
Home entertainment center with no wires or cables
Keith Muratori/Shutterstock Keith Muratori / Shutterstock

Wireless HDMI products have been around for almost a decade, but they haven’t gained a lot of popularity. But how does Wireless HDMI work, and should you buy Wireless HDMI products for your home?

无线HDMI产品已经问世近十年了,但是并没有获得很大的普及。 但是无线HDMI是如何工作的,您应该在家中购买无线HDMI产品吗?

无线HDMI是HDMI电缆的替代品 (Wireless HDMI is an Alternative to HDMI Cables)

HDMI cables have been the standard medium for transferring high definition video for more than a decade. But HDMI cables have some obvious drawbacks. A couple of unruly HDMI cables can turn your entertainment center into a rat’s nest, and they can restrict your cable box or game consoles to a single room.

十多年来,HDMI电缆一直是传输高清视频的标准介质。 但是HDMI电缆有一些明显的缺点。 两条不规则的HDMI电缆可以将您的娱乐中心变成老鼠的窝,并且可以将您的电缆盒或游戏机限制在一个房间内。

You’ve probably guessed this by now, but Wireless HDMI is a wireless high definition video solution that can solve some of the problems associated with HDMI cables. You can clean up your entertainment center, broadcast a single video source to TV’s all over your house, or mirror the display from your phone or computer to your TV.

您可能已经猜到了这一点,但是无线HDMI是一种无线高清视频解决方案,可以解决与HDMI电缆相关的一些问题。 您可以清理娱乐中心,向整个房屋的电视广播单个视频源,或者将显示器从手机或计算机镜像到电视。

There are a lot of Wireless HDMI products on the market, and they’re all pretty easy to set up. You plug a transmitter into the HDMI port of a video source and a receiver into the HDMI port of a TV, and that’s all there is to it.

市场上有很多无线HDMI产品,并且它们都很容易安装。 您将发送器插入视频源的HDMI端口,将接收器插入电视的HDMI端口,仅此而已。

就像蓝牙,但用于视频 (It’s Like Bluetooth, but for Video)

Unlike screen mirroring applications like Apple AirPlay, Wireless HDMI doesn’t require a Wi-Fi connection. The transmitter that you plug into your video source sends out a microwave frequency, and the receiver that’s plugged into your display decodes that frequency into high definition video. Think of it like Bluetooth, but for video.

与Apple AirPlay等屏幕镜像应用程序不同,无线HDMI不需要Wi-Fi连接。 插入视频源的发射器​​发出微波频率,插入显示器的接收器将该频率解码为高清视频。 可以将其像蓝牙一样,但用于视频。

Some (but not all) Wireless HDMI products have built-in IR transmitters. These transmitters allow you to use TV remotes to control devices from far away. These IR transmitters are necessary for a lot of Wireless HDMI setups. After all, running from one room to another to change TV channels would be a pain in the butt.

一些(但不是全部)无线HDMI产品具有内置的IR发射器。 这些发射器使您可以使用电视遥控器从远处控制设备。 这些IR发射器是许多无线HDMI设置所必需的。 毕竟,从一个房间跑到另一个房间改变电视频道将是一个痛苦的过程。

Like any form of wireless transmission, Wireless HDMI is prone to obstruction. Most Wireless HDMI products work around the 5 GHz microwave frequency, which can get congested by Wi-Fi and cellphone signals. Thankfully, most new Wireless HDMI products use dynamic frequency selection to adjust to the least congested frequency in your home automatically.

像任何形式的无线传输一样,无线HDMI也容易阻塞。 大多数无线HDMI产品都在5 GHz微波频率附近工作,这可能会因Wi-Fi和手机信号而阻塞。 值得庆幸的是,大多数新的无线HDMI产品都使用动态频率选择来自动调整到您家中拥塞最少的频率。

Braided HDMI cables plugged into the back of a TV
Alexander_Evgenyevich/Shutterstock Alexander_Evgenyevich / Shutterstock

But when it comes to Wireless HDMI, latency is an unavoidable form of obstruction. A video signal has to be encoded, transmitted, received, and decoded before it’s displayed. As a result, most Wireless HDMI products have a bit of lag.

但是,对于无线HDMI而言,延迟是不可避免的障碍形式。 在显示视频信号之前,必须对其进行编码,传输,接收和解码。 因此,大多数无线HDMI产品都有一定的滞后性。

The range of Wireless HDMI products is usually the greatest indicator of their latency. Products like the J-Tech Digital HDbitT, which has a range of 660 feet, tend to have a few milliseconds of delay. But products like the Nyrius ARIES NPCS549, which has a range of 30 feet, are subject to a few undetectable microseconds of latency.

无线HDMI产品的范围通常是其延迟的最大指标。 诸如J-Tech Digital HDbitT之类的产品具有660英尺的范围,往往会延迟几毫秒。 但是,诸如Nyrius ARIES NPCS549之类的产品具有30英尺的范围,因此会受到一些无法检测到的微秒延迟。

By now, you gamers have probably realized that wireless HDMI solutions aren’t good for broadcasting Xbox games around the house, but they can be used to remove the HDMI cables from your entertainment center.


无线HDMI为什么不成为全球标准? (Why Isn’t Wireless HDMI the Global Standard?)

If Wireless HDMI is so cool, then why hasn’t it replaced HDMI cables? Well, there are no standards for Wireless HDMI, and none of the expensive Wireless HDMI products that are on the market are compatible with one another. Manufacturers could get together and push Wireless HDMI as the new standard for home video, but frankly, they have little incentive to develop technology that could be superseded by super fast data transfer formats like USB-C.

如果无线HDMI太酷了,那为什么不替换HDMI电缆呢? 嗯,没有针对无线HDMI的标准,并且市场上所有昂贵的无线HDMI产品都不兼容。 制造商可以聚在一起,将无线HDMI推向家庭视频的新标准,但是坦率地说,他们没有动力去开发可以被超快速数据传输格式(如USB-C)取代的技术。

Right now, WHDI is the leading Wireless HDMI option. It operates around the 5 GHz frequency and supports 1080p and 3D video. Sadly, WHDI doesn’t support 4K, and it’s prone to interference from routers and cellphones. There was a push for global WHDI adoption a decade ago, and companies like Sharp and Philips actually built WHDI receivers into some TVs. But these WHDI TV’s weren’t very successful, and the format became relegated to niche status.

目前, WHDI是领先的无线HDMI选项。 它的工作频率为5 GHz,并支持1080p和3D视频。 可悲的是,WHDI不支持4K,并且容易受到路由器和手机的干扰。 十年前,全球WHDI的采用一直在推动,像Sharp和Philips这样的公司实际上在某些电视中内置了WHDI接收器。 但是这些WHDI电视不是很成功,而且格式已沦为利基地位。

Some other Wireless HDMI formats have fallen by the wayside, including WiGig, which supported 4K video, and WirelessHD, which had some decent data transfer speeds. But there aren’t any new products that support these wireless formats, and they’ll eventually be forgotten.

其他一些无线HDMI格式已被淘汰,包括支持4K视频的WiGig和具有不错的数据传输速度的WirelessHD 。 但是没有支持这些无线格式的新产品,它们最终会被遗忘。

无线HDMI是利基产品 (Wireless HDMI is a Niche Product)

Although Wireless HDMI can be extremely useful to some people, it doesn’t have a lot of potential for widespread adoption or practical use. There are a lot of problems with Wireless HDMI, and unless you’re trying to clean up your entertainment center or broadcast a cable signal into your basement, then you don’t have much of a reason to adopt the format.

尽管无线HDMI对某些人可能非常有用,但它没有被广泛采用或实际使用的巨大潜力。 无线HDMI存在很多问题,除非您要清理娱乐中心或将电缆信号广播到地下室,否则您没有太多理由采用这种格式。

What’s the biggest problem with Wireless HDMI? The price tag. Most Wireless HDMI kits run for about $200, and they only contain a single transmitter and a single receiver. You’d have to drop more than $1,000 to build up a decent army of Wireless HDMI products, and since they don’t support 4K, you might sacrifice some video quality in the process. Not to mention, most Wireless HDMI products can only communicate with one transmitter or receiver at a time. Broadcasting a single video source to multiple TV’s is just too expensive and difficult.

无线HDMI的最大问题是什么? 价格标签。 大多数无线HDMI套件的售价约为200美元,并且它们仅包含一个发送器和一个接收器。 您必须投入超过1,000美元才能组建一支不错的无线HDMI产品大军,并且由于它们不支持4K,因此您可能会在此过程中牺牲一些视频质量。 更不用说,大多数无线HDMI产品一次只能与一个发送器或接收器通信。 将单个视频源广播到多个电视太昂贵且困难。

Man pointing a TV remote at a smart TV
Dmitiri Ma/Shutterstock Dmitiri Ma / Shutterstock

Latency is another problem. TV watchers don’t need to worry about a few milliseconds of lag, but the latency added by a Wireless HDMI setup can make video games unplayable. There are some latency-free Wireless HDMI products for gamers, but they tend to have a range of about 30 feet, so they’re really only good for tidying up your entertainment center.

延迟是另一个问题。 电视观看者无需担心几毫秒的延迟,但是无线HDMI设置增加的延迟可以使视频游戏无法播放。 有一些无延迟的无线HDMI产品供游戏玩家使用,但它们的射程通常约为30英尺,因此它们实际上仅是整理您的娱乐中心的好选择。

Of course, there are some situations where Wireless HDMI makes sense. Instead of paying the cable company to put a $200 set top box in every room, you could buy a couple of Wireless HDMI sets to broadcast a single cable box around the house. These Wireless HDMI sets should last you for a long time, and you can use them for different applications in the future.

当然,在某些情况下,无线HDMI很有用。 不用付钱给有线电视公司在每个房间里放一个200美元的机顶盒,您可以买几套无线HDMI设备,在房子周围广播一个电缆盒。 这些无线HDMI设置应该可以使用很长时间,将来您可以将它们用于不同的应用程序。

Wireless HDMI is also a great way to clean up your entertainment center. If you don’t feel like buying $1000 in products, you could always pair a transmitter with an HDMI switch, and effectively remove most HDMI cables from your entertainment center in one fell swoop. Also, Wireless HDMI can make home projectors a lot more convenient, as you don’t have to dangle any cables from your ceiling.

无线HDMI也是清理娱乐中心的好方法。 如果您不想购买价值1000美元的产品,则可以始终将发射器与HDMI开关配对,并一口气从娱乐中心有效地移除大多数HDMI电缆。 此外,无线HDMI可以使家用投影机更加方便,因为您无需悬挂天花板上的任何电缆。

Will Wireless HDMI become the global standard for video transfer? Fat chance. But it could replace HDMI cables in your home if you can find a good use for it.

无线HDMI会成为视频传输的全球标准吗? 发胖的机会。 但是,如果您能找到很好的用处,它可以代替家中的HDMI电缆。

Sources: ActionTec, Wikipedia

资料来源: ActionTec维基百科

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/405463/what-is-wireless-hdmi-and-should-you-use-it/





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