


Want to share your family photos after your death, but take your search history to the grave? All that and more is possible with Google’s Inactive Account Manager. Let’s take a look at how you can put your Google account on autopilot when you’re no longer at the wheel.

想分享您死后的全家福照片,但将您的搜索历史记入坟墓? 借助Google的非活动帐户管理器,所有这一切都可能实现。 让我们来看看当您不再忙碌时如何将Google帐户设置为自动驾驶。

死后如何控制信息 (How You Can Control Your Information After Death)

It’s not nice to think about, but one day, you will die, along with the keys to your online kingdom. And these days, those online accounts can hold a lot of stuff you may want to pass on.

考虑这不是一件好事,但是有一天,您将与在线王国的钥匙一起死去。 如今,这些在线帐户可以容纳许多您可能想要传递的东西。

Your Google account has a feature tucked deep in the bowels of your account settings called “Inactive Account Manager”. Although the feature is several years old now, it’s practically unknown among Google users–in a casual survey of people outside our office who had Google accounts, not one of them was aware of the feature.

您的Google帐户具有一个隐藏在您帐户设置中的功能,称为“非活动帐户管理器”。 尽管该功能已经使用了好几年了,但在Google用户中几乎不为人知–在对我们办公室外拥有Google帐户的人员进行的一项随意调查中,没有一个人知道此功能。

Inactive Account Manager is what fans of old spy movies and psychological thrillers will immediately recognize as a “dead man’s switch”. Once activated if you do not interact with your Google account in X amount of time, then Google’s servers will automatically either notify your trusted contacts and/or share specified data with those select contacts. Or, at your instruction, it can wipe your account.

不活跃的客户经理是老式间谍电影和心理刺激者的追随者,他们会立即将其识别为“死人的开关”。 一旦激活后,如果您没有在X时间内与您的Google帐户进行交互,那么Google的服务器将自动通知您受信任的联系人和/或与这些选定的联系人共享指定的数据。 或者,按照您的指示,它可以清除您的帐户。

In this way, you can ensure that things like family photos stored in Google Photos are available to your family, that your spouse can will have full access to your contacts to manage your business affairs, or that anyone you wish to share your account with upon your demise or incapacitation can access it legitimately and without resorting to masquerading themselves as you.

这样,您可以确保家人可以使用存储在“ Google相册”中的家庭照片之类的东西,您的配偶可以完全访问您的联系人以管理您的业务,或者希望与之共享帐户的任何人您的灭亡或丧失能力可以合法地使用它,而无需像您一样伪装自己。

设置非活动帐户管理器 (Setting Up the Inactive Account Manager)

To set up Inactive Account Manager, make sure you’re logged into your Google account and visit this page.


On the information splash page, click the “Setup” button.


The setup all occurs on a single page, but we’ll break each section down. First, the “Alert me” section.

设置全部在单个页面上进行,但我们将细分每个部分。 首先,“提醒我”部分。

You will be notified 1 month before the actions you have selected take effect. Your mobile number is required and you cannot enable the Inactive Account Manager without it–you will need to verify you control this number by supplying the verification code sent to your phone.

您选择的操作将在生效前1个月收到通知。 您的手机号码是必填项,如果没有它,您将无法启用非活动帐户管理器-您需要通过提供发送到手机的验证码来验证您是否控制了该号码。

Further, you should add a secondary email address that you regularly use if the only listed email address is your Gmail account (if you’re not using your Google account regularly you obviously won’t get the notice via Gmail).


Next, we’ll set the timeout period.


You can set the timeout period in quarter year increments ranging from 3 months at the minimum to 18 months at the maximum. Regardless of the length of the timeout period, you will always be notified 1 month before the timeout period ends.

您可以按季度为单位设置超时期限,范围从最小3个月到最大18个月。 无论超时时间有多长,总是会在超时时间结束前1个月通知您。

In the next step, “Notify contacts and share data”, there are two settings to attend to: adding trusted contacts and setting an auto-response in Gmail. First, let’s look at adding a trusted contact. You can set up to 10 trusted contacts and set variable degrees of access for each one. Click on “Add trusted contact” to continue.

在下一步“通知联系人并共享数据”中,需要进行两项设置:添加受信任的联系人以及在Gmail中设置自动回复。 首先,让我们看一下添加受信任的联系人。 您最多可以设置10个受信任的联系人,并为每个联系人设置不同的访问权限。 单击“添加受信任的联系人”继续。

Then their email address. Check “Share my data with this contact” if you wish to do so. Click “Next”.

然后是他们的电子邮件地址。 如果愿意,请选中“与该联系人共享我的数据”。 点击下一步”。

In the next step you need to supply a contact phone number for the person (don’t worry, they won’t get an immediate text indicating that you’ve selected them, so there won’t be any awkward conversations about death triggered by this process). Then you need to specify what Google data you want to share with them. We’d encourage you to apply this step selectively, and not simply check “Select all”. Most of us would happily share our Google Photo collections with our next of kin, after all, but would prefer to take our search histories private. Once you’ve made your choices, click “Next”.

在下一步中,您需要提供此人的联系电话(不用担心,他们不会立即收到表明您已选择他们的文本,因此不会有任何有关由死亡引起的死亡的尴尬对话。这个流程)。 然后,您需要指定要与他们共享哪些Google数据。 我们建议您有选择地应用此步骤,而不仅仅是选中“全选”。 毕竟,我们大多数人都会很高兴与我们的近亲分享我们的Google照片收藏,但更希望将搜索历史保密。 做出选择后,单击“下一步”。

In this final contact setup step, you get the sobering task of sending a message to your trusted contact. This is not an optional step, and you must input even a minimal message with at least a subject line.

在此最后的联系人设置步骤中,您将获得发人心的任务,即向可信任的联系人发送消息。 这不是可选步骤,您甚至必须输入至少包含主题行的最小消息。

When you’ve finished with your message, click “Save” and then repeat the process for any additional contacts you wish to share your personal data with.


If you wish, you may also set up an automated message that will go out to anyone who contacts your Gmail address, regardless of whether or not they are on your trusted contact list. Let’s say, for example, that you ran a small hobby business where people contacted you through Gmail to place orders. You could set up the auto-responder to indicate that the business had closed and that, sadly, they would need to look elsewhere for their lovingly mixed period authentic miniature paints. Or maybe you just want one last opportunity to Rickroll people–we don’t judge.

如果您愿意,您还可以设置一条自动消息,该消息将发给与您的Gmail地址联系的任何人,无论他们是否在您的受信任联系人列表中。 举例来说,假设您经营一家小型业余爱好企业,人们通过Gmail与您联系以下订单。 您可以设置自动应答器,以指示该企业已经关闭,并且可悲的是,他们需要在其他地方寻找其充满爱意的混合时期地道的微型涂料。 或者,也许您只是想为Rickroll员工提供最后的机会-我们不判断。

The final step is the weightiest one: selecting whether or not your Google account will be wiped upon the completion of the timeout period.


There is no option to partially delete the data, so make this very binary decision with care. You cannot, for example, wipe your search history and email but leave your YouTube content and Blogger posts intact for posterity. Once the countdown is complete, like a real dead man’s switch, the account data is gone forever.

没有选择部分删除数据的选项,因此请谨慎做出非常二进制的决定。 例如,您不能擦除搜索历史记录和电子邮件,但要保留后代的YouTube内容和Blogger帖子完整无缺。 倒数完成后,就像真正的死人倒退一样,帐户数据将永远消失。

Once you’ve made all your selection, written notes to your trusted contacts, set up your auto-responder, and so forth, you must press the “Enable” button at the bottom to complete the process.


Confirm that the process is enabled, your screen should look like this:


You can uncheck the email reminder box, but we left it active. Not only is it a good reminder that the service is active (so you can return to edit the settings or disable it if need be) but if the specter of Death resting his hand on your shoulder now and then isn’t motivating, what is?

您可以取消选中电子邮件提醒框,但我们仍处于激活状态。 这不仅很好地提醒了该服务处于活动状态(因此您可以返回以编辑设置或在需要时禁用它),而且如果死亡幽灵现在把手放在您的肩膀上却又没有动力,那是什么呢? ?

It’s not the most pleasant thing to contemplate, but a little planning ensures that your Google account and all the data therein is safe even if you aren’t.








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