


You’ve no doubt heard the terms gigabytes, terabytes, or petabytes thrown around before, but what exactly do they mean in terms of real-world storage? Let’s take a closer look at storage sizes.

毫无疑问,您之前听说过术语GB,TB或PB,但是对于实际存储而言,它们到底是什么意思? 让我们仔细看看存储大小。

Words like byte, megabyte, gigabyte, and petabyte all refer to amounts of digital storage. And they sometimes get confused with terms like megabit and gigabit. It’s useful to know exactly what these terms mean (and how they relate to one another) when comparing storage sizes on hard drives, tablets, and flash storage devices. It’s also useful when comparing data transfer rates if you’re shopping for internet service or networking gear.

字节,兆字节,千兆字节和PB等字眼都是指数字存储量。 有时它们会与兆位和千兆位之类的术语混淆。 比较硬盘,平板电脑和闪存设备上的存储大小时,准确了解这些术语的含义(以及它们之间的关系)很有用。 如果您要购买互联网服务或网络设备,则在比较数据传输速率时也很有用。

位,字节和千字节 (Bits, Bytes, and Kilobytes)

First, let’s take a look at the basics of digital storage with some of the lower level capacities.


The smallest unit of storage is called a bit (b). It’s only capable of storing a single binary digit—either a 1 or 0. When we refer to a bit, especially as part of a larger word, we often use a lower-case “b” in its place. For example, a kilobit is one thousand bits, and a megabit is one thousand kilobits. When we shorten something like 45 megabits, we’d use 45 Mb.

最小的存储单位称为位(b)。 它只能存储一个二进制数字,即1或0。当我们指的是位时,尤其是作为较大单词的一部分时,我们通常在其位置使用小写的“ b”。 例如,一千比特为一千比特,而一兆比特为一千千比特。 当我们缩短45兆位时,我们将使用45 Mb。

One step up from a bit is a byte (B). A byte is eight bits, and is about what you need to store a single character of text. We use a capital “B” as a shortened form of byte. For example, it takes around 10 B to store an average word.

从一个字节开始向上移一个字节(B)。 字节为八位,与存储单个字符文本有关。 我们使用大写字母“ B”作为字节的缩短形式。 例如,存储一个平均单词大约需要10B。

The next step up from a byte is a kilobyte (KB), which is equivalent to 1,024 bytes of data (or 8,192 bits). We shorten kilobytes to KB, so, for example, it takes around 10 KB to store a single page of plain text.

从一个字节开始的下一个步骤是千字节(KB),它等于1,024字节的数据(或8,192位)。 我们将千字节缩短为KB,因此,例如,存储一页纯文本大约需要10 KB。

And with those smaller measurements out of the way, we can now take a look at the terms you’re more likely to hear when shopping for your gadgets.


兆字节(MB) (Megabytes (MB))

There are 1,024 KB in one megabyte (MB). Through around the late 90’s, regular consumer products like hard drives were measured in MBs. Here are few examples of how much you can store in the MB range:

一兆字节(MB)中有1,024 KB。 在整个90年代后期,诸如硬盘之类的常规消费产品都以MB为单位进行度量。 以下是在MB范围内可以存储多少存储空间的一些示例:

  • 1 MB = A 400 page book

    1 MB = 400页的书
  • 5 MB = A average 4 minute mp3 song

    5 MB =平均4分钟的mp3歌曲
  • 650 MB = 1 CD-ROM with 70 minutes of audio

    650 MB = 1个CD-ROM,带有70分钟的音频

You’ll see the number 1,024 a lot in the next few sections. Typically, after the kilobyte stage, each successive storage measurement is 1,024 of whatever the next lower measurement is. 1,024 bytes is one kilobyte; 1,024 kilobytes is one megabyte; and so on.

在接下来的几节中,您将大量看到1,024。 通常,在千字节级之后,每次连续的存储度量是下一个较低度量的1024。 1,024字节是1千字节; 1,024千字节等于1兆字节; 等等。

千兆字节(GB) (Gigabytes (GB))

So, it should come as no surprise that there are 1,024 MB in one gigabyte (GB). GBs are still very common when referring to consumer levels of storage. Though most regular hard drives are measured in the terabytes these days, things like USB drives and many solid state drives are still measured in the gigabytes.

因此,一千兆字节(GB)中有1,024 MB并不奇怪。 当提到用户的存储级别时,GB仍然很常见。 尽管如今大多数常规硬盘的测量单位是TB,但USB驱动器和许多固态驱动器之类的东西仍以GB为单位。

A few real-world examples:


  • 1 GB = around 10 yards of books on a shelf

    1 GB =架子上约10码的书本
  • 4.7 GB = Capacity of one DVD-ROM disc

    4.7 GB =一张DVD-ROM光盘的容量
  • 7 GB = How much data you’re using per hour when streaming Netflix Ultra HD video

    7 GB =传输Netflix Ultra HD视频时每小时使用多少数据

太字节(TB) (Terabytes (TB))

There are 1,024 GB in one terabyte (TB). Right now, TB are the most common unit of measurement when talking about regular hard drive sizes.

一兆字节(TB)中有1,024 GB。 目前,在谈论常规硬盘大小时,TB是最常见的度量单位。

Some real-world examples:


  • 1 TB = 200,000 5-minute songs; 310,000 pictures; or 500 hours worth of movies

    1 TB = 200,000首5分钟歌曲; 310,000张图片; 或价值500个小时的电影
  • 10 TB = Amount of data produced by the Hubble Space Telescope per year

    10 TB =哈勃太空望远镜每年产生的数据量
  • 24 TB = Amount of video data uploaded to YouTube per day in 2016

    24 TB = 2016年每天上传到YouTube的视频数据量

PB(PB) (Petabytes (PB))

There are 1,024 TB (or around one million GB) in one petabyte (PB). If trends continue, petabytes are likely to replace terabytes as the standard measurement for consumer-level storage sometime in the future.

1 PB(PB)中有1,024 TB(约一百万GB)。 如果趋势持续下去,在未来某个时候,PB级可能会取代TB级,成为消费者级存储的标准度量标准。

Real-world examples:


  • 1 PB = 500 billion pages of standard typed text (or 745 million floppy disks)

    1 PB = 5000亿页标准类型的文本(或7.45亿张软盘)
  • 1.5 PB = 10 billion photos on Facebook

    1.5 PB = Facebook上有100亿张照片
  • 20 PB = The amount of data processed by Google daily in 2008

    20 PB = 2008年Google每天处理的数据量

EB(EB) (Exabytes (EB))

There are 1,024 PB in one exabytes (EB). Tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook (who process unthinkable amounts of data) are typically the only ones worried about this kind of storage space right now. At the consumer level, some (but not all) file systems used by operating systems today have their theoretical limit somewhere in the exabytes

一艾字节(EB)中有1,024 PB。 诸如亚马逊,谷歌和脸谱网(处理不可思议的数据量)之类的科技巨头通常是目前唯一担心这种存储空间的公司。 在使用者级别,当今操作系统使用的某些(但不是全部) 文件系统的理论极限值在EB级

Real-world examples:


  • 1 EB = 11 million 4K videos

    1 EB = 1100万个4K视频
  • 5 EB = All the words ever spoken by humankind

    5 EB =人类曾经说过的所有话
  • 15 EB = Total estimated data held by Google

    15 EB = Google持有的估计数据总数

This list could go on, of course. The next three capacities on the list (for those of you that are curious) are zettabyte, yottabyte, and brontobyte. But honestly, past exabytes, you start getting into astronomical storage capacities that just don’t have much real-world applicability right now.

当然,这个清单可以继续下去。 列表中的下三个容量(对于好奇的您来说)是zettabyte,yottabyte和brontobyte。 但老实说,过去的EB容量使您开始拥有天文般的存储能力,而现在这些存储能力在现实世界中的适用性还不高。

Photo credit: sacura/Shutterstock

照片来源: sacura / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353116/how-big-are-gigabytes-terabytes-and-petabytes/






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