


The Google Gmail Logo.

Gmail is an enormously popular email provider with an easy-to-use web interface. However, not all preferences and screen sizes work well with the default settings. Here’s how to customize the Gmail interface.

Gmail是一个非常受欢迎的电子邮件提供商,它具有易于使用的Web界面。 但是,并非所有首选项和屏幕尺寸都可以在默认设置下很好地工作。 以下是自定义Gmail界面的方法。

展开或折叠边栏 (Expand or Collapse the Sidebar)

The Gmail sidebar—the area on the left that shows you the Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, and so on— takes up a lot of screen space on a smaller device.


To change or collapse the sidebar, click the hamburger menu at the top left of the app.


Click the hamburger menu.

The sidebar contracts, so you just see the icons.


Gmail's sidebar in contracted mode.

Click the hamburger icon to see the full sidebar again.


选择侧边栏中显示的内容 (Choose What to Display in the Sidebar)

The sidebar includes things you’ll definitely use (like the Inbox), but it also shows items you might rarely or never use (like “Important” or “All Mail”).


At the bottom of the sidebar, you see “More,” which, by default, is contracted and hides things you rarely use. You can drag and drop things from the sidebar onto the “More” listing to hide them.

在侧边栏的底部,您会看到“更多”,默认情况下,它是收缩的并隐藏了您很少使用的内容。 您可以将内容从侧边栏拖放到“更多”列表中以将其隐藏。

Drag and drop a label in the sidebar to "More" to hide it.

You can also drag and drop into the sidebar any labels under “More” that you use regularly, so they’re always visible. You can also drag and drop to reorder the labels.

您还可以将经常使用的“更多”下方的任何标签拖放到侧栏中,因此它们始终可见。 您也可以拖放以重新排列标签。

隐藏(或移动)Google Hangouts聊天窗口 (Hide (or Move) the Google Hangouts Chat Window)

If you don’t use Google Hangouts for chats or phone calls, you can hide the chat window under the sidebar.


The Google Hangouts section in the Gmail sidebar.

To do so, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right of the app, and then select “Settings.”


Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Settings."

Click or tap “Chat,” select the “Chat Off” option, and then click or tap “Save Changes.”


Click or tap "Chat," select the"Chat Off" option, and then click or tap "Save Changes."

Gmail reloads without the chat window. If you ever want to turn it back on, go back to Settings > Chat and select the “Chat On” option.

Gmail重新加载,但没有聊天窗口。 如果您想重新打开它,请返回“设置”>“聊天”,然后选择“聊天”选项。

If you use Google Hangouts but don’t want the chat window at the bottom of the sidebar, you can display it on the right side of the app instead.


To do so, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right of the app and select “Settings.”


Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Settings."

Click or tap “Advanced” and scroll down to the “Right-Side Chat” option. Click or tap “Enable,” and then click or tap “Save Changes.”

单击或点击“高级”,然后向下滚动到“右侧聊天”选项。 单击或点击“启用”,然后单击或点击“保存更改”。

Click or tap "Advanced," enable the "Right-Side Chat" option, and then click or tap "Save Changes."

Gmail reloads with the chat window on the right side of the interface.


The Google Hangouts section on the right in the Gmail app.

更改电子邮件的显示密度 (Change the Display Density of Emails)

By default, Gmail displays your emails with a generous amount of space between them, including an icon that identifies the type of attachment. If you want to make your email display more compact, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right of the window and select “Display Density.”

默认情况下,Gmail会在您的电子邮件之间留出足够的空间,其中包括一个标识附件类型的图标。 如果要使电子邮件的显示更加紧凑,请单击或点击窗口右上方的“设置”嵌齿轮,然后选择“显示密度”。

Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Display Density."

The “Choose a View” menu opens, and you can choose “Default,” “Comfortable,” or “Compact.”


The "Choose a View" menu in Gmail.

The “Default” view shows the icon for attachments, while “Comfortable” does not. In “Compact” view, you also won’t see the attachment icon, but it also minimizes the white space between emails. Select the density option you want, and then click or tap “OK.”

“默认”视图显示附件图标,而“舒适”视图不显示。 在“紧凑”视图中,您也不会看到附件图标,但它也可以最大程度地减少电子邮件之间的空白。 选择所需的浓度选项,然后单击或点击“确定”。

You can return to this menu any time to change the density setting.


只显示主题行 (Show Only the Subject Line)

By default, Gmail shows the subject of an email and a few words from the body.


The subject and body preview of an email in the default Gmail setting.

You can change this to see only the subject of the email for a cleaner viewing experience.


To do so, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right, and then select “Settings.”


Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Settings."

Click or tap “General,” scroll down to the “Snippets” section, and then select “No Snippets.” Click or tap “Save Changes.”

单击或点击“常规”,向下滚动到“代码段”部分,然后选择“无代码段”。 点击或点击“保存更改”。

Click or tap "General," and then select "No Snippets" in the "Snippets" section.

Gmail will now show the subject lines but nothing from the body of your emails.


An email in Gmail showing just the subject line.

启用隐藏的电子邮件预览窗格 (Enable the Hidden Email Preview Pane)

Just like Outlook, Gmail has a preview pane, but it’s not enabled by default. We’ve covered this in more detail before, but to quickly turn on the Preview pane, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right and select “Settings.”

与Outlook一样,Gmail也具有预览窗格,但默认情况下未启用。 我们之前已经进行了更详细的介绍 ,但是要快速打开“预览”窗格,请单击或点击右上角的“设置”齿轮,然后选择“设置”。

Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Settings."

Click or tap “Advanced” and scroll down to the “Preview Pane” option. Click or tap the “Enable” option, and then click or tap “Save Changes.”

单击或点击“高级”,然后向下滚动到“预览窗格”选项。 单击或点击“启用”选项,然后单击或点击“保存更改”。

Click or tap "Enable" in the "Preview Pane" section, and then click or tap "Save Changes."

Gmail now displays either a vertical (as shown below) or horizontal preview pane.


The Gmail "Preview Pane" in vertical mode.

Again, for more configuration options in the preview pane, check out our previous article.

同样,有关预览窗格中的更多配置选项, 请查看我们之前的文章

将邮件操作图标更改为文本 (Change the Mail Action Icons to Text)

When you select an email in Gmail, the mail actions display as icons.


The default action icons in Gmail.

If you hover your cursor over these icons, a tip appears. However, if you’d prefer simple text instead of having to remember what the icons mean, you can remove them.

如果将光标悬停在这些图标上,将出现提示。 但是,如果您希望使用简单的文本,而不必记住图标的含义,则可以将其删除。

To do so, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right, and then select “Settings.”


Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Settings."

Click or tap “General” and scroll down to the “Button Labels” section. Select the “Text” option, scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click or tap “Save Changes.”

单击或点击“常规”,然后向下滚动到“按钮标签”部分。 选择“文本”选项,滚动到页面底部,然后单击或点击“保存更改”。

Click or tap "General," and then Select the "Text" option in the "Button Labels" section.

When you return to the email interface, the actions appear as text.


Options above a selected mail shown in text.

This option can be particularly useful for someone who’s not tech-savvy and might struggle to figure out what the icons mean.


更改显示的电子邮件数量 (Change the Number of Displayed Emails)

By default, Gmail shows you 50 emails at a time. This made sense when it launched back in 2004 because most people probably didn’t have great internet speeds; it’s still ideal if you have a slower connection.

默认情况下,Gmail一次可以显示50封电子邮件。 当它于2004年推出时,这是有道理的,因为大多数人可能没有很好的互联网速度。 如果连接速度较慢,则还是理想的选择。

The Gmail app indicating that it's showing "1-50 of 1,459" emails.

However, if you have the bandwidth to show more (as most of us do), you can change this value.


Click or tap the Settings cog at the top right, and then select “Settings.”


Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Settings." 

Click or tap “General” and scroll down to the “Maximum Page” section. Click or tap the drop-down menu and change it to “100” (the maximum allowed). Scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap “Save Changes.”

单击或点击“常规”,然后向下滚动到“最大页面”部分。 单击或点击下拉菜单,然后将其更改为“ 100”(允许的最大值)。 滚动到页面底部,然后单击或点击“保存更改”。

Click or tap "General," and then select "100" in the "Maximum Page" drop-down menu.

Gmail will now display 100 emails per page.


The Gmail app indicating that it's showing "1-100 of 1,459" emails.

用颜色标记您的标签 (Color-Code Your Labels)

We’ve covered labels in-depth previously, but one simple change that can make a big difference is color-coding your labels.

我们之前已经深入介绍了标签 ,但是可以使标签产生不同效果的一个简单更改就是对标签进行颜色编码。

To do this, hover over a label, and then click or tap the three dots on the right. Click or tap “Label Color,” and then select the color you want to use.

为此,将鼠标悬停在标签上,然后单击或点击右侧的三个点。 单击或点击“标签颜色”,然后选择要使用的颜色。

Click or tap the three dots, click or tap "Label Color," and then select the color you want.

The labels applied to your email will now be color-coded, making it much easier to see things at a glance.


A green "Updates" email, and three orange "Promotions" emails.

选择您的标签 (Choose Your Tabs)

Across the top of your Inbox, you see tabs, such as “Primary,” “Social,” and “Promotions.” To choose which of these are visible, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right. Next, select “Configure Inbox.”

在收件箱顶部,您会看到一些标签,例如“主要”,“社交”和“促销”。 要选择其中的哪些可见,请单击或点击右上角的“设置”齿轮。 接下来,选择“配置收件箱”。

Click or tap the Settings cog, and then select "Configure Inbox."

In the panel that appears, choose which tabs you want visible (you can’t deselect Primary), and then click or tap “Save.”


Click or tap the checkbox next to tabs you want visible, and then click or tap "Save."

The tabs across the top of your Inbox will change to those you selected. To see any tabs you haven’t selected, click “Categories” in the sidebar.

收件箱顶部的标签将变为您选择的标签。 要查看尚未选择的任何选项卡,请单击侧栏中的“类别”。

The "Categories" section in the Gmail sidebar.

更改Gmail的主题 (Change Gmail’s Theme)

Black text on a white background isn’t everyone’s favorite color scheme. If you want to change it, click or tap the Settings cog at the top right, and then select “Themes.”

白色背景上的黑色文本并不是每个人都喜欢的配色方案。 如果要更改它,请单击或单击右上角的“设置”齿轮,然后选择“主题”。

Click or tap the Settings cog at the top right, and then select "Themes."

Click or tap a theme, and Gmail shows it behind the Themes panel as a preview.


A preview of a brightly-colored theme in Gmail.

Once you’ve chosen the theme you want, you can use the options (available for some themes) at the bottom to finesse it a bit, and then click or tap “Save.”


Tweak the theme options (if available), and click or tap "Save."

Those are some of the ways you can change the Gmail interface to suit your preferences.


Did we miss your favorite interface tweak? Share it in the comments!

我们错过了您喜欢的界面调整吗? 在评论中分享!



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