


Whether you want to share photos with one friend or dozens of friends, set up a collaborative album where everyone can dump vacation photos, or even share your album with the whole world, iCloud Photo Sharing makes it easy to share your photos right from your iPhone or iPad.

无论您是要与一个或几十个朋友共享照片,还是要建立一个协作相册,每个人都可以转储度假照片,甚至与全世界共享您的相册,iCloud Photo Sharing都可以使您轻松从iPhone共享照片或iPad。

打开iCloud照片共享 (Turn On iCloud Photo Sharing)

First things first, you need to turn on iCloud Photo Sharing. The best thing about iCloud Photo Sharing, by the way, is that even if you don’t regularly use iCloud for backing up all your photos and videos—because, perhaps, you followed our tutorial on banishing iCloud’s constant nagging about storage upgrades and now use Google Photos—you can still enable photo sharing for the photos you want. The free iCloud storage is palatial in size if you’re only using it for photo and video sharing and not a total backup.

首先,您需要打开iCloud照片共享。 顺便说一句,关于iCloud照片共享的最好之处在于,即使您不定期使用iCloud备份所有照片和视频,也可能是因为您遵循了我们关于消除iCloud对存储升级的持续困扰的教程。使用Google相册-您仍可以为所需的照片启用照片共享。 如果仅将iCloud存储用于照片和视频共享而不是全部备份,那么它的大小就很大。

To check on the status of iCloud Photo Sharing open up the Settings app on your iOS device. Select “iCloud” from the main menu.

要查看iCloud照片共享的状态,请在iOS设备上打开“设置”应用。 从主菜单中选择“ iCloud”。

In the “Apps Using iCloud” section, tap on “Photos”. You’ll note that our entry currently says “Off” because we’re not using any of the iCloud photo features—this will change in a moment.

在“使用iCloud的应用程序”部分中,点击“照片”。 您会注意到,我们当前输入的内容为“关闭”,因为我们没有使用任何iCloud照片功能-稍后情况会有所改变。

Here, in the Photos menu, ensure that “iCloud Photo Sharing” is toggled on.

在此,在“照片”菜单中,确保已打开“ iCloud照片共享”。

As we noted above, you don’t need to enable iCloud Photo Library or My Photo Stream to use iCloud Photo Sharing, so even if you’re a free iCloud user with the basic free storage, you can still take advantage of iCloud Photo Sharing with room to spare. Now that we’ve enabled iCloud Photo Sharing, let’s turn our attention to creating and populating our first album.

如上所述,您无需启用iCloud照片库或“我的照片流”即可使用iCloud照片共享,因此,即使您是具有基本免费存储空间的免费iCloud用户,您仍然可以利用iCloud照片共享有空余的空间。 现在,我们已经启用了iCloud照片共享,让我们将注意力转移到创建和填充我们的第一张相册上。

创建并分享您的相册 (Create and Share Your Album)

When it comes to sharing your photos with iCloud Photo Sharing, you can’t simply grab an existing album on your iPhone and share it—you need to create a specific album for the purpose through the sharing menu. To do so open up the Photos app and click on the “Shared” cloud icon down in the lower toolbar.

使用iCloud照片共享功能共享照片时,您不能简单地在iPhone上抓取现有相册并进行共享-您需要通过共享菜单为此目的创建特定的相册。 为此,请打开“照片”应用程序,然后单击下部工具栏中的“共享”云图标。

There’s a tutorial screenshot in the screenshot for the tutorial. Screenception.
该教程的屏幕快照中有一个教程屏幕快照。 截屏。

The default view when you tap the “Shared” icon is the iCloud Photo Sharing “Activity” log. If you’ve never used iCloud Photo Sharing before, this section will either be totally blank or if you’ve turned on Apple Family Sharing at any point in the past, you’ll see some minor activity indicating there was a shared “Family” album created and the members of your family were added to it.

点击“共享”图标时的默认视图是iCloud照片共享“活动”日志。 如果您以前从未使用过iCloud照片共享,则此部分将完全空白, 或者如果您在过去的任何时候都启用了Apple家庭共享 ,则您会看到一些次要活动,表明有一个共享的“家庭”创建了相册,并添加了您的家人。

Either way, this activity log probably looks a bit barren, but don’t worry, it will prove to be a pretty useful place once you use this more often. For it to be useful, however, we need to create and populate our first shared album. To do so, tap on the blue “Sharing” link in the upper left corner.

无论哪种方式,此活动日志都可能看起来有点荒芜,但是不用担心,一旦您更频繁地使用它,它将被证明是一个非常有用的地方。 为了使它有用,我们需要创建并填充我们的第一个共享相册。 为此,请点击左上角的蓝色“共享”链接。

Here, in the “iCloud Photo Sharing” menu, you’ll see a view that looks almost identical to the general Albums view in Photos. Looks pretty barren in here. Let’s fix that by adding a new album. To do so, tap on the plus sign in the upper left corner.

在“ iCloud照片共享”菜单中,您将看到一个与“照片”中的常规“相册”视图几乎相同的视图。 在这里看起来很贫瘠。 让我们通过添加新专辑来解决此问题。 为此,请点击左上角的加号。

Enter a title for your photo album (with an emphasis on short and descriptive). We’re pretty crazy about our cute pets at our household, so we’ll be creating an album called simply “Pet Photos” to post pictures of our pets. Click “Next” to continue.

输入相册的标题(重点是简短和描述性的)。 我们对家中的可爱宠物非常疯狂,因此我们将创建一个名为“宠物照片”的相册来发布我们宠物的照片。 点击“下一步”继续。

Next, you can add other iCloud users to your shared photo album by entering their contact names here, either by typing them in or selecting them from your Contacts list with the plus sign icon. By default, everyone you add will have the ability to not only view but contribute to the album (we’ll show you how to manage these settings in the next section of the tutorial).

接下来,您可以通过在此处输入联系人姓名来输入其他iCloud用户,方法是在其中输入联系人姓名,或者在联系人列表中使用加号图标将其选中。 默认情况下,您添加的每个人都将不仅可以查看相册,还可以为相册做贡献(在本教程的下一部分中,我们将向您展示如何管理这些设置)。

You don’t have to add people just yet, if you don’t want to, by the way. In fact, if you wanted to first populate the album with a bunch of pictures and then add in your friends and family so they could look at the already packed album right from the get-go, you can wait and easily add them later. Either way, click “Create” to finish the album creation process.

不必添加人只是还没有,如果你不想,顺便说一句。 实际上,如果您想先用一堆图片填充相册,然后再添加您的朋友和家人,以便他们可以一开始就查看已经打包好的相册,则可以等待并稍后轻松添加它们。 无论哪种方式,请单击“创建”完成相册创建过程。

Select your freshly created album to add the first photos.


Click on the gray square with the blue plus sign to add your first photo.


You’ll be kicked over to your photo roll where you can select as many photos as you want to add to your new album by simply tapping them so a check mark appears on them, as seen below. Click “Done” when you’re ready to add them to the album.

您将被带到相册中,只需轻按即可选择要添加到新相册中的任意数量的照片,从而在其上显示一个复选标记,如下所示。 准备将它们添加到相册时,单击“完成”。

In a final step, before you add the photos to the album, you’ll have the option of adding a caption to them. You can either add the caption or simply press “Post” to finish the process.

最后,在将照片添加到相册之前,您可以选择为照片添加标题。 您可以添加标题,也可以直接按“发布”完成该过程。

The photos will now appear in the new album, and if you click on them, you can both take a closer look as well as see any comments attached to the photos. Here you can see the starter comment on the photo we just uploaded.

这些照片现在将出现在新相册中,如果您单击它们,则可以仔细查看并查看照片附带的任何注释。 在这里,您可以看到我们刚刚上传的照片的入门评论。

In addition to adding photos from within the shared album, as we just did, you can also send photos from anywhere else in iOS (your regular photo roll, other camera apps, etc.) using the iOS Share Sheet function. Just click on the Share button, seen below.

除了像我们刚才那样从共享相册中添加照片外,您还可以使用iOS共享表功能从iOS中其他任何地方(您的常规照片胶卷,其他相机应用程序等)发送照片。 只需单击“共享”按钮,如下所示。

Then select “iCloud Photo Sharing”.  It’ll pop up the same iCloud Photo Sharing screen we just used with a small additional option. While it defaults to the last album you used, you can tap “Shared Album” to choose a new shared album, if need be.

然后选择“ iCloud照片共享”。 它将弹出我们刚才使用的同一iCloud照片共享屏幕,并带有一个小的附加选项。 它默认为您使用的上一个相册时,如果需要,您可以点击“共享相册”以选择一个新的共享相册。

Before we leave the basic iCloud Photo Sharing setup, it’s time to take a quick peek back at the previously barren “Activity” log by tapping on the “Shared” icon in the Photos app again.


Activity! In the log! From now on, everything that happens with our shared albums will appear here, like a little photo report live blog. Now, you can easily keep track of everything going on with both the albums you’ve shared with friends and the ones they’ve shared with you.

活动! 在日志中! 从现在开始,共享相册中发生的所有事情都将出现在这里,就像一个小小的照片报告实时博客。 现在,您可以轻松地跟踪与好友共享的相册以及与您共享的相册的所有情况。

管理您的共享相册 (Managing Your Shared Album)

If you ever want to make any changes to the album (adding and deleting photos aside), you’ll need to jump into the “People” menu to manage it. You can do so by opening any shared album and clicking on “People” at the bottom, like so.

如果您要对相册进行任何更改(除了添加和删除照片),都需要跳到“人”菜单进行管理。 您可以通过打开任何共享相册并单击底部的“人物”来做到这一点。

Here, you can adjust a variety of settings related to your album. If you want to invite more people you can tap “Invite People” and enter there contact name, just like we did when we first set the album up. You can also click on existing members and remove them. and toggle “Subscribers Can Post” on or off. This will allow your invitees to post images to the album. And you can turn off notifications if you don’t want them.

在这里,您可以调整与相册相关的各种设置。 如果您想邀请更多人,则可以点击“邀请人”并在其中输入联系人姓名,就像我们首次设置相册时一样。 您也可以单击现有成员并将其删除。 并打开或关闭“订户可以发布”。 这将使您的被邀请者可以将图像发布到相册。 如果您不想要通知,可以将其关闭。

You can also, if you wish to share the album with people who are not iOS users, toggle on “Public Website” to generate a obfuscated URL that you can then share with anyone. While obfuscated with a string of random letters and numbers in the address, there is no login required to access it, so you’ll no longer have direct control over who sees the album (someone you share the link with could share that link with anyone else, for example).

如果您希望与非iOS用户共享相册,还可以打开“公共网站”以生成一个模糊的URL,然后可以与任何人共享。 地址中出现一串乱七八糟的字母和数字,但无需登录即可访问它,因此您将不再直接控制谁可以看到相册(与您共享链接的人可以与任何人共享该链接其他)。

Finally, you can delete the entire album by clicking “Delete Shared Album”. This will not delete your photos from their original locations but it will delete the album from iCloud.

最后,您可以通过单击“删除共享相册”来删除整个相册。 这不会从您的原始位置删除照片,但会从iCloud删除相册。

That’s all there is too it! With a little effort you can easily share your photos with friends and enjoy real time notifications, comments, and a sort of pseudo-social-media experience from right within the Photos app.

这就是全部! 只需一点努力,您就可以在“照片”应用程序中轻松地与朋友共享您的照片,并享受实时通知,评论和某种伪社交媒体体验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/301453/how-to-create-shared-and-collaborative-photo-albums-on-your-iphone/


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