apple两部验证_如何为您的Apple ID设置两因素身份验证




Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security for your online accounts. Many online services are offering two-factor authentication, including Apple. However, Apple’s two-factor authentication needs some explaining, since it exists in two slightly different forms.

两要素身份验证为您的在线帐户提供了额外的安全保护。 许多在线服务都提供两因素身份验证 ,其中包括Apple。 但是,Apple的两因素身份验证需要一些解释,因为它以两种略有不同的形式存在。

Apple has had “two-step verification” for Apple IDs for awhile, but with the release of iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan, they introduced a new method of adding extra security to your Apple ID, which they call “two-factor authentication”. It can be confusing trying to decipher the differences between these two methods. We’ll discuss the differences, why you should move to the new method if you can, and how to set up and use both methods.

苹果已经对苹果ID进行了“两步验证”,但是随着iOS 9和OS X El Capitan的发布,他们引入了一种为您的Apple ID添加额外安全性的新方法,他们称之为“两因素验证”。 ”。 试图破译这两种方法之间的差异可能会造成混淆。 我们将讨论这些差异,为什么您应该尽可能使用新方法,以及如何设置和使用这两种方法。

苹果的两因素身份验证和两步验证之间的区别 (The Difference Between Apple’s Two-Factor Authentication and Two-Step Verification)

In 2013, Apple introduced two-step verification, which adds an extra verification step in addition to your Apple ID password. When setting up two-step verification, you register one or more trusted devices that can receive 4-digit verification codes. These codes are sent using either SMS or Find My iPhone, and you are required to provide at least one SMS-capable phone number. From then on, any time you sign in to the Apple ID website, sign into iCloud, or make a purchase in iTunes, iBooks, or the App Store from a new device, Apple will send you a 4-digit code within a push notification, SMS message, or phone call to one of your trusted devices. You’ll then enter that code on the new device you’re trying to use to verify your identity.

2013年,Apple引入了两步验证 ,除了您的Apple ID密码外,它还增加了一个额外的验证步骤。 设置两步验证时,您注册了一个或多个可以接收4位验证码的受信任设备。 这些代码是使用SMS或“查找我的iPhone”发送的,并且您需要至少提供一个支持SMS的电话号码。 从那时起,每次您登录Apple ID网站 ,登录iCloud或从新设备在iTunes,iBooks或App Store中进行购买时,Apple都会在推送通知中向您发送4位数字的代码,SMS消息或打给您信任的设备之一的电话。 然后,您将在要用来验证身份的新设备上输入该代码。

An example of Apple’s two-step verification process.

When you set up two-step verification, you are provided a Recovery Key you can use to gain access to your Apple account if you forgot your Apple ID password or you lost the trusted device or phone number associated with your Apple ID.

设置两步验证时,会为您提供恢复密钥,如果您忘记了Apple ID密码或丢失了与Apple ID相关联的受信任设备或电话号码,则可以使用该密钥来访问Apple帐户。

Apple’s new two-factor authentication, first released in 2015, is an improved security method built directly into iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan. You must have at least one device running iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan to use it. On the surface, it looks very similar to two-step verification: when you attempt to use your Apple account on a new device, you’ll have to approve it from a trusted device using a 4-digit code.

苹果于2015年首次发布的新的两因素身份验证是一种改进的安全方法,直接内置于iOS 9和OS X El Capitan中。 您必须至少有一台运行iOS 9或OS X El Capitan的设备才能使用它。 从表面上看,它与两步验证非常相似:当您尝试在新设备上使用Apple帐户时,必须使用4位数字代码从受信任的设备上批准它。

Here’s the difference: the old two-step verification simply displays a dialog box indicating someone requested the 4-digit code displayed on the dialog box. With the new two-factor authentication method, your trusted device must be running iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan, and it adds an extra step before presenting the verification code. A dialog box displays first, listing the approximate location (based on the IP address the device is currently using) of the request and a small map. This sign-in request must be approved before the verification code is presented. If you don’t recognize the location and you didn’t request the sign-in, you can block the request at this point.

区别在于:旧的两步验证仅显示一个对话框,指示有人请求显示在对话框上的4位代码。 使用新的两因素身份验证方法,您的受信任设备必须运行iOS 9或OS X El Capitan,并且在显示验证码之前增加了一个额外步骤。 首先显示一个对话框,列出请求的大概位置(基于设备当前使用的IP地址)和一张小地图。 在显示验证码之前,必须先批准此登录请求。 如果您不知道该位置并且未请求登录,则可以在此时阻止该请求。

An example of Apple's two-step authentication process.
An example of Apple’s two-factor authentication process. Note the added first step, and the fact that iOS 9 is required on the trusted device.
苹果公司的两因素身份验证过程的示例。 请注意添加的第一步,以及受信任设备上需要iOS 9的事实。

That extra step provides a bit more security than the two-step verification, and the new method is also quicker and easier to set up. You can set it up directly on any iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan device. However, unlike two-step authentication, you won’t be provided with a Recovery Key in case you forget your password. But, you can regain access to your Apple ID with account recovery.

该额外步骤比两步验证提供了更多的安全性,并且新方法也更快速,更容易设置。 您可以直接在任何iOS 9或OS X El Capitan设备上进行设置。 但是,与两步身份验证不同,如果您忘记密码,将不会获得恢复密钥。 但是,您可以通过帐户恢复重新获得对Apple ID的访问权限

NOTE: You may also see mentions online about app-specific passwords being removed from two-factor authentication. However, when I logged into my Apple ID after setting up two-factor authentication (not two-step verification), and clicked “Edit” in the Security section, I saw a section where I can set up app-specific passwords.

注意:您可能还会在网上看到有关从两因素身份验证中删除特定于应用程序的密码的提示。 但是,当我在设置两因素身份验证(而不是两步验证)后登录我的Apple ID并单击“安全性”部分中的“编辑”时,看到一个可以设置应用程序专用密码的部分

如何为您的Apple ID设置两因素身份验证 (How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for Your Apple ID)

If you’ve been using two-step verification on your Apple ID up to this point, you need to turn it off before setting up two-factor authentication. To do that, sign in to your Apple account on the Apple ID website. In the Security section, click the “Edit” link on the right. Then, click “Turn Off Two-Step Verification”. You will be asked to create new security questions and to verify your date of birth. Once this is complete, you’ll get an email confirming that two-step verification has been turned off for your Apple account.

如果到目前为止,您一直在对Apple ID进行两步验证,则需要先将其关闭,然后再设置两步验证。 为此,请在Apple ID网站上登录您的Apple帐户。 在“安全性”部分,单击右侧的“编辑”链接。 然后,点击“关闭两步验证”。 系统将要求您创建新的安全性问题并验证您的出生日期。 完成此步骤后,您将收到一封电子邮件,确认您的Apple帐户已关闭两步验证。


You can turn on two-factor authentication on any device running at least iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan. We’re going to use an iPhone in our example. However, if you’re using a Mac running OS X El Capitan, go to System Preferences > iCloud > Account Details. Then, click “Security” and click “Turn on Two-Factor Authentication”. Then, follow the on-screen instructions.

您可以在至少运行iOS 9或OS X El Capitan的任何设备上启用双重身份验证。 在我们的示例中,我们将使用iPhone。 但是,如果您使用的是运行OS X El Capitan的Mac,请转到“系统偏好设置”>“ iCloud”>“帐户详细信息”。 然后,单击“安全性”,然后单击“打开两因素身份验证”。 然后,按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。

On an iOS device, tap the “Settings” icon on the Home screen.



On the Settings screen, tap “iCloud”.

在设置屏幕上,点击“ iCloud”。


Tap on your account name at the top of the iCloud screen.



If you’ve changed your password, your security questions (which you have to change to turn off two-step verification), or other information in your account, you’ll probably be asked to sign into your iCloud account again. Enter your password and tap “OK”.

如果您更改了密码,您的安全性问题(必须更改以关闭两步验证)或帐户中的其他信息,则可能会要求您再次登录iCloud帐户。 输入密码,然后点击“确定”。


Tap “Password & Security” on the Apple ID screen.

在Apple ID屏幕上点击“密码和安全性”。


On the Password & Security screen, tap “Set Up Two-Factor Authentication”.



Tap “Continue” on the Two-Factor Authentication screen.



If you have any devices still associated with your Apple ID that are not running at least iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan, you’ll see the following dialog box. You can still use an old device as long as you add a six-digit verification code to the end of your password any time you log in to that device. Tap “Turn On Anyway” to continue.

如果您仍有任何与Apple ID关联的设备至少未在iOS 9或OS X El Capitan上运行,则将看到以下对话框。 只要您每次登录该设备时都在密码末尾添加一个六位数的验证码,就仍然可以使用旧设备。 点击“仍然打开”继续。


We want to take a moment to emphasize the text in the “Some of your devices are not ready” box because it will save you from a huge headache later. On your pre-iOS 9 devices you will need to tack your authentication number right onto your password. This means if your password is “Apple” and the authentication number they send you is “123456” then you verify your pre-iOS 9 devices by entering the two together as “Apple123456”–there is no separate box for your authentication number.

我们想花一点时间强调“某些设备尚未准备就绪”框中的文本,因为这将使您免于日后的头痛。 在iOS 9之前的设备上,您需要直接在密码上输入验证码。 这意味着,如果您的密码是“ Apple”,并且他们发送给您的身份验证号是“ 123456”,则可以通过将两者同时输入为“ Apple123456”来验证iOS 9之前的设备-身份验证号没有单独的框。

On the Phone Number screen, make sure the “Number” field contains a phone number that can be used to verify your identity. Under Verify Using, tap either “Text Message” or “Phone Call” to select the method by which you want to receive verification codes on non-iOS devices (if your phone number isn’t attached to an iOS device). Then, click “Next”.

在“电话号码”屏幕上,确保“号码”字段包含可用于验证您的身份的电话号码。 在“验证使用”下,点击“短信”或“电话”以选择在非iOS设备上接收验证码的方法(如果您的电话号码未连接到iOS设备)。 然后,单击“下一步”。


You are returned to the Password & Security screen and Two-Factor Authentication should read “On”. You will also receive an email telling you that your Apple ID is now protected by two-factor authentication.

您将返回到“密码和安全性”屏幕,并且“双重身份验证”应该显示为“开”。 您还将收到一封电子邮件,告诉您您的Apple ID现在受到两因素身份验证的保护。


Now, the next time you log in to a device that isn’t yet a trusted device, you will receive a notification on a trusted device that your Apple ID is being used to sign in to a device (such as an iPad) near an approximate location (based on the IP address of the device being signed into).

现在,下次您登录还不是受信任设备的设备时,您将在受信任设备上收到一条通知,告知您您的Apple ID正在用于登录附近的设备(例如iPad)。大概位置(基于已登录设备的IP地址)。


If you are the one signing into the device (even if you don’t recognize the location), tap “Allow” on the dialog box on the trusted device to continue logging in to the other device. However, if you do not recognize the location and you (or someone you know and trust) are not the one signing in, tap “Don’t Allow” to prevent anyone else from signing into the other device.

如果您是登录该设备的人(即使您不知道该位置),请在受信任设备的对话框上点击“允许”以继续登录另一台设备。 但是,如果您不知道该位置并且您(或您认识和信任的人)不是该登录位置,请点按“不允许”以阻止其他人登录另一台设备。

Once you allow the sign in, a verification code displays on the trusted device. You will use this to complete the sign in the other device.

允许登录后,验证码会显示在受信任的设备上。 您将使用它来完成另一台设备上的登录。


For example, I changed my password and my security questions on my Apple account. So, I have to log in to the iTunes Store again on my iPad. On the sign in dialog box, I enter my new password and tap “OK”.

例如,我在Apple帐户上更改了密码和安全性问题。 因此,我必须在iPad上再次登录iTunes Store。 在登录对话框中,输入我的新密码,然后点击“确定”。


Then, I am asked for the six-digit verification code I received on my trusted device. I enter the code and I can now purchase and download apps and content from the iTunes Store. Remember, if you’re signing into a device running an older version of iOS than iOS 9, you need to enter your password and code together in the same password box–e.g. password “Apple” and code “123456” become “Apple123456”.

然后,系统要求我输入在受信任设备上收到的六位数验证码。 输入代码后,我现在可以从iTunes Store购买和下载应用程序和内容。 请记住,如果您登录的设备运行的是比iOS 9更高的iOS版本,则需要在同一密码框中同时输入密码和代码-例如,密码“ Apple”和代码“ 123456”将变为“ Apple123456”。

Once you’ve signed in to a device using a verification code, you won’t be asked for a code again on that device unless you sign out of your Apple account completely, erase the device and set it up as a new device, or need to change your password for security reasons.



You’ll go through a similar process the first time you sign into your iCloud account from a new browser.


如何为您的Apple ID设置两步验证 (How to Set Up Two-Step Verification for Your Apple ID)

If you don’t have any devices running iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan but you want to protect the iOS devices you do have with extra security, you can set up the old two-step verification method. It’s still available and will be for the foreseeable future (as of the publication of this article). Even though it’s not quite as secure as the new two-factor authentication method, it’s still a very important piece of added security that you should have.

如果您没有运行iOS 9或OS X El Capitan的设备,但是想要通过额外的安全性保护自己拥有的iOS设备,则可以设置旧的两步验证方法。 它仍然可用,并将在可预见的将来使用(截至本文发布时)。 即使它不像新的两因素身份验证方法那样安全,它仍然是您应该具有的非常重要的附加安全性。

To set up two-step verification for your Apple ID, open your favorite browser, go to, and log in to your Apple account. In the Security section, click the “Get Started” link.

要为您的Apple ID设置两步验证,请打开您喜欢的浏览器,转到 ,然后登录到您的Apple帐户。 在“安全性”部分,单击“入门”链接。


A dialog box displays asking you to answer two of the security questions you set up for your account. If you don’t remember your answers, click the “Reset your security questions” link. Otherwise, enter your answers and click the “Continue” link that becomes available.

将显示一个对话框,要求您回答为帐户设置的两个安全问题。 如果您不记得自己的答案,请单击“重置安全问题”链接。 否则,输入答案,然后单击可用的“继续”链接。


If you reset your security questions, you must wait before you can enable two-step verification. You’ll receive an email at all the email addresses associated with your account telling you the date and time after which you can set up two-step verification.

如果您重置安全问题,则必须等待,然后才能启用两步验证。 您会在与帐户相关联的所有电子邮件地址上收到一封电子邮件,告诉您日期和时间,之后您可以设置两步验证。


You’ll also see a message in the Security section of your Apple account.



Once you’re able to set up two-step verification, log in to your Apple account and click “Get Started” in the Security section. The following screen displays. Click “Continue”.

一旦可以设置两步验证,请登录到您的Apple帐户,然后在“安全性”部分中单击“入门”。 显示以下屏幕。 点击“继续”。


On the “Add a trusted phone number” screen, enter the phone number you want to use to get a verification code each time you sign in to your account. Then, click “Continue”.

在“添加受信任的电话号码”屏幕上,输入您每次登录帐户时想要用来获取验证码的电话号码。 然后,单击“继续”。


You’ll receive a verification code in a text message at the phone number you specified. Enter that code on the Verify Phone Number screen and click “Verify”.

您会通过指定的电话号码收到一条短信中的验证码。 在验证电话号码屏幕上输入该代码,然后单击“验证”。


Now, you can set up and verify any iOS devices you want to use as trusted devices. Trusted devices are any iOS devices on which you can receive verification codes when you sign into your Apple account. Any iOS devices you want to use as trusted devices must have Find My iPhone set up on them. So, if you don’t see the device you want to use on the list, you’ll need to set up Find My iPhone on that device. Once you’ve set up Find My iPhone on your trusted devices, click “Refresh Devices” so you see the devices in the list.

现在,您可以设置并验证要用作受信任设备的所有iOS设备。 受信任的设备是您登录Apple帐户时可以在其上接收验证码的任何iOS设备。 您想要用作信任设备的所有iOS设备都必须在其上设置“查找我的iPhone”。 因此,如果您没有在列表中看到要使用的设备,则需要在该设备上设置“查找我的iPhone” 。 在受信任的设备上设置“查找我的iPhone”后,单击“刷新设备”,以便在列表中看到设备。


To verify a trusted device, click the “Verify” link to the right of that device’s name.



A Verification Code displays on your device. Enter that code in the browser, just like you did for your trusted phone number. Tap “OK” on the Verification Code dialog box on your device to close it.

验证码会显示在您的设备上。 就像您输入受信任的电话号码一样,在浏览器中输入该代码。 在设备上的“验证码”对话框中点击“确定”以将其关闭。


Verify each device you want to use as a trusted device in the same way, then click “Continue”.



Your Recovery Key displays. You’ll need this key to be able to log into your Apple account if you ever forget your password or lose your trusted devices. Store your Recovery Key somewhere secure, such as in a password manager, and then click “Continue”. If you can’t log in to your Apple account and you don’t have your trusted devices, you will have to create a new Apple ID and forego the old one. Apple takes security very seriously, so, be sure you keep your Recovery Key safe.

显示您的恢复密钥。 如果您忘记了密码或丢失了受信任的设备,则需要此密钥才能登录到Apple帐户。 将恢复密钥存储在安全的地方,例如在密码管理器中 ,然后单击“继续”。 如果您无法登录Apple帐户并且没有可信任的设备,则必须创建一个新的Apple ID并放弃旧的ID。 Apple非常重视安全性,因此,请确保您妥善保存恢复密钥。


Enter your Recovery Key on the Confirm Recovery Key screen and click “Confirm”.



You’re almost done. On the Enable Two-Step Verification screen, check the “I understand the conditions above” check box and then click “Enable Two-Step Verification”.

你几乎已经完成。 在“启用两步验证”屏幕上,选中“我了解上述条件”复选框,然后单击“启用两步验证”。


Two-step verification is now enabled. Click “Done”.

现在启用了两步验证。 点击“完成”。


Note that you might not see your trusted devices in the Security section immediately.



Refresh the web page and you should see the devices you set up as trusted devices.



In the Devices section, you can get information about each trusted device by clicking on the link for the device.



The model, version, serial number, and the IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) displays. If you no longer want this device to be a trusted device (maybe you don’t have the device anymore), click the “Remove” link (“Remove iPhone” in our example below).

显示型号,版本,序列号和IMEI( 国际移动台设备标识 )。 如果您不再希望此设备成为受信任的设备(也许您不再拥有该设备),请单击“删除”链接(在下面的示例中为“删除iPhone”)。


Now that two-step verification is enabled, the next time you sign into iCloud, or other Apple services, you’ll have to verify your identity.



For example, when I log into my iCloud account, a popup dialog box displays asking me to verify my identity, so I click “Verify”.



Then, I choose a trusted device to which a verification code will be sent. If you’re using a computer you can trust (that no one else has access to), and you often use this browser, you can turn on the “Remember This Browser” option so you won’t be asked to verify your identity the next time you log in. Then, I click “Next”.

然后,我选择将向其发送验证码的受信任设备。 如果您使用的是可以信任的计算机(没有其他人可以访问),并且经常使用该浏览器,则可以打开“记住此浏览器”选项,这样就不会要求您验证自己的身份了。下次登录时,然后单击“下一步”。


The Verify Your Identity screen displays. I want to use my iPhone to receive the verification code, so I click on “Lori’s iPhone” in the list.

将显示“验证您的身份”屏幕。 我想使用我的iPhone接收验证码,因此我单击列表中的“ Lori的iPhone”。


I receive a verification code on my iPhone and enter that code on the Enter Verification Code screen. I don’t need to press Enter, because the code is checked automatically once I’ve entered it. If the code I entered is valid, I will have full access to my iCloud account.

我在iPhone上收到验证码,然后在“输入验证码”屏幕上输入该验证码。 我不需要按Enter键,因为输入代码后,系统会自动对其进行检查。 如果我输入的代码有效,那么我将拥有对iCloud帐户的完全访问权限。


If you need to sign in to your account using any apps that don’t natively support two-step verification, you can generate app-specific passwords for those apps.


We recommend you use the two-factor authentication method if your devices meet the minimum requirements. However, if you can’t use that method, two-step verification is a viable option. Either method will provide the extra security your Apple account should have.

如果您的设备满足最低要求,我们建议您使用两因素身份验证方法。 但是,如果您不能使用该方法,则两步验证是一个可行的选择。 两种方法都可以为您的Apple帐户提供额外的安全性。







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