canary 版本_Canary的免费套餐可能已更改,但它提供的功能不只其他Cams

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canary 版本

Canary, the makers of the home security Wi-Fi cam that we briefly checked out earlier this year, made some changes to their memberships. Specifically, they cut down on the number of features available to users in the free tier, which has created some warranted backlash.

今年早些时候我们简短检查过的家庭安全Wi-Fi摄像头制造商Canary 对他们的会员资格进行了一些更改 。 具体来说,他们削减了免费层中用户可用的功能数量,这造成了一定的反冲。

Granted, most Wi-Fi cams are limited in what they can do without users ponying up for a paid subscription or membership. It’s still a difficult pill to swallow, though, especially when a company cuts back on features that used to be free.

诚然,大多数Wi-Fi摄像头在没有用户为付费订阅或会员资格进行响应的情况下,其功能受限。 但是,这仍然是一项难以解决的难题,尤其是当一家公司削减了过去免费的功能时。

In the past, Canary has provided its users with some generous features in its free tier, most notably the ability to record and save all motion-detected video for up to 24 hours, as well as download any of those videos locally to your device. However, this has changed, along with a few other tweaks. Here’s a breakdown of the new changes:

过去,Canary在其免费套餐中为用户提供了一些慷慨的功能,最显着的功能是可以录制和保存所有检测到运动的视频长达24小时,以及将其中的任何视频本地下载到您的设备。 但是,这种情况已经改变,同时还有其他一些调整。 这是新变化的细分:

  • Free users will now only see 30-second “video previews” of any motion that was detected, instead of the whole video.

  • Night Mode is now a paid feature.

  • Free users will no longer be able to record video while in Home Mode.

  • Video downloads are no longer available in the free tier.


Thankfully, the 24 hour limit still stands for free users, but the move from full videos to just 10-second clips is quite the blow, even if those previews consist of the most important parts. However, you’ll still be able to see a live view whenever you want, and you can still receive alerts whenever motion is detected.

值得庆幸的是,免费用户仍然可以使用24小时的限制,但是从完整视频过渡到仅10秒的剪辑还是很困难的,即使这些预览由最重要的部分组成。 但是,您仍然可以随时查看实时取景,并且只要检测到运动就仍然可以接收警报。

As for the change to Night Mode, this lowers the number of modes for free users down to just two: Home Mode and Away Mode. Night Mode is a dedicated mode for when you’re home and sleeping, and you were able to easily switch between them in the app (or automatically schedule the switch). However, Night Mode is now gone for free users.

至于更改为夜间模式,这会将免费用户的模式数量减少到仅两种:家庭模式和离开模式。 夜间模式是一种专用模式,适合您在家中和睡觉时使用,并且可以在应用程序中轻松地在它们之间进行切换(或自动安排切换时间)。 但是,免费用户现在不再使用夜间模式。

With the new Home Mode changes, this really only makes Away Mode useful. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see most users from here on out just set their Canary cameras to Away Mode 24/7. This will mean they’ll receive alerts for every single motion event, but you can at least disable notifications for the app entirely if need be. The good news with Home Mode, however, is the addition of seeing the live view while in Home Mode, which you couldn’t do before.

有了新的“家庭模式”更改,这实际上只会使“离开”模式有用。 因此,看到大多数用户从这里开始将Canary相机设置为Away Mode 24/7时,我不会感到惊讶。 这意味着他们将为每个运动事件接收警报,但是如果需要,您至少可以完全禁用该应用程序的通知。 但是,使用Home Mode的好消息是在Home Mode中可以实时查看实时视图,这是您以前无法做到的。

Most importantly: while I can understand Canary users being upset by these changes, the free tier still offers more features than the Nest Cam does with its own free tier. Without a Nest Aware subscription, the Nest Cam is really nothing more than a glorified live streaming camera—it only snaps screenshots of motion and are stored for only three hours. However, it does notify you of motion, so there’s that.

最重要的是:虽然我可以了解Canary用户对这些更改感到不安,但免费版仍然比Nest Cam拥有自己的免费版提供更多的功能。 如果没有Nest Aware订阅 ,Nest Cam实际上只是美化了的实时流媒体摄像头-它只能捕捉运动的屏幕快照,并且只能存储三个小时。 但是,它确实会通知您运动,因此就可以了。

Still, though, this places the Canary lower on the list of Wi-Fi cams and the amount of free features available on them. There are plenty of other options to consider if you’re not willing to spend the extra cash on a paid subscription, including the Arlo Pro, which records and saves videos for up to seven days without paying a single cent more.

不过,这仍将Canary放在Wi-Fi摄像头列表上,其可用功能数量较少。 如果您不愿意将额外的现金用于付费订阅,还有很多其他选择可以考虑,包括Arlo Pro ,它可以录制并保存长达7天的视频而无需多付一分钱。


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