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Twitch isn’t just a solo-streaming experience. If you want to stream with your friends, you can use Twitch’s new squad stream feature, where up to four streamers can combine their streams into one window for combined viewers. Here’s how.

Twitch不仅是单人流媒体体验。 如果您想与朋友一起直播,则可以使用Twitch的新小队直播功能,其中最多四个直播者可以将其直播合并到一个窗口中,以供合并的观众使用。 这是如何做。

To do this, you’ll need to be set up for Twitch streaming on your PC or mobile platform. You’ll also need to have the other Twitch users you want to squad stream with as a friend, as somebody you follow, or to be members of the same Twitch team.

为此,您需要在PC或移动平台上设置Twitch流 。 您还需要与要跟随的其他Twitch用户成为朋友,成为您关注的人,或者成为同一Twitch团队的成员。

Most importantly, you’ll only be able to squad stream on Twitch if you have Twitch Partner status. Twitch has promised to offer this feature to all Twitch streamers at a later date, but Twitch hasn’t set a timescale on when it plans to do this.

最重要的是,如果您具有Twitch合作伙伴身份,就只能在Twitch上进行直播。 Twitch承诺以后会向所有Twitch流媒体提供此功能,但是Twitch尚未计划何时进行此操作。

访问Twitch流管理器 (Accessing Twitch Stream Manager)

You’ll need to be signed in to your Twitch account on the company’s website to begin a squad stream. Once you’re signed in, click your account icon in the top-right corner.

您需要在公司网站上登录自己的Twitch帐户,才能开始小队比赛。 登录后,点击右上角的帐户图标。

From the drop-down menu, select the “Creator Dashboard” option.


Click the account icon in the top-right of the Twitch website, then click the "Creator Dashboard" option.

In your Twitch dashboard, you’ll see your stream information under the “Stream Manager” section. To begin a squad stream, you’ll need to ensure that the option is available under your “Quick Actions” panel on the right.

在Twitch仪表板中,您将在“流管理器”部分下看到流信息。 要开始小队直播,您需要确保该选项在右侧的“快速操作”面板下可用。

If it isn’t, click the “Add” button to find and add the feature to your panel.


To add new actions to your Twitch quick actions panel, press the add button.

邀请其他Twitch用户并启动Twitch小队流 (Inviting Other Twitch Users and Starting a Twitch Squad Stream)

Once the option to squad stream is available in your Twitch quick actions panel, click it to begin a new Twitch squad stream.


To start a new stream, make sure the “My Stream” tab is selected. If you want to accept an invite to join another squad stream, click “Invites” instead.

要开始新的流,请确保已选择“我的流”选项卡。 如果您想接受邀请加入另一个小队,请单击“邀请”。

Make sure "My Stream" tab is selected.

To start a new stream, click one of the available “Add A Channel” options. Type in the name of a channel you wish to stream with—the name should appear in a drop-down menu below it. Select the channel username to add it to your list.

要开始新的视频流,请单击可用的“添加频道”选项之一。 输入您要与之流媒体播放的频道的名称,该名称应显示在其下方的下拉菜单中。 选择频道用户名以将其添加到列表中。

Once all of the invited Twitch streamers have accepted their invitation to begin squad streaming, and once you’re ready to begin streaming yourself, select the “Start Squad Stream” button.


Click "Add a Channel" to invite other Twitch streamers to the Twitch squad stream. Once you're ready to begin streaming, click the "Start Squad Stream" button.

This will begin the squad stream. Other users will be able to view your individual stream, or they can click a banner on each of the squad streamer’s channel page to switch to squad stream viewing mode.

这将开始小队阵容。 其他用户将能够查看您的个人流,或者他们可以在小队直播者的每个频道页面上单击横幅,以切换到小队观看模式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/682545/how-to-squad-stream-with-others-on-twitch/





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