
An orange sky and wildfire smoke above San Francisco.
SvetlanaSF/Shutterstock.com SvetlanaSF / Shutterstock.com

How unhealthy is the air outside right now? You don’t need your own sensor to find out. Here’s how to find out how bad the smoke and pollution in your local area—or anywhere else.

现在外面的空气有多不健康? 您不需要自己的传感器就能找到答案。 这是查找本地或其他任何地方的烟雾和污染情况的方法。

了解空气质量指数(AQI)编号 (Understanding Air Quality Index (AQI) Numbers)

These services all show Air Quality Index numbers. The higher the number, the more pollution in the air right now.

这些服务都显示空气质量指数编号。 该数字越高,当前空气中的污染越严重。

Note that different countries use different Air Quality Index systems. If you’re not in the USA, you will have to look up your country’s Air Quality Index standard.

请注意,不同国家/地区使用不同的空气质量指数系统。 如果您不在美国,则必须查询您所在国家的空气质量指数标准。

In the USA, here’s what the numbers mean:


ColorAir Quality Index (AQI)Level of Health Concern
Green0 to 50Good
Yellow51 to 100Moderate
Orange101 to 150Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Red151 to 200Unhealthy
Purple201 to 300Very Unhealthy
Maroon301 to 500Hazardous
颜色 空气质量指数(AQI) 对健康的关注程度
绿色 0至50
黄色 51至100 中等
橙子 101至150 对敏感人群不利
151至200 不良
紫色 201至300 非常不健康
栗色 301至500 危险的

及时的人群报道:PurpleAir (Timely Crowd-Sourced Reports: PurpleAir)

While there are a number of ways to get official numbers from standardized government sensors—and we’ll explain those in a bit—there’s one way to get more timely results.


PurpleAir shows more localized air quality numbers. They’re much more current but are crowd-sourced from sensors set up by individuals. Individual sensors in an area may not be positioned accurately. But, if you look at an area with multiple sensors, the average will show you a fairly complete picture.

PurpleAir显示更多本地化的空气质量数字。 它们的电流要大得多,但都是由个人设置的传感器提供的。 某个区域中的各个传感器可能无法准确定位。 但是,如果您查看具有多个传感器的区域,则平均值将为您显示相当完整的图像。

Just head to the PurpleAir map and search for your local area (or another area you want information about.)


If a particular sensor is too high or low compared to its surrounding ones, you should ignore it. That said, the sensors in your area should point to an average reading that’s reasonably accurate in the moment. They may even suggest differences from neighborhood to neighborhood in your city.

如果特定传感器与周围传感器相比过高或过低,则应忽略它。 就是说,您所在区域的传感器应该指向目前相当准确的平均读数。 他们甚至可能建议您所在城市的社区之间存在差异。

AQI measurements on a PurpleAir map for Eugene, OR.

PurpleAir sensors show US AQI numbers even when they’re located in other countries, so you can look across the globe and compare readings in multiple countries, if you like.


官方数字更慢​​:AirNow和智能手机应用程序 (Slower Official Numbers: AirNow and Smartphone Apps)

You can also check the official numbers reported by your government. In the US, these numbers are provided by the EPA and its partners. They’re updated hourly and come from a fewer number of more precisely accurate sensors.

您还可以查看政府报告的官方电话号码。 在美国,这些数字由EPA及其合作伙伴提供。 它们每小时更新一次,并且来自少量更精确的传感器。

That’s convenient, but they won’t show you the most timely air quality details if it’s changing quickly or how the air quality differs from neighborhood to neighborhood in your city.


To find these numbers in the USA, Canada, and Mexico you can use the AirNow website. Plug in a location and you’ll see the air quality in your area. (For other countries, you will need to find a website with data for your country.)

要在美国,加拿大和墨西哥找到这些号码,您可以使用AirNow网站。 插入位置,您会看到所在区域的空气质量。 (对于其他国家/地区,您将需要找到一个包含您所在国家/地区数据的网站。)

AirNow showing "Hazardous" air quality.

AirNow also offers a map that shows air quality across North America.


An AirNow map showing poor air quality on the west coast due to wildfire smoke.

For convenience, you can quickly find these numbers via smartphone apps. On your iPhone, both the Maps and Weather apps show air quality information. You can see your local air quality information or view another area in the map and see its local air quality. (This is not available in all countries.)

为了方便起见,您可以通过智能手机应用程序快速找到这些数字。 在您的iPhone上, “地图”和“天气”应用程序均会显示空气质量信息 。 您可以查看您当地的空气质量信息,也可以在地图上查看其他区域并查看其当地空气质量。 (并非在所有国家/地区都可用。)

On Android, you can ask Google Assistant about the air quality for your local area or another area. (Again, Google Assistant does not support this in every country.) You can also install a third-party app that displays this information.

在Android上,您可以询问Google助理有关您所在地区或其他地区的空气质量 。 (同样,Google Assistant并非在每个国家/地区都支持此功能。)您还可以安装显示此信息的第三方应用程序。

Both Apple and Google’s apps show the same official information you’d find on AirNow and on government websites. For crowd-sourced information, turn to PurpleAir.

Apple和Google的应用程序都显示与在AirNow和政府网站上可以找到的相同的官方信息。 有关众包信息,请转到PurpleAir。

Air quality numbers shown in Apple Maps on an iPhone.

If you’d like to learn more, Wired did a good job of explaining the difference between the numbers on PurpleAir and AirNow and how they’re measured.

如果您想了解更多信息, Wired可以很好地解释PurpleAir和AirNow上的数字之间的差异以及它们的测量方式

The numbers generated by the government are the canonical historical, official data for an area—but, with conditions changing quickly and varying from location to location even within a particular city, PurpleAir’s numbers may be more useful in the moment.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690591/how-to-check-the-air-quality-near-you-or-anywhere/





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