

Minecraft runs just fine on Linux, but it’s probably not available for easy installation in your Linux distribution’s package manager. Here’s how to get your Linux system ready for Minecraft.

Minecraft在Linux上运行良好,但可能无法在Linux发行版的软件包管理器中轻松安装。 这是为Minecraft准备Linux系统的方法。

We used Ubuntu 14.04 for this process, and that’s where our concrete examples come from. But the process will be almost the same on every Linux distribution.

我们在此过程中使用了Ubuntu 14.04,这就是我们的具体示例的来源。 但是在每个Linux发行版中,该过程几乎都是相同的。

安装专有图形驱动程序 (Install Proprietary Graphics Drivers)

Minecraft is a 3D application, so it benefits from having good 3D drivers installed. If you have Intel graphics, you’re good to go — Intel graphics aren’t as powerful as NVIDIA or AMD graphics, but they do work well with the standard open-source graphics drivers provided by your Linux distribution.

Minecraft是3D应用程序,因此可以从安装好的3D驱动程序中受益。 如果您拥有Intel图形,那就太好了-Intel图形不如NVIDIA或AMD图形强大,但是它们可以与Linux发行版提供的标准开源图形驱动程序一起很好地工作。

If you have NVIDIA or AMD graphics, you should probably install the closed-source NVIDIA or AMD graphics drivers. On Ubuntu, you can open the Dash to search for programs (just tap the “Super” key — it’s the key with a Windows logo on it on most keyboards). Type “Drivers” to search for the appropriate control panel and click the “Additional Drivers” shortcut. In the Software & Updates window that appears, select the NVIDIA or AMD binary driver if it isn’t already selected and install it.

如果您具有NVIDIA或AMD图形,则可能应安装开源NVIDIA或AMD图形驱动程序。 在Ubuntu上,您可以打开Dash来搜索程序(只需点按“超级”键-这是大多数键盘上带有Windows徽标的键)。 键入“驱动程序”以搜索适当的控制面板,然后单击“其他驱动程序”快捷方式。 在尚未出现的“软件和更新”窗口中,选择NVIDIA或AMD二进制驱动程序,然后安装它。

If you have another Linux distribution, perform a web search to find out how to most easily install the NVIDIA or AMD binary drivers. You can run Minecraft with the default open-source drivers, but the proprietary drivers will improve Minecraft’s performance.

如果您使用的是其他Linux发行版,请执行网络搜索以了解如何最轻松地安装NVIDIA或AMD二进制驱动程序。 您可以使用默认的开源驱动程序运行Minecraft,但专有驱动程序将提高Minecraft的性能


选择并安装Java运行时 (Choose and Install a Java Runtime)

Most Linux distributions don’t come with Java, so you’ll need to install it. You have two choices here. There’s open-source version of Java, known as OpenJDK, which is available for easy installation in most Linux distribution’s software repositories. There’s also Oracle’s own Java runtime. The OpenJDK and Oracle Java runtimes are almost identical, but the Oracle Java runtime does contain some closed-source code that might improve graphical performance.

大多数Linux发行版都不包含Java,因此您需要安装它。 您在这里有两个选择。 有Java的开源版本,称为OpenJDK,可以在大多数Linux发行版的软件存储库中轻松安装。 还有Oracle自己的Java运行时。 OpenJDK和Oracle Java运行时几乎相同,但是Oracle Java运行时确实包含一些封闭源代码,这些代码可能会提高图形性能。

Many people report success with OpenJDK and Minecraft on Linux — it worked for us — but the Minecraft project still recommends using Oracle’s Java runtime. OpenJDK and the official Oracle Java runtime are getting closer together all the time, but you may still want the Oracle one for now.

许多人报告说在Linux上使用OpenJDK和Minecraft取得了成功(对我们有用),但Minecraft项目仍然建议使用Oracle的Java运行时。 OpenJDK和官方的Oracle Java运行时一直都在紧密联系,但是您现在还是可能需要Oracle。

If you want to try the OpenJDK runtime, this package should be in your Linux distribution’s software repositories. You can just open your desktop’s software management tool and install it. On Ubuntu, click the shopping bag icon on the dock to open the Ubuntu Software Center and search for “OpenJDK.” Install the latest version of the OpenJDK runtime. The process is the same on other Linux distributions — open the software management tool, search for OpenJDK, and install the latest runtime.

如果要尝试OpenJDK运行时,则此软件包应位于Linux发行版的软件存储库中。 您只需打开桌面的软件管理工具并进行安装即可 。 在Ubuntu上,单击扩展坞上的购物袋图标以打开Ubuntu软件中心,然后搜索“ OpenJDK”。 安装最新版本的OpenJDK运行时。 在其他Linux发行版中,此过程相同–打开软件管理工具,搜索OpenJDK,然后安装最新的运行时。


If you want Oracle’s Java runtime, you can download it from Java.com. But you probably don’t want to do that.

如果需要Oracle的Java运行时,可以从Java.com下载。 但是您可能不想这样做。

In the past, Oracle provided easily installable Java packages for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, but they’ve mostly stopped this in favor of promoting OpenJDK. You’ll probably want to use Oracle Java packages provided by other Linux users for easier installation. For Ubuntu users, there’s a PPA with a Java installer package that will download the Java files from Oracle and install them properly.

过去,Oracle为Ubuntu和其他Linux发行版提供了易于安装的Java程序包,但他们大多停止了此过程,而转而推广OpenJDK。 您可能需要使用其他Linux用户提供的Oracle Java软件包,以便于安装。 对于Ubuntu用户,有一个带有Java安装程序包的PPA ,它将从Oracle下载Java文件并正确安装它们。

To use the PPA, open a terminal (click the Dash icon, search for Terminal, and click the Terminal shortcut) and run the following commands, pressing Enter after each:


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team / java sudo apt-get更新sudo apt-get安装oracle-java8-installer

Agree to the prompts and accept Oracle’s Java license agreement when prompted.



下载并运行Minecraft (Download and Run Minecraft)

Next, download Minecraft. Head to Minecraft’s official download page and click the Minecraft.jar link under Minecraft for Linux/Other.

接下来,下载Minecraft。 转到Minecraft的官方下载页面 ,然后单击Minecraft for Linux / Other下的Minecraft.jar链接。


You can’t just double-click the Minecraft executable because it’s not marked as executable after you download it — you’ll see an error message if you double-click it. First, right-click the Minecraft.jar file and select Properties. Click the Permissions tab and enable the “Allow executing file as program” checkbox.

您不能只双击Minecraft可执行文件,因为下载后它没有被标记为可执行文件-如果双击它,将会看到一条错误消息。 首先,右键单击Minecraft.jar文件,然后选择属性。 单击权限选项卡,然后启用“允许程序作为程序执行文件”复选框。

(This is how you’d do it in the Nautilus file manager used by Ubuntu’s Unity desktop and GNOME, anyway. With other file managers, you should find a similar option in the file’s properties window.)

(无论如何,这是在Ubuntu的Unity桌面GNOME使用的Nautilus文件管理器中进行的操作 。对于其他文件管理器,您应该在文件的属性窗口中找到类似的选项。)


Double-click the Minecraft.jar file and the Minecraft Launcher will appear in a window on your desktop — this is the same launcher you’ll see on Windows and Mac. You’ll need to log in with your Minecraft account. If you’ve purchased Minecraft, the launcher will let you play it. If you haven’t purchased the game yet, you can register a new account and play the demo for free.

双击Minecraft.jar文件,Minecraft启动器将出现在桌面上的一个窗口中-与Windows和Mac上的启动器相同。 您需要使用您的Minecraft帐户登录。 如果您购买了Minecraft,则启动器将允许您进行播放。 如果您尚未购买游戏,则可以注册一个新帐户并免费玩演示。


Click the Play button and the launcher will handle everything else, automatically downloading Minecraft’s game files and launching it. The launcher will handle updating Minecraft, too.

单击“播放”按钮,启动器将处理其他所有内容,自动下载Minecraft的游戏文件并启动它。 启动器也将处理更新的Minecraft。


If you play Minecraft on another platform — for example, on Windows — you can move your Minecraft saves to your Linux system.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/198476/how-to-install-minecraft-on-ubuntu-or-any-other-linux-distribution/





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