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YouTube has content on almost every topic imaginable, and while some channels are worth hitting the subscribe button, others simply aren’t. If you have subscribed to YouTube channels that you watch anymore, you can unsubscribe following these steps.

YouTube几乎涵盖了可以想象的每个主题的内容,虽然有些频道值得点击订阅按钮,但其他频道根本没有。 如果您已经订阅了观看的YouTube频道,则可以按照以下步骤退订。

If your video feed is saturated, you might prefer to try YouTube’s Watch Later feature before you decide to reduce your channel subscriptions. This helps to create a personalized playlist of videos you actually want to watch, rather than letting YouTube decide for itself.

如果您的视频供稿饱和,则在决定减少频道订阅量之前,您可能希望尝试使用YouTube的“稍后观看”功能 。 这有助于创建您实际要观看的视频的个性化播放列表,而不是让YouTube自行决定。

取消订阅网络上的YouTube频道 (Unsubscribing from YouTube Channels on the Web)

As a Google product, YouTube uses your Google account to maintain a personalized list of channel subscriptions, video recommendations, and more.


If you want to unsubscribe from a YouTube channel on the web, you’ll need to sign in to your Google account first. Once you’re signed in, there are a few methods you can use to unsubscribe from a channel.

如果您要退订网络上的YouTube频道,则需要先登录Google帐户。 登录后,您可以使用几种方法来退订频道。

从频道目标网页 (From the Channel Landing Page)

A list of your most popular YouTube channel subscriptions are listed under the “Subscriptions” section in the left-hand menu. Selecting any of the channels listed here will bring you to that channel’s landing page, giving you an overview of the videos, playlists, and other information available to watch.

左侧菜单中“订阅”部分下列出了最受欢迎的YouTube频道订阅列表。 选择此处列出的任何频道都会带您进入该频道的登录页面,从而为您提供视频,播放列表和其他可供观看的信息的概述。

If you’re subscribed to a channel, you’ll see a “Subscribed” button in the top right, next to the notification alerts icon. If you aren’t subscribed, this button will say “Subscribe” instead.

如果您订阅了某个频道,则会在右上角的通知警报图标旁边看到一个“已订阅”按钮。 如果您尚未订阅,则此按钮将改为“ Subscribe”。

To unsubscribe from the channel, click the “Subscribed” button.


To unsubscribe from the channel, click the "Subscribed" button

YouTube will ask you for confirmation. Click “Unsubscribe” to confirm you wish to end your subscription to that channel.

YouTube会要求您确认。 点击“取消订阅”以确认您希望结束对该频道的订阅。

Click "Unsubscribe" to confirm you wish to unsubscribe from a channel

Once confirmed, your subscription to the channel will end, and you should stop receiving notifications for it in your feed. However, the YouTube algorithm may continue to recommend videos from the channel from time to time.

确认后,您对该频道的订阅将终止,您应该在Feed中停止接收有关该频道的通知。 但是, YouTube算法可能会继续不时推荐该频道中的视频。

从发布的视频 (From a Posted Video)

You can also quickly unsubscribe from a YouTube channel from any video posted by that channel. The “Subscribed” button is situated to the right of the channel name, below the video itself on the YouTube video page.

您还可以从该频道发布的任何视频中快速退订YouTube频道。 “已订阅”按钮位于频道名称的右侧,在YouTube视频页面上的视频本身下方。

Click the Subscribed button to unsubscribe from a Youtube channel on a video

Clicking this button will perform the same action as the “Subscribed” button on the channel page. YouTube will ask you for confirmation—click “Unsubscribe” to confirm and remove the subscription to that channel from your account.

单击此按钮将执行与频道页面上的“已订阅”按钮相同的操作。 YouTube会要求您确认-单击“取消订阅”以确认并从您的帐户中删除对该频道的订阅。

Click "Unsubscribe" to confirm you wish to unsubscribe from a channel

使用YouTube订阅列表 (Using the YouTube Subscriptions List)

If you don’t know what channels you’re currently subscribed to, or if you’re looking to unsubscribe from multiple channels at once, you can use the subscriptions list.


To access this, click the “Subscriptions” option in YouTube’s left-hand menu.


Click Subscriptions in YouTube left-hand menu

From here, click the “Manage” button in the top right, near your account icon and YouTube notifications.


Click Manage to manage your YouTube subscriptions

A list of your active subscriptions will be visible on the next page. To unsubscribe, click the “Subscribed” button next to any of these channels.

您的活动订阅列表将在下一页显示。 要取消订阅,请单击任何这些频道旁边的“已订阅”按钮。

Click the Subscribed button to unsubscribe from a channel

As with the other methods, YouTube will ask for confirmation that you actually wish to unsubscribe. Select “Unsubscribe” to confirm.

与其他方法一样,YouTube会要求您确认您确实希望退订。 选择“取消订阅”进行确认。

Click "Unsubscribe" to confirm you wish to unsubscribe from a channel

Once confirmed, the subscription will be removed. You can then repeat this step for other channels on this list, should you wish to.

确认后,订阅将被删除。 然后,您可以根据需要对列表中的其他频道重复此步骤。

取消订阅YouTube应用中的YouTube频道 (Unsubscribing from YouTube Channels in the YouTube App)

You might prefer to unsubscribe from YouTube channels using the YouTube app on Android, iPhone, or iPad. Like YouTube on the web, you can unsubscribe from a channel’s landing page, from a video posted by that channel, or from your list of channel subscriptions.

您可能更喜欢使用AndroidiPhoneiPad上的YouTube应用取消订阅YouTube频道。 就像网络上的YouTube一样,您可以取消订阅频道的登录页面,该频道发布的视频或订阅频道列表。

As before, unsubscribing requires you to be signed in to your Google account on your Android or Apple device first. If you’re signed in to multiple Google accounts on your device, tap the account icon in the top right and then select your name in the “Account” menu to switch between them.

与以前一样,取消订阅要求您首先在Android或Apple设备上登录Google帐户。 如果您在设备上登录了多个Google帐户,请点击右上角的帐户图标,然后在“帐户”菜单中选择您的姓名以在它们之间进行切换。

Switching YouTube accounts in the Account menu

从频道目标网页 (From a Channel Landing Page)

You can view a list of posted videos, playlists, and other information for a channel from its main channel area.


Like the web version of the YouTube interface, you should be able to see the word “Subscribed” visible below the channel name and number of subscribers under the “Home” tab for that channel.


Tap this button to unsubscribe from the channel.


Tap the Subscribed button in a YouTube channel area to begin the unsubscription process

YouTube will ask for confirmation—tap the “Unsubscribe” button to confirm.


Tap unsubscribe to unsubscribe from the YouTube channel

Once confirmed, your subscription to that channel will be removed from your account.


从发布的视频 (From a Posted Video)

If you’re watching a video posted by a channel, you can quickly unsubscribe from the channel itself using a similar process to the methods shown above.


Underneath a playing video in the YouTube app is relevant information about the video and the channel itself, including the channel name. If you’re subscribed to a channel, the “Subscribed” button will be shown to the right of the channel name. Tap this button to unsubscribe from it.

YouTube应用中正在播放的视频下方是有关视频和频道本身的相关信息,包括频道名称。 如果您订阅了频道,则频道名称右侧将显示“已订阅”按钮。 点按此按钮可以退订。

Tap Subscribed to unsubscribe from a video in the YouTube app

Tap “Unsubscribe” to confirm.


Tap unsubscribe to unsubscribe from a YouTube channel

Your subscription to that channel will end immediately after you confirm your choice.


使用YouTube订阅列表 (Using the YouTube Subscriptions List)

The menu at the bottom of the YouTube app allows you to switch between your own video library (showing your YouTube viewing history), YouTube account notifications, as well as a list of your channel subscriptions under the “Subscriptions” section.

YouTube应用程序底部的菜单可让您在自己的视频库(显示YouTube观看历史记录 ),YouTube帐户通知以及“订阅”部分下的频道订阅列表之间进行切换。

Tap the “Subscriptions” icon to view your YouTube subscription list.


Tap Subscriptions in the YouTube app to bring up your active subscriptions list

This will display a list of videos, shown by the order in which they were posted, with the most recent videos at the top. A list of channel subscriptions are visible as icons in the carousel at the top of the menu.

这将显示视频列表,按发布顺序显示,最新视频位于顶部。 频道订阅列表在菜单顶部的轮播中显示为图标。

You can tap any of these channel icons to only view the videos posted by that channel.


Tap any of the channel icons at the top of the Subscriptions menu to only view the videos posted by that channel.

If you want to unsubscribe, tap the three-dots menu icon next to the title of a video posted by the channel you’re looking to unsubscribe from.


Tap the hamburger menu icon next to a video to bring up the options menu

From there, tap the “Unsubscribe” option.


Tap the Unsubscribe option to remove the channel from your list of subscriptions

Confirm your choice by tapping the “Unsubscribe” option that appears.


Tap unsubscribe to confirm you wish to unsubscribe from a YouTube channel

Once you confirm your choice, your subscription to the channel will end, and the channel (along with any posted videos) will be removed from the subscription list.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/677781/how-to-unsubscribe-from-a-youtube-channel/

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