Android Market的5大最佳选择

Google’s Android Market isn’t the only place you can get Android apps. Whether you’re looking for free paid apps, social recommendations or an app store to replace a missing Android Market, you have a lot of choice.

Google的Android Market不是唯一可以获取Android应用程序的地方。 无论您是要寻找免费的付费应用程序,社交推荐还是要替换缺失的Android电子市场的应用商店,您都有很多选择。

Each app store is completely legit — the ones that offer free apps pay the developer for the privilege. You may even have an alternative app store on your device already if you’re an Opera user.

每个应用程序商店都是完全合法的-提供免费应用程序的商店将向开发人员支付特权。 如果您是Opera用户,您甚至可能已经在设备上建立了替代应用商店。

允许非市场应用 (Allowing Non-Market Apps)

By default, Android blocks you from installing apps from anywhere that isn’t the Android Market. To use any of these alternative app stores, you’ll have to enable the “Unknown Sources” option in the Applications settings screen. Check out our article on installing non-Market apps for more detailed information.

默认情况下,Android会阻止您从非Android Market的任何地方安装应用。 要使用这些替代应用商店中的任何一个,您必须在“应用程序设置”屏幕中启用“ 未知来源 ”选项。 查看我们有关安装非市场应用程序的文章,以获取更多详细信息。

亚马逊应用商店 (Amazon Appstore)

Amazon’s app store is probably the most well-known alternative to the Android Market. It’s included by default on the Kindle Fire . The big drawback to this app store is that it’s only available in the US.

亚马逊的应用程序商店可能是Android Market的最知名替代品。 它默认包含在Kindle Fire中 。 该应用程序商店的最大缺点是仅在美国提供。

If you are in the USA, the Amazon App Store is a great alternative to the Android Market. Not only is it chock-full of paid apps and free apps, it gives away a new paid app every day. Visit it each day to check out the new free app — these apps are only free for a 24-hour period.

如果您在美国,那么Amazon App Store可以替代Android Market。 它不仅充满了付费应用程序和免费应用程序,而且每天都在分发新的付费应用程序。 每天访问它以查看新的免费应用程序-这些应用程序仅在24小时内免费。

GetJar (GetJar)

GetJar isn’t as well-known, but it’s available everywhere. GetJar also gives away paid apps for free.

GetJar并不广为人知,但随处可见。 GetJar还免费提供免费的付费应用程序。

Unlike Amazon’s app giveaways, GetJar’s paid app giveaways don’t expire. GetJar adds new paid apps to its free “Gold Apps” section every week.

与亚马逊的应用赠品不同,GetJar的付费应用赠品不会过期。 GetJar每周都会在其免费的“ Gold Apps ”部分中添加新的付费应用程序。

AppBrain (AppBrain)

AppBrain takes a different, more social approach to an app store. It sells itself as an app recommendation system. With its social features, you can friend people and view your friends’ favorite apps. You can also see the apps that are currently hot, site-wide.

AppBrain对应用商店采用了一种不同的,更具社交性的方法。 它作为应用程序推荐系统销售。 借助其社交功能,您可以与他人成为朋友,并查看朋友最喜欢的应用。 您还可以在站点范围内查看当前很热门的应用程序。

AppBrain’s recommendation engine scans your device and, based on what you currently have installed, gives you personalized app recommendations.


SlideME (SlideME)

You may not have heard of SlideME, but it claims to be the top alternative app store worldwide. It’s preloaded on a variety of devices, particularly in regions where the Android Market isn’t available.

您可能没有听说过SlideME,但它声称它是全球顶级的替代应用程序商店。 它已预装在各种设备上,尤其是在没有Android电子市场的地区。

SlideME provides a large collection of both paid and free apps. When you buy an app on SlideME, SlideME gives a higher percentage of the revenue to the developer than Google does for the Android Market.

SlideME提供了大量付费和免费应用程序。 当您在SlideME上购买应用程序时,与Google在Android电子市场中相比,SlideME向开发人员提供的收入比例更高。

Opera App Store (Opera App Store)

If you’re a fan of the Opera web browser, you may be surprised to know that you already have Opera’s app store on your device. You’ll find a link to it on Opera Mobile’s default speed dial page.

如果您是Opera网络浏览器的爱好者,您可能会惊讶地发现您的设备上已经有Opera的应用程序商店。 您可以在Opera Mobile的默认快速拨号页面上找到指向它的链接。

Opera acquired its app store though a purchase of Handster in 2011. The store contains Android apps, in addition to apps for other platforms. You can access it through a browser on your device, or use a browser on your PC and download app APK files to your computer.

Opera在2011年通过购买Handster收购了其应用商店。该商店除了其他平台的应用外,还包含Android应用。 您可以通过设备上的浏览器访问它,也可以在PC上使用浏览器,然后将app APK文件下载到计算机上。

There are many other app stores that aren’t included here. With so many alternatives, access to the Android Market is becoming less important with each passing day.

还有许多其他应用商店未包含在此处。 有了众多选择,进入Android Market的重要性日渐降低。






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