ios beta发布时间表_既然iOS 12已经发布,如何离开iOS Beta

ios beta发布时间表

ios beta发布时间表

Once a major release of iOS comes out, the benefits of being the on the beta release channel diminish significantly–here’s how to get off the beta tester train and get back to regular old public releases.


为什么要切换回去? (Why Switch Back?)

Leading up a major iOS update (like the iOS 12 update with a lot of performance-enhancing features, it’s a lot of fun to jump on the beta testing bandwagon. If you’re in the public beta testing channel, then you get to play with all the cool new features months before everyone else.

进行主要的iOS更新(例如具有许多性能增强功能iOS 12更新),跳入Beta测试潮流非常有趣。如果您处于公开Beta测试频道,那么您就可以玩了与所有其他人之前很酷的新功能个月

Once the major release drops, however, you’ll still be automatically subscribed to the public beta channel. Except, now the updates aren’t as Earth-shattering, and it might not be worth continuing the beta testing experience for you. (Who cares about getting iOS 12.1 before everyone else?) If you want to get off the train and stick with the regular public releases so you’re in sync with your friends and colleagues, there’s nothing wrong with that–and you can do so easily if you know where to look in the menus of your iOS device.

但是,一旦主要版本下降,您仍然会自动订阅公共Beta频道。 除此之外,现在的更新还不如惊天动地,可能不值得继续为您提供Beta测试经验。 (谁会比其他人更先关注iOS 12.1?)如果您想起步并坚持使用常规公开发行版,以便与朋友和同事保持同步,那么这没什么不对–您可以这样做如果您知道要在iOS设备菜单中查找的位置,则操作非常容易。

禁用Beta版软件配置文件 (Disabling the Beta Software Profile)

Jumping off the beta release schedule and falling back to the public release schedule is as simple as deleting your “iOS Beta Software Profile”.

退出Beta发布时间表并回到公开发布时间表就像删除“ iOS Beta Software Profile”一样简单。

If that name sounds familiar, it should–it’s the exact profile you loaded on your iOS device when installing the beta release channel.


Just grab the iOS device in question and open up the Settings app. Select “General”.

只需抓住有问题的iOS设备并打开“设置”应用即可。 选择“常规”。

Scroll down almost to the bottom of the General settings and select “Profile: iOS Beta Software Profile”.

向下滚动至“常规”设置的底部,然后选择“配置文件:iOS Beta软件配置文件”。

Two big notes here. If you are not on a beta release channel, then there won’t even be an entry for “Profile”–as there’s no profile for just plain old stock iOS use.

这里有两个大音符。 如果您不在 beta版本发行渠道上,那么甚至没有“配置文件”条目-因为没有供普通旧股iOS使用的配置文件。

If there is another profile entry besides “iOS Beta Software Profile”, then don’t proceed without contacting either your service provider or the person at your organization or office that manages your device. The same thing goes for the presence of the entry “Device Management” (which is a type of enterprise profile management used by large companies). Only proceed if you are explicitly looking at “iOS Beta Software Profile” and don’t delete anything bearing any other label.

如果除“ iOS Beta软件配置文件”之外还有另一个配置文件条目,那么请在未联系您的服务提供商或管理您设备的组织或办公室人员的情况下进行操作。 条目“设备管理”(这是大型公司使用的一种企业配置文件管理)的存在也是如此。 仅当您明确查看“ iOS Beta软件配置文件”并且不删除带有其他标签的任何内容时,才继续进行。

Inside the “iOS Beta Software Profile” entry you’ll see the following screen. Again select “iOS Beta Software Profile”.

在“ iOS Beta软件配置文件”条目中,您将看到以下屏幕。 再次选择“ iOS Beta软件配置文件”。

Select “Delete Profile”.


You will be prompted to enter your device’s passcode to confirm the profile deletion and then a second delete confirmation will appear at the bottom of the screen, select it.


After the deletion the Profiles screen will then report that there are not profiles installed.


Just because the beta profile is gone, however, doesn’t mean you can hop right over to the software update menu and grab the newest public release of iOS. Deleted profile or not, the changes don’t take effect until you’ve restarted your device. Press and hold the power button, swipe to power down, and then restart your device via the power button.

但是,仅因为beta配置文件已消失,并不意味着您可以跳至软件更新菜单并获取iOS的最新公共发行版。 不论是否删除了个人资料,更改都不会生效,直到您重新启动设备。 按住电源按钮,滑动以关闭电源,然后通过电源按钮重新启动设备。

After restarting your phone, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update to confirm that you are off the beta release channel and back on the public release channel. You will have to “Update” to the latest stable release in order to get off the train.

重新启动手机后,导航至“设置”>“常规”>“软件更新”,以确认您已退出Beta发布通道,然后又回到了公共发布通道。 您必须“更新”到最新的稳定版本才能下车。

At the time of this tutorial, beta users will be upgraded to the final version of iOS 12, along with non-beta users. Leaving the beta channel allows you to keep iOS 12 instead of updating to the iOS 12.1 (or iOS 12.0.1) beta when that becomes available.

在撰写本教程时,测试版用户将与非测试版用户一起升级到iOS 12的最终版本。 离开Beta通道后,您可以保留iOS 12,而无需在可用时更新到iOS 12.1(或iOS 12.0.1)beta。


ios beta发布时间表





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