feed_如何自定义Google Feed(并使之真正有用)



When Google first released Google Now, it was celebrated by Android users across the board. When Now evolved into the Google Feed, however, this change was much less accepted. But the Feed is great if you just take the time to customize it.

Google首次发布Google即时时,受到了Android用户的广泛赞誉。 但是,当Now演变为Google Feed时,这种更改的接受程度大大降低。 但是,如果您只是花时间自定义它,则Feed很棒。

Before we talk about customizing your Feed, however, let’s first talk a little bit about what makes it different than Google Now—aside from just the name. For starters, let’s clear one thing up right out of the gate: the Google Feed/Google Now is a part of the Google App. It’s not a separate app or service—it’s literally the meat and potatoes of the Google App at this point.

但是,在讨论自定义Feed之前,我们首先要讨论一下它与Google Now的不同之处-除了名称之外。 首先,让我们先清除一件事:Google Feed / Google Now是Google App的一部分。 它不是单独的应用程序或服务,实际上,这实际上是Google App的基础。

And for better or worse, the Feed is the evolution of Now. It takes everything that was great about Now and pushes things a step deeper—which is really what most people don’t like about the Feed. Instead of having your appointments and other important info front and center, the Feed focuses on the latest news that interests you on the main page, but all that pertinent personal info isn’t gone—it’s simply on another “tab” within the Google App.

无论好坏,Feed是Now的发展。 它充分利用了Now的所有优点,并将其推向了更深一层-这实际上是大多数人喜欢Feed的地方。 提要不是将约会和其他重要信息放在首位或居中,而是在主页上关注您感兴趣的最新新闻,但是所有相关个人信息都没有消失-只是在Google App中的另一个“标签”上。

This is, admittedly, a bit confusing. If you were accustomed to opening the Google App to see your Now cards, but are instead presented with an assortment of news you may or may not care about, it can be off-putting. I get it!

诚然,这有点令人困惑。 如果您习惯于打开Goog​​le App来查看自己的即时贴,但是却收到各种您可能关心或不关心的新闻,则可能会令人反感。 我知道了!

That’s why you have to spend some time in your Feed, customizing things to your liking. Then you can get the latest news for the things you care about at a glance, or tap one button and take a look at your important personal info. It really is the best of both worlds once you build it up for yourself.

因此,您必须花一些时间在Feed中,根据自己的喜好自定义事物。 然后,您可以一目了然地获得有关您所关心事物的最新新闻,或者点击一个按钮并查看您的重要个人信息。 一旦为自己建立起来,这确实是两全其美。

如何访问您的Google Feed (How to Access Your Google Feed)

First, there are a couple of different ways to access your Google Feed. If you’re using a Pixel or Nexus device with Pixel Launcher, then you can simply swipe to the left-most home screen. Boom, Google Feed.

首先,有两种不同的访问Google Feed的方法。 如果您将Pixel或Nexus设备与Pixel Launcher结合使用,则只需滑动到最左侧的主屏幕即可。 Boom,Google Feed。

If you’re using another device or a different launcher, however, it’s not built-in—in that situation, you’ll have to launch the Google App. If you’re using Nova Launcher, you can even customize a quick tap of the home button while on the home screen to launch the Google Feed (which is still called “Google Now” in Nova).

但是,如果您使用的是其他设备或其他启动器,则它不是内置的,在这种情况下,您必须启动Google App。 如果您使用的是Nova Launcher,甚至可以在主屏幕上自定义主按钮的快速点击以启动Google Feed(在Nova中仍称为“ Google Now”)。

如何自定义您的Google Feed (How to Customize Your Google Feed)

Once you’re in the Feed, customizing it is actually super simple. There are a couple of different ways you can do this, and we’ll talk about both here.

进入Feed后,对其进行自定义实际上非常简单。 您可以通过两种不同的方式来执行此操作,我们将在此处讨论这两种方式。

If you access the Feed in Pixel Launcher, tap the three dots in the upper right corner and choose “Customize feed.”

如果您在Pixel Launcher中访问Feed,请点击右上角的三个点,然后选择“自定义Feed”。

If you just use the Google App, tap the three lines in the bottom right corner, then choose “Customize.”

如果您只是使用Google App,请点击右下角的三行,然后选择“自定义”。

Either of those methods will take you to the same place, and I totally agree it’s stupid that they’re different in the first place. Just Google things, I guess.

这些方法中的任何一种都会将您带到同一个地方,我完全同意,愚蠢的是,它们首先是不同的。 我猜只是Google的东西。

Once in the Customize menu, you can start adding your interests. Start by tapping the “Follow topics” button.

进入“自定义”菜单后,您就可以开始添加兴趣了。 首先点击“关注主题”按钮。

This will throw you into a page with categories to choose from: Sports, TV, Movies, Musicians, etc. Tap on one of them to get started.


You can scroll through a list of suggestions—mostly popular stuff—and tap the little plus icon in the upper right corner to add it. Do this for all your favorite stuff in every category! The more time you spend combing through the topics and choosing what’s important to you, the better your Feed will get.

您可以滚动浏览建议列表(主要是最受欢迎的内容),然后点击右上角的加号图标将其添加。 对每个类别中所有您喜欢的东西执行此操作! 您花更多的时间来梳理主题并选择对您重要的内容,您的Feed将会获得更好的效果。

You can also add specific topics without digging through the various categories. Just tap the magnifying glass in the top right corner, then search for the thing.

您也可以添加特定主题,而无需深入研究各个类别。 只需点击右上角的放大镜,然后搜索即可。

This is great for more obscure interests. For example, I’m a massive Buckethead fan. The thing is, I’m not really going to find my man Big B on most “celebrity” or “musician” lists because he’s relatively unknown. So I added him this way.

这对于更晦涩难懂的兴趣很有用。 举例来说,我是一个巨大的 Buckethead的风扇。 问题是,我真的不会在大多数“名人”或“音乐家”名单上找到我的男人Big B,因为他相对不为人知。 所以我以这种方式添加了他。

Once you’ve searched for your topic, just tap the + symbol to add it to your interests list.


Once you’ve finished with this, just tap “Done” back on the Topics page.


To see everything you’ve followed or to unfollow certain topics, you can scroll through the Customize page. This will give you a quick overview of all your stuff—simply click the “View all settings” button under each category to take a deeper look.

要查看您关注的所有内容或取消关注某些主题,可以滚动“自定义”页面。 这将为您提供所有内容的快速概览,只需单击每个类别下的“查看所有设置”按钮即可进行更深入的了解。

The options available here may vary from category to category. For example, the Sports category will have specific toggles for game reminders and scores, along with video highlights, and whatnot.

此处可用的选项可能因类别而异。 例如,“体育”类别将具有用于游戏提醒和比分以及视频精彩集锦以及其他功能的特定切换。

I encourage you to explore all the categories and spend some time customizing them to your liking. Remember, the more time you spend here, the better (and more useful) your feed will get.

我鼓励您探索所有类别,并花一些时间根据自己的喜好自定义它们。 请记住,您在这里花费的时间越多,您的供稿就越好(并且更有用)。

You can also customize the more personalized aspects of your feed by scrolling down to the bottom of the Customize Feed page. Weather, commute times, and a lot more are all present here, each of which also has more settings of its own.

您还可以通过向下滚动到“自定义提要”页面的底部来自定义提要的更多个性化方面。 天气,通勤时间以及更多其他信息,每个都有各自的更多设置。

控制Feed中的特定内容 (Controlling Specific Content in your Feed)

Once you’ve started painting a picture of what your Feed will look like with these broad strokes, it’s time to get a little more granular. You’ll do this as you use the Feed.

一旦开始绘制这些粗略笔触的Feed图片,就该变得更加细化了。 您将在使用Feed时执行此操作。

Since Google also uses your search history to help customize your Feed, it will including things you seem to be interested in. So let’s say you’re scrolling through and see a story about Android. You’re into Android, so you want more of this stuff. Click the three dot button in the top right corner of that story’s card, then tap the “Follow” button.

由于Google还会使用您的搜索历史记录来帮助您自定义Feed,因此它会包含您似乎感兴趣的内容。因此,假设您正在滚动浏览并看到有关Android的故事。 您正在使用Android,因此您需要更多这些东西。 单击该故事卡片右上角的三个点按钮,然后单击“关注”按钮。

Similarly, if you see something you’re not into, you can hide that particular story, block the specific website, or even omit stories from that particular topic altogether. That’s pretty granular control. Use it!

同样,如果您看到自己不喜欢的内容,则可以隐藏该特定故事,阻止该特定网站,甚至完全忽略该特定主题中的故事。 那是相当精细的控制。 用它!

If you accidentally remove a topic from your feed or mark something as “not interested,” you can jump back into the Customize screen, then select “View all settings” for the category. The very bottom should show you things you’ve marked as “not interested”—just tap the “x” next to it to remove it from the Not Interested list.

如果您不小心从Feed中删除了某个主题或将某项标记为“不感兴趣”,则可以跳回到“自定义”屏幕,然后为该类别选择“查看所有设置”。 最底部应显示您已标记为“不感兴趣”的内容-只需点击其旁边的“ x”,即可将其从“不感兴趣”列表中删除。

Similarly, you can tap the X next to any item in your interests to remove it from your topics.


如何回到“现在”的提要 (How to Get Back to Your “Now” Feed)

Like I said earlier, the personalized info that everyone loves so much about Google Now isn’t gone—it’s just in a different location.

就像我之前说过的那样,每个人都非常喜欢Google Now的个性化信息并没有消失-只是在另一个位置。

If you use Pixel Launcher, you can access it by tapping the tray looking icon in the top right corner.

如果您使用Pixel Launcher,则可以通过点击右上角的托盘查找图标来访问它。

In the Google app, the same icon is found in the bottom navigation bar.


And there is it: all of your appointments, parking info, and whatnot. I get it: it’s one extra tap compared to the way Google Now was laid out, but it’s still there, and still useful.

就是这样:您所有的约会,停车信息等等。 我明白了:与Google即时的布局方式相比,这是另外一回事,但它仍然存在,并且仍然有用。

The Google App itself also has a couple of cool tricks up its sleeve, too. The bottom navigation bar is your best friend here: it has quick access to search, as well as a kickass “recents” button where you can see stories you’ve recently opened, past searches, and basically everything else you’ve done from the Google app. That’s cool!

Google App本身也有一些很酷的技巧。 底部导航栏是您最好的朋友:它可以快速访问搜索内容,还有一个kickass“最近”按钮,您可以在其中查看您最近打开的故事,过去的搜索以及基本上您所做的所有其他操作Google应用。 这很酷!

Since the transition from Google Now to the Google Feed, I’ve seen several complaints about how it’s just a shell of its former self. Personally, I couldn’t disagree more—I use the Feed dozens of times a day, and get a slew of great information from it. I use the Feed more than I ever used Now before, and it’s an integral part of how I get news and interact with my phone now.

从Google Now过渡到Google Feed以来,我已经看到了一些抱怨,抱怨它只是它以前的自我的外壳 。 就我个人而言,我不能不同意更多—我每天要使用Feed数十次,并从中获取大量有用的信息。 我使用Feed的方式比以前使用过的次数更多,这是现在获取新闻并与手机互动的不可或缺的一部分。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/332049/how-to-customize-the-google-feed-and-make-it-actually-useful/






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