

Android’s notification system is easily one of its most powerful features. But with great power comes great responsibility, and some apps choose to abuse this. If you’re sick of constant notifications from specific apps, here’s how to completely disable them.

Android的通知系统很容易成为其最强大的功能之一。 但是,强大的功能带来了巨大的责任,某些应用选择滥用此功能。 如果您厌倦了来自特定应用程序的持续通知,请按照以下方法完全禁用它们。

Ideally, you’d turn off notifications through the offending app’s settings. Don’t want Facebook bombarding you with notifications? Head to the Facebook app, open its settings, and turn notifications off. That’s the best way to do things.

理想情况下,您可以通过有问题的应用程序设置关闭通知。 不想让Facebook用通知轰炸您吗? 转到Facebook应用程序,打开其设置,然后关闭通知。 那是做事的最好方法。

But some apps are big jerks, and don’t have options to turn off notifications. In those cases, you can go a more nuclear route and block that app from sending notifications altogether, thanks to a setting within Android. That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

但是某些应用程序非常笨拙,并且没有关闭通知的选项。 在这种情况下,多亏了Android中的设置,您可以走得更开核,并完全阻止该应用发送通知。 这就是我们今天要谈论的。

Before we get started, it’s worth pointing out that disabling notifications can vary greatly depending on what device and Android build you’re currently using. We’re going to focus on Lollipop (Android 5.x) and Marshmallow (Android 6.x) in this post—if you’re already running Nougat, we also have directions on how to extensively control notifications here.

在我们开始之前,值得指出的是,禁用通知可能会因您当前使用的设备和Android版本而有很大差异。 在这篇文章中,我们将重点介绍Lollipop(Android 5.x)和Marshmallow(Android 6.x)-如果您已经在运行Nougat,我们在此处也提供了有关如何广泛控制通知的说明

With that, let’s dig in, starting with Lollipop.


如何在Android Lollipop中禁用通知 (How to Disable Notifications in Android Lollipop)

While Lollipop is a few years old at this point, it’s still the most popular Android build running in the wild—as of September 2016, it’s still active on roughly a quarter of all Android handsets. Given how many Android devices are out there, that’s quite a large number.

虽然Lollipop已有数年历史,但它仍然是在野外运行的最受欢迎的Android版本-截至2016年9月,它仍然在大约所有Android手机中活跃着。 鉴于有多少Android设备都在那里,这是一个相当大的数字。

The good news is that disabling app notifications on Lollipop is incredibly simple—all it takes is a few taps.


The first thing you’ll need to do is head into the Settings menu. Give the notification shade a tug, then tap the cog icon. On devices running stock Android builds, you’ll need to pull the shade twice before the cog shows up.

您需要做的第一件事就是进入“设置”菜单。 给通知阴影拖轮,然后点击齿轮图标。 在运行Android版本的设备上,您需要先将阴影拉两次,然后才能显示齿轮。


In the Settings menu, head down to “Apps.” On some devices, the name may vary—it’s titled “Applications” on Samsung devices, for example. Either way, that’s what you’re looking for.

在“设置”菜单中,转到“应用”。 在某些设备上,名称可能有所不同-例如,在三星设备上标题为“ Applications”。 无论哪种方式,这都是您要寻找的。


Now, here’s where things can get a bit tricky. On stock devices, this will open a menu with a full list of all installed applications, which is what you’re looking for. On Samsung devices, however, you’ll first need to tap the “Application Manager” option before seeing this list. If you’re using a different manufacturer’s handset, you may need to dig around a bit to find the correct option, but you’ll know you’re there when you see all of your install apps. From here, all devices should be the same.

现在,这里的事情可能会有些棘手。 在库存设备上,这将打开一个菜单,其中包含您正在寻找的所有已安装应用程序的完整列表。 但是,在Samsung设备上,您首先需要点击“应用程序管理器”选项,然后才能看到此列表。 如果您使用的是其他制造商的手机,则可能需要仔细研究才能找到正确的选项,但是当您看到所有安装的应用程序时,便会知道自己在那里。 从这里开始,所有设备都应该相同。


In this list, scroll until you find the problem app, then tap on it. There will be a little checkbox titled “Show notifications,” that’s your setting—give it a tap to turn off all notifications from that particular app.

在此列表中,滚动直到找到有问题的应用程序,然后点击它。 将有一个标题为“显示通知”的小复选框,这是您的设置,只需轻按一下即可关闭该特定应用程序的所有通知。


A warning dialog will then pop up, letting you know that you could “miss important alerts and updates” if you disable notifications. If you’re still not scared, go ahead and tap “OK.”

然后将弹出一个警告对话框,通知您如果禁用通知,可能会“错过重要的警报和更新”。 如果您仍然不害怕,请继续并点击“确定”。


Boom, you’re done. Simple, right? Yep. You can also turn notifications back on but repeating this process—you know, in case you start missing the extra attention.

繁荣,您完成了。 简单吧? 是的 您也可以重新打开通知,但重复此过程-如果您开始失去额外的关注,便可以知道。

如何在Android棉花糖中禁用通知 (How to Disable Notifications in Android Marshmallow)

Marshmallow has more notification options, but the first part of the process is still the exact same: pull down the shade, tap the cog, and jump into Apps. Again, other devices may have a different name here, like Applications.

棉花糖有更多的通知选项,但过程的第一部分仍然完全相同:拉下阴影,点击齿轮,然后跳至Apps。 同样,其他设备在这里可能有不同的名称,例如“应用程序”。


Again, if you don’t see the full app list here, you may need to enter another menu—Samsung devices have a specific entry for “Application Manager.”



Once in the appropriate menu, find the problem app, then tap on it. This is where things differ from Lollipop.

在适当的菜单中,找到有问题的应用程序,然后点击它。 这就是棒棒糖与众不同的地方。

Down this menu, there’s an entry that reads “Notifications.” Tap that.

在此菜单下,有一个条目显示为“通知”。 点一下


You can also block notifications from the shade itself. If you see a notification from an app you want to block, just long-press the notification. On Samsung devices, this will take you straight to the app’s notification settings. On stock Android devices, the notification will change color and a little “info” button will show up on the right side. Just tap that to go straight to the app’s notifications settings.

您还可以阻止来自阴影本身的通知。 如果您看到要阻止的应用发出的通知,请长按该通知。 在三星设备上,这将直接带您到应用程序的通知设置。 在库存的Android设备上,通知将更改颜色,并在右侧显示一个小的“信息”按钮。 只需点击即可直接转到应用的通知设置。


Now you have options! To disable notifications completely, just toggle the “Block All” option. This options is actually called “Allow notifications” on Samsung devices and is toggled on by default (to allow notifications). To disallow notifications, just turn this option off.

现在您有了选择! 要完全禁用通知,只需切换“全部阻止”选项。 在三星设备上,此选项实际上称为“允许通知”,并且默认情况下处于启用状态 (以允许通知)。 要禁止通知,只需关闭此选项。


Once you’ve toggled the appropriate entry, you’re done. Say goodbye to annoying notifications!

切换适当的条目后,就可以完成。 与烦人的通知说再见!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/204187/how-to-disable-app-notifications-in-android/

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