kernel contains the bare minimum, ie the scheduler and the program that simulates virtual memory, and the vast majority of programs are outside: drivers, programs that deal with file systems or graphical user interface and application software.


In this architecture, the many programs that are outside the core are isolated from each other, are implemented as application software – in competition – and use the kernel facility to exchange messages. The use of the functions of the programming interface involves the issuance of new messages.

在这种体系结构中,内核之外的许多程序彼此隔离,在竞争中被实现为应用程序软件,并使用内核工具来交换消息。 编程接口功能的使用涉及新消息的发布。

Minix, BeOS, Mac OS X and QNX operating systems are micro-kernel.

Minix,BeOS,Mac OS X和QNX操作系统是微内核。

核杂交 (Nucleus hybrid)

Various operating systems have an architecture that has some characteristics of micro-kernels and monolithic kernels simultaneously. This architecture is called hybrid core macro-or micro-kernel modified kernel.

各种操作系统的体系结构同时具有微内核和单片内核的某些特征。 这种架构称为混合核心宏或微内核修改内核。

In this architecture, all the programs of the operating system reside in the nucleus, like a monolithic kernel. However many programs of the operating system are executed in competition as application software, like the micro-kernel architecture (kernel processes).

在这种体系结构中,操作系统的所有程序都像单片内核一样驻留在内核中。 但是,操作系统的许多程序都像微内核体系结构(内核进程)一样竞争地作为应用软件执行。

For the kernel process, the scheduler performs context switches between processes in the same manner as between application software, these processes use the functions of the scheduler to exchange messages and use functions API results in the emission of messages. Windows NT or NetWare operating systems are core hybrid.

对于内核进程,调度程序以与应用程序软件之间相同的方式在进程之间执行上下文切换,这些进程使用调度程序的功能交换消息,并使用函数API导致消息的发出。 Windows NT或NetWare操作系统是核心混合体。

外核 (Exo-kernel)

In the exo-kernel architecture (Greek exos = off), there is no single location, and the operating system is composed of programs and software libraries of the same construction as those of application software.

在exo-kernel体系结构(希腊语exos = off)中,没有单个位置,并且操作系统由与应用程序软件具有相同结构的程序和软件库组成。

Using a functional programming interface causes the execution of instructions in a software library of the operating system without requiring a context switch. A software library is used for transmitting and receiving messages between processes, the scheduler instructions are included in this library.

使用功能性编程接口可以在操作系统的软件库中执行指令,而无需上下文切换。 软件库用于在进程之间发送和接收消息,调度程序指令包含在该库中。

Mac OS, AmigaOS and Oberon are operating systems architecture exo-kernel.

Mac OS,AmigaOS和Oberon是操作系统体系结构exo-kernel。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/composition-of-an-operating-system-part-2/






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