


Apple iPhone Notes app icon

Do you often need to quickly jot down a note on your iPhone or iPad? Using these four tips, it’s easy to add notes without needing to hunt for the Notes app on your Home screen. Here’s how.

您是否经常需要在iPhone或iPad上快速记下笔记? 使用这四个技巧,可以轻松添加注释,而无需在主屏幕上寻找Notes应用程序。 这是如何做。

使用小部件添加注释 (Add a Note Using a Widget)

It’s easy to quickly jot down a note using a special widget that you can add to your Today View screen. To add the Notes widget, visit your Today View by swiping from left to right on the first page of your Home screen. At the very bottom, tap the “Edit” button. Then locate “Notes” in the widget list and tap to add it.

使用可以添加到“今日视图”屏幕中的特殊小部件来快速记下笔记很容易。 要添加Notes小部件,请在主屏幕首页上从左向右滑动来访问“今日视图”。 在最底部,点击“编辑”按钮。 然后在小部件列表中找到“注释”,然后点击以添加它。

While you’re editing your widgets, you can also move the Notes widget to the top of your Today View list so that it’s easy to access quickly. Once the Notes widget is active, tap on it to expand it, then tap the “Compose” button (which looks like a pad of paper with a pencil on it) to create a new note at any time.

在编辑小部件时,还可以将Notes小部件移到“今日视图”列表的顶部,以便快速访问。 一旦“注释”小部件处于活动状态,请点击它以将其展开,然后点击“撰写”按钮(看起来像是上面有铅笔的纸垫)以随时创建新的注释。

Using the Notes widget on iPhone

使用Siri添加便笺 (Add a Note Using Siri)

If you’d like to quickly take a note using only your voice, it’s easy to ask Siri for help.


Launch Siri by holding and pressing your side button (or Home button on older devices), or say “Hey Siri” if you’ve set that up. Then say, “Take a note.” Siri will ask what you want it to say. Speak aloud whatever you’d like in the note, and it will be automatically added as a new note in the Notes app.

按住侧面按钮(或旧设备上的Home(主页)按钮)并启动Siri ,或者如果已设置,则说“ Hey Siri” 。 然后说:“记笔记。” Siri会问您要说些什么。 大声说出便笺中的任何内容,便会在Notes应用程序中将其自动添加为新便笺。

Asking Siri to create a note on iPhone

使用共享按钮添加笔记 (Add a Note Using the Share Button)

It’s also easy to add a note using the “Share” button in some apps. (The Share button looks like a square with an arrow pointing upward out of it.)

在某些应用中,使用“共享”按钮添加便笺也很容易。 (“共享”按钮看起来像一个正方形,带有向上的箭头。)

For example, if you’re browsing the web with Safari and would like to create a note based on the site you’re currently viewing, tap the “Share” button. Locate the “Notes” icon in the apps list and tap it. You’ll be given a chance to add a written note to the link before saving it.

例如,如果您正在使用Safari浏览网络,并想根据当前正在浏览的网站创建便笺,请点击“共享”按钮。 在应用列表中找到“笔记”图标,然后点击它。 保存之前,您将有机会在链接中添加书面说明。

If you read the note later in the Notes app, you’ll notice a large link in the note you created. Tap it to be taken instantly to the website in Safari.

如果您稍后在Notes应用程序中阅读该注释,则会在创建的注释中看到一个较大的链接。 点按即可立即将其带到Safari中的网站。

Sharing a link from Safari to a note on iPhone

使用控制中心添加注释 (Add a Note Using Control Center)

Using Settings, you can add a shortcut to Notes within Control Center that will only be a swipe away whenever you need to make a new note.

使用“设置”,可以在“控制中心”内为“便笺”添加快捷方式 ,仅在需要进行新便笺时才可以将其轻扫一下。

To add the shortcut, launch Settings and visit Control Center > Customize Controls, then locate the “Notes” shortcut and add it to your Control Center “Include” list. The next time you launch Control Center, just tap on the icon that looks like a notepad with a pencil, and you’ll be taken directly to the Notes app to make a note.

要添加快捷方式,请启动“设置”并访问“控制中心”>“自定义控件”,然后找到“注释”快捷方式并将其添加到控制中心的“包含”列表中。 下次启动Control Center时,只需用铅笔点击看起来像记事本的图标,您将直接进入Notes应用程序进行注释。

Notes shortcut on Control Center on iOS

奖励:在锁定屏幕上使用Apple Pencil做笔记(仅限iPad) (Bonus: Take Notes Using Apple Pencil on Lock Screen (iPad only))

If you have an Apple Pencil and an iPad model that supports it, you can take instant notes from the Lock screen simply by tapping on the iPad with your Pencil. To configure how it works, open “Settings” and visit Notes > Access Notes from the lock screen, then pick an option. With this feature enabled, any note you create from the lock screen will be automatically saved to Notes. Very handy!

如果您有Apple Pencil和支持它的iPad型号,则只需用Pencil在iPad上点击即可在锁定屏幕上记录即时笔记 。 要配置其工作方式,请打开“设置”,然后从锁定屏幕访问Notes> Access Notes,然后选择一个选项。 启用此功能后,您在锁定屏幕上创建的所有便笺将自动保存到便笺中。 非常便利!

Take Notes Instantly with iPad and Apple Pencil

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/680821/4-ways-to-quickly-create-a-note-on-iphone-or-ipad/






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