
Microsoft Whiteboard Logo

If you’ve been using Microsoft Whiteboard, then you will know there’s more to the application than meets the eye. Here are some features, tips, and tricks to help convert you from a Microsoft Whiteboard novice to a Whiteboard master.

如果您一直在使用Microsoft Whiteboard ,那么您将知道应用程序不仅仅具有视觉效果。 以下是一些功能,提示和技巧,可帮助您从Microsoft白板新手转换为白板母版。

更改背景颜色和图案 (Change the Background Color and Pattern)

A clean blank whiteboard can be a tempting place to draw whatever you want, but, like a blank piece of paper, it can also be a bit intimidating.


Whiteboard lets you change the background color to something more soothing to the eye than bright white, and also add in geometric patterns so you can position your work in exactly the right place.


To change the background, open the Whiteboard application and then click the three-line “Settings” menu button in the top right.

要更改背景,请打开Whiteboard应用程序 ,然后单击右上角的三行“设置”菜单按钮。

The Settings button.

In the menu that opens, select “Format Background.”


The "Format background" menu option.

Click a color to change the background from white to something else.


The background color options.

To add a geometric pattern, select one of the visible patterns or hover over them to see direction arrows that let you scroll through additional patterns.


The background grid options with scroll arrows.

We’ve gone for a retina-pleasing charcoal with the “Hybrid” design in the following example.


The board with a charcoal background and a grid pattern.

To return to the default whiteboard, go back into Settings > Format Background and change the settings to White and Solid.


The default white color and solid background options.

将工具栏移到侧面 (Move the Toolbar to the Side)

Now that your whiteboard has the background you want, move the toolbar to where you want it. The bottom of the screen isn’t always the easiest place to get to, and if you have your Windows taskbar set to automatically hide, it’s annoying having it pop up every time you want to change your Whiteboard tool.

现在您的白板已具有所需的背景,将工具栏移至所需的位置。 屏幕底部并非始终是最容易到达的地方,并且如果您将Windows任务栏设置为自动隐藏 ,那么每次您要更改白板工具时弹出它都会令人讨厌。

Let’s move the toolbar to the side. Start by clicking the “Settings” button in the top right.

让我们将工具栏移到一边。 首先单击右上角的“设置”按钮。

The Settings button.

In the menu that opens, select “Toolbar Location.”


The "Toolbar location" menu option.

Select the location for the toolbar by clicking one of the three location options: Left, Right, or Bottom.


The toolbar location options.

We’ve chosen for the Left option, so it’s out of the way but easy to access.


The toolbar on the left hand side of the board.

开启墨水变形 (Turn on Ink To Shape)

People with artistic talents might be able to draw straight lines and circles at will, but most of us struggle with this. Whiteboard can automatically turn your rough attempts into precise shapes if you turn on “Ink To Shape.”

具有艺术才能的人也许可以随意画直线和圆,但是我们大多数人都为此而挣扎。 如果您启用“油墨成型”,则白板可以将您的粗略尝试自动转换为精确的形状。

To do this, click the “Settings” button in the top right.


The Settings button.

In the menu that opens, select the “Ink To Shape” toggle button to turn on the feature.


The "Ink to shape" menu option.

Now, when you draw a shape, Whiteboard will turn it into something a little more precise.


A board with a hand-drawn square and a square created by Ink to shape.

If you don’t want your squiggly lines to be replaced with a precise shape, press the CTRL+Z keys or the “Undo” button on the toolbar to revert to your original drawing.

如果您不希望将弯曲的线条替换为精确的形状,请按CTRL + Z键或工具栏上的“撤消”按钮以恢复到原始图形。

Ink To Shape currently works for squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, hexagons, pentagons, and parallelograms.


将图像锁定到位 (Lock Images in Place)

Once you’ve added an image to your Whiteboard, you can lock it in place so that it doesn’t get moved around. This is really useful for reference images, or where you want the image to remain central to the board no matter what you move around it.

将图像添加到白板后,可以将其锁定在适当的位置,以免图像四处移动。 这对于参考图像,或者无论您在周围如何移动都希望图像保持在电路板中央的位置,都非常有用。

Add your image to the board and then resize and position it how you want. From there, right-click the image, and in the context menu, select “Lock To Background.”

将图像添加到板上,然后根据需要调整大小和位置。 从那里右键单击图像,然后在上下文菜单中选择“锁定到背景”。

The "Lock to background" menu option.

This will prevent the image from being moved or resized. To unlock the image, right-click it again, and in the context menu, select “Unlock From Background.”

这样可以防止图像移动或调整大小。 要解锁图像,请再次右键单击它,然后在上下文菜单中选择“从背景解锁”。

The "Unlock from background" menu option.

将白板导出为图像 (Export the Whiteboard as an Image)

In the good old days, when we worked in offices with real whiteboards, you could capture what’s on a whiteboard by taking a photo with your phone. The modern equivalent is to export your board as a picture, which is great for adding to a Wiki, project plan, or documentation.

在过去的美好时光中,当我们在拥有真实白板的办公室工作时,您可以通过用手机拍照来捕捉白板上的内容。 现代的等效方法是将您的电路板导出为图片,这非常适合添加到Wiki,项目计划或文档中。

To do capture your whiteboard, click the three-line “Settings” button in the top right.


The Settings button.

In the menu that opens, select “Export.”


The "Export" menu option.

Click on one of the available options to choose either a PNG or SVG file.


The export file type options.

The standard file save dialogue will open. Choose a location to save to, a name for the whiteboard, and then save the image. The photo of the board will be saved in the format you’ve chosen.

标准文件保存对话框将打开。 选择要保存到的位置,白板的名称,然后保存图像。 木板的照片将以您选择的格式保存。

清除画布 (Clear the Canvas)

Sometimes, what you put on the whiteboard just isn’t right. Rather than using the eraser tool to manually remove things, you can nuke everything and start again.

有时,您在白板上放置的内容不正确。 无需使用橡皮擦工具手动删除东西,而是可以对所有内容进行核对然后重新开始。

Right-click anywhere on the board, select the three-dots on the “Context” menu and then choose the “Clear Canvas” button.


The "Clear canvas" menu option.

Your board will be cleared of all content. A small but nice touch is that any background formatting will stay, so you won’t have to redo that before getting on with adding things to your board.

您的董事会将清除所有内容。 一个小的但很好的方面是,任何背景格式都将保留,因此在继续将内容添加到板子之前,您无需重做。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678716/6-ways-to-get-more-out-of-microsoft-whiteboard/





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