

When you delete a file in Windows, only the reference to the file is removed from the file system table. The file still exists on disk until other data overwrites it, leaving it vulnerable to recovery.

在Windows中删除文件时,只会从文件系统表中删除对该文件的引用。 该文件仍然存在于磁盘上,直到其他数据覆盖它为止,使其易于恢复。

There are many tools available out there that allow you to securely delete files so they cannot be recovered. This article provides a summary of some of the free tools available out there, many of which are portable, allowing you to securely delete files you may temporarily save to public computers.

有许多可用的工具可让您安全地删除文件,以便无法恢复它们。 本文提供了一些可用的免费工具的摘要,其中许多都是便携式的,可让您安全地删除可能临时保存到公用计算机上的文件。

橡皮 (Eraser)

Eraser makes it very easy to securely delete files, folders, or both. It overwrites the files being deleted with random data. There are several options for the number of times the files being deleted are overwritten with random data, including two versions of the US DoD 5220.22-M standard (3-pass and 7-pass) and the Gutmann method, which overwrites the file with random data 35 times.

橡皮擦使安全删除文件和/或文件夹变得非常容易。 它将使用随机数据覆盖要删除的文件。 对于被删除文件被随机数据覆盖的次数,有几种选择,包括美国DoD 5220.22-M标准的两个版本(3次通过和7次通过)和Gutmann方法,该方法使用随机数据覆盖文件。数据35次。

You can immediately delete files and folders using the On-Demand interface or schedule files and folders to be securely deleted at a specific time using the Scheduler.


Eraser comes in a version you can install, which also allows you to add an option to the Windows Explorer context menu to securely erase files within Explorer. You can also download a portable version of Eraser you can take with you on a USB flash drive to delete files you save on other computers.

橡皮擦有一个可以安装的版本,它还允许您在Windows资源管理器上下文菜单中添加一个选项,以安全地擦除资源管理器中的文件。 您还可以下载便携式版本的橡皮擦,然后将其随身携带在USB闪存驱动器上,以删除保存在其他计算机上的文件。

Download the installable version of Eraser from eraser.heidi.ie or the portable version from PortableApps.com.



Freeraser (Freeraser)

Freeraser is a free, portable tool that allows you to securely delete files using drag-and-drop. You can select to delete your files using a Fast method of filling the space with random data with one pass, using a Forced method that utilizes the DoD 5220.22M, 3-pass standard, or using the Ultimate, or Gutmann, method, deleting files by overwriting them with random data 35 times. Right-clicking on the Freeraser trash can displays a menu allowing you to manually select a file for deletion and to change the options for the program.

Freeraser是一个免费的便携式工具,可让您通过拖放操作安全删除文件。 您可以选择以下一种方式删除文件:使用快速方法(一次通过,用随机数据填充空间),使用采用DoD 5220.22M,三阶段标准的强制方法,或使用Ultimate(或Gutmann)方法删除文件通过用随机数据覆盖它们35次。 右键单击Freeraser回收站,可以显示一个菜单,您可以通过该菜单手动选择要删除的文件并更改程序的选项。

Download Freeraser from pendriveapps.com.



空白和安全 (Blank And Secure)

Blank And Secure is another portable drag-and-drop secure file deletion tool. Simply, drag-and-drop files or folders to be deleted onto the middle box on the Blank And Secure window. You can specify how many times the files are to be overwritten by zeros by clicking the Overwrite X times button and selecting an option. The deletion operation can be delayed up to 9 seconds using the Delete Delay X sec. button.

Blank And Secure是另一个便携式的拖放式安全文件删除工具。 只需将要删除的文件或文件夹拖放到“空白和安全”窗口的中间框中。 您可以通过单击“覆盖X次”按钮并选择一个选项来指定将文件用零覆盖的次数。 使用Delete Delay X sec,删除操作最多可以延迟9秒。 按钮。

Download Blank And Secure from pendriveapps.com.

pendriveapps.com下载Blank And Secure。


DP碎纸机 (DP Shredder)

DP Shredder is a portable, small program that allows you to securely delete files or directories and to overwrite the free space on a hard drive so files that were deleted previously without using secure methods cannot be recovered. You can easily select the method for deletion, which includes two US DoD-approved methods and the Gutmann method, and how many times (Rounds) the method will be applied.

DP Shredder是一个可移植的小型程序,可让您安全地删除文件或目录并覆盖硬盘驱动器上的可用空间,这样就无法恢复以前未使用安全方法删除的文件。 您可以轻松地选择删除方法,其中包括两种获得美国国防部批准的方法和古特曼方法,以及该方法将应用多少次(圆)。

Download DP Shredder from portablefreeware.com.



SDelete (SDelete)

SDelete is a command line tool allowing you to overwrite the free space on your hard disk so any previously deleted data becomes unrecoverable. It is portable and can be run from a USB flash drive in a command prompt window. To get help with how to use the command, type “sdelete” (without the quotes) at the command prompt and press Enter.

SDelete是一个命令行工具,可让您覆盖硬盘上的可用空间,因此所有先前删除的数据都将无法恢复。 它是便携式的,可以在命令提示符窗口中从USB闪存驱动器运行。 要获得有关如何使用该命令的帮助,请在命令提示符下键入“ sdelete”(不带引号),然后按Enter。

Download SDelete from technet.microsoft.com.



CCleaner (CCleaner)

CCleaner is a program that removes unused, temporary files from your system, cleans up your internet history and cookies, contains a tool for cleaning the registry, and even allows you to clean up files from applications installed on your computer. The latest version offers a tool for wiping the free space on your hard drive. You can wipe the free space on a hard drive or the entire drive, securely deleting all data on the drive. There are four options for specifying how many times the data will be overwritten.

CCleaner是一个程序,可以从系统中删除未使用的临时文件,清理Internet历史记录和Cookie,包含清理注册表的工具,甚至允许您从计算机上安装的应用程序清理文件。 最新版本提供了一种用于清除硬盘驱动器上可用空间的工具。 您可以擦除硬盘驱动器或整个驱动器上的可用空间,从而安全删除驱动器上的所有数据。 有四个选项可用于指定将覆盖数据多少次。

Download the installable version or the portable version of CCleaner from piriform.com.



A program for secure deletion of files is a useful addition to your software toolbox, especially if you use different computers, some of which may be public machines.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/72130/learn-how-to-securely-delete-files-in-windows/

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