
This guest article was written by Paige Eissinger from the Unofficial Google Gadget Blog

这篇客座文章是由 非官方Google小工具博客的 Paige Eissinger撰写的

I can remember back when the big deal about Firefox vs IE was that Firefox had TABBED BROWSING. And just what was so cool about that? If you’re the type of surfer I am who likes to have multiple sites open at once, it was a royal pain to have to use the back button or click through open windows to go from site to site.  I found out during a training class in HTML that Opera had always had tabbed browsing. Hey, I even used Opera before I tried Firefox, just because my instructor said it had tabbed browsing (and loaded fast).

我回想起有关Firefox与IE的大事是Firefox有了TABBED BROWSING。 到底有什么很棒呢? 如果您是我想同时打开多个网站的冲浪者,那么必须使用“后退”按钮或单击打开的窗口从一个站点转到另一个站点是一件很痛苦的事情。 我在HTML培训班期间发现Opera始终使用标签浏览。 嘿,我什至在尝试使用Firefox之前就使用Opera,只是因为我的教练说它具有选项卡式浏览功能(并且加载速度很快)。

What does this have to do with iGoogle? Everything. If you have your own iGoogle page, and you really should, then you know how easy it is to get overwhelmed with gadgets on your page, just like it was easy to get overwhelmed with too many open websites.  Once again, tabs are here to save the day, or at least reduce gadget overload, by giving you the option to put your gadgets on different pages instead of all in one place. Tabs act as a table of contents that lists the name of each page (the title of the tab) and the gadgets that are on that page.

这与iGoogle有什么关系? 一切。 如果您确实有自己的iGoogle页面,那么您就会知道在页面上的小工具不知所措是多么容易,就像很容易被太多的开放网站所淹没一样。 再一次,标签页可以为您节省一天的时间,或者至少可以减少小工具的过载,您可以选择将小工具放在不同的页面上,而不是全部放在一个页面上。 选项卡用作目录,列出每个页面的名称(选项卡的标题)和该页面上的小工具。

In case you don’t know, iGoogle is Google’s personalized homepage. It lets you take your favorite content from across the web and organize it all in one place. You can try it at http://www.google.com/ig

如果您不知道,iGoogle是Google的个性化主页。 它使您可以从网络上获取自己喜欢的内容并将其全部组织在一个地方。 您可以在http://www.google.com/ig上尝试

If you look at the left-hand side of your iGoogle page, you’ll notice a tab that’s labeled “Home” and has links underneath that open each of the gadgets you have on your homepage. Here’s what the Home tab looks like on the iGoogle homepage:

如果您查看iGoogle页面的左侧,则会注意到一个标签为“首页”的标签,该标签下方具有一些链接,这些链接可打开您首页上的每个小工具。 这是iGoogle主页上“首页”标签的外观:


You can categorize your gadgets by adding a tab.  Let’s say you’d like to put all of your productivity gadgets like your calendar, e-mail and to do list on one page. To add your first new tab, click the arrow to the right of Home on your Home tab and choose “Add a Tab” from the dropdown menu and open the “Add a tab” dialog window.

您可以通过添加标签来对小工具进行分类。 假设您要将所有生产力工具(例如日历,电子邮件)和待办事项列表放在一页上。 要添加第一个新选项卡,请单击“主页”选项卡上“主页”右侧的箭头,然后从下拉菜单中选择“添加选项卡”,然后打开“添加选项卡”对话框窗口。


If you’ve used Google before (and who hasn’t), you’ll be familiar with the “I’m Feeling Lucky” option. If you know what type of tab you’d like to add but aren’t sure what gadgets to put on the page, let iGoogle do it for you. Just type in a search term, click the box next to “I’m feeling lucky…” and like magic, you have a new tab already populated with great gadgets.

如果您曾经(但从未使用过)曾经使用过Google,那么您会熟悉“我很幸运”选项。 如果您知道要添加的标签类型,但不确定要在页面上放置哪些小工具,请让iGoogle帮您完成。 只需输入搜索词,然后单击“我很幸运……”旁边的框,就像魔术一样,您将拥有一个新的标签页,上面已经装有许多精美的小工具。

Not only are tabs a great way to beat gadget overload by putting your gadgets on different pages, they also make it easy to navigate to the gadget you want to use by clicking on the tab (page) that contains the gadget or clicking on the name of the individual gadget listed on the tab to open the gadget page. Once you’ve created one new tab, you can create more by clicking the arrow to the right of the tab that’s currently open. You can also add and remove gadgets, change the theme of your iGoogle pages and even change the layout of the page by clicking “Edit this tab” to open the Preferences dialog window.

标签不仅可以通过将小工具放在不同页面上来克服小工具过载的好方法,而且还可以通过单击包含小工具的标签(页面)或单击名称来轻松导航到要使用的小工具标签上列出的单个小工具的,以打开小工具页面。 创建一个新标签后,您可以通过点击当前打开的标签右侧的箭头来创建更多标签。 您还可以通过单击“编辑此选项卡”以打开“首选项”对话框窗口,来添加和删除小工具,更改iGoogle页面的主题,甚至更改页面的布局。

If you think somebody else might like your tabs, you can send the tabs to them by choosing the Share this tab option from the dropdown menu to the right of the  tab you want to share (the same one you used to Add a Tab). This option allows you to share some or all of the gadgets on the tabbed page with others. Just check the box next to each gadget you want to share and enter the email addresses of the people with whom you want to share. Make sure you include a message letting them know how the gadgets have helped you! You can also receive a copy of the email you send by checking the “Send me a copy…” option.

如果您认为其他人可能喜欢您的标签,则可以通过选择要共享的标签右侧的下拉菜单中的“共享此标签”选项,将标签发送给他们(与添加标签相同)。 此选项使您可以与其他人共享选项卡式页面上的部分或全部小工具。 只需选中您要共享的每个小工具旁边的框,然后输入要与之共享的人的电子邮件地址。 确保您包含一条消息,让他们知道小工具如何为您提供帮助! 您还可以通过选中“向我发送副本...”选项来接收所发送电子邮件的副本。


What sorts of tabs might you be interested in adding besides your Home tab? On my own personal iGoogle page, I have tabs for Productivity Tools, News, Music and Contacts.

除了“首页”标签外,您可能还想添加哪种标签? 在我自己的个人iGoogle页面上,我具有用于“生产力工具”,“新闻”,“音乐”和“联系人”的标签。

I work from home and it’s a real challenge to manage my time productively, especially when my cats, Trillian and Puff,  are pretending to nap on my desk. I say pretending because they have no problem reaching out a paw now and then to remind me that they’re there.  Having my Gmail, Google Calendar and To Do List right in front of me helps me stay on track.  I use the Todoist gadget from Amir Salifendic to list my tasks and check them off.

我在家工作,有效地管理时间是一个真正的挑战,尤其是当我的猫Trillian和Puff假装在我的书桌上小睡时。 我之所以说是假装,是因为他们没有问题,时不时伸出一只爪子,提醒我他们在那里。 我的Gmail,Google日历和“待办事项列表”就在我眼前,这有助于我保持进度。 我使用Amir SalifendicTodoist小工具列出了我的任务并选中了它们。


See Productivity gadgets on YOUR iGoogle Homepage


I also like to keep up with the news, so I have a tabbed page that contains my favorite news sources. I always check my Google Reader first thing. Other favorite news gadgets include NPR and USAToday. I also like to keep up with technology and entertainment news so I have gadgets for PC World’s Top Technology News and Yahoo Entertainment News.

我也想了解新闻,因此有一个选项卡式页面,其中包含我最喜欢的新闻来源。 我总是首先检查我的Google阅读器。 其他最受欢迎的新闻小工具包括NPR和USAToday。 我还喜欢紧跟技术和娱乐新闻,因此我拥有PC World的热门技术新闻和Yahoo娱乐新闻的小工具。


See News gadgets on YOUR iGoogle Homepage


Music is a big part of my life. I play bass guitar in Diezelfitter, a blues band I started with my guitar playing husband, Rick, so of course I have to have a tabbed music page. We’re constantly looking for lyrics online and having the Lyrics Search gadget available right in iGoogle makes it a lot easier. I also like to check out the latest music videos so I have the You Tube and Yahoo Music Video gadgets on my Music page, too.

音乐是我一生的重要组成部分。 我在Diezelfitter演奏低音吉他, 是我和吉他演奏丈夫Rick一起创建的布鲁斯乐队,所以我当然必须有一个选项卡式音乐页面。 我们一直在网上寻找歌词,而在iGoogle中提供“歌词搜索”小工具可使其变得更加容易。 我还想查看最新的音乐视频,因此在“音乐”页面上也有You Tube和Yahoo Music Video小工具。


See Music gadgets on YOUR iGoogle Homepage


Since I like to keep up with friends, colleagues and family, I created a tab for Contacts. I used the “I’m feeling lucky…” option to magically create a contact page already populated with gadgets. Now I can see my Gmail contacts (Gmail Contact Manager gadget), my GoogleTalk (GoogleTalk gadget) contacts, and even my Twitter friends all on one page!

由于我喜欢与朋友,同事和家人保持联系,因此我为“联系人”创建了一个标签。 我使用“我感到很幸运……”选项神奇地创建了一个已经填充了小工具的联系页面。 现在,我可以在一页上看到我的Gmail联系人(Gmail联系人管理器小工具),我的GoogleTalk(GoogleTalk小工具)联系人,甚至我的Twitter朋友!


See Contacts gadgets on YOUR iGoogle Homepage


I’d like to think I’m going to be much more organized now that I’ve added tabs to my iGoogle page but that means I’m also going to have to ignore those little paws when they reach out for my attention.  Hmmmmm, I wonder if there’s a gadget I can add to entertain the girls?

我想我现在已经井井有条,因为我已经在iGoogle页面上添加了标签页,但这意味着当它们伸出来吸引我的注意时,我也将不得不忽略它们。 嗯,我想知道是否可以添加一个小工具来招待女孩?

Check out the Unofficial Google Gadget Blog to find the best gadgets for YOUR iGoogle page.  You can even get a daily feed of gadgets with the Gadget of the Day gadget!

查看 非官方的Google小工具博客, 以找到适合您的iGoogle页面的最佳小工具。 您甚至可以使用“每日小工具” 小工具 获取小工具的每日供稿

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/how-to-create-and-share-an-igoogle-tab/

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