ie js跟踪_避免使用IE9中的跟踪保护列表在Internet上进行跟踪

ie js跟踪

ie js跟踪

When you visit a website you actually share information with more websites than the one you see in the address bar. Read on to find out how to stop websites from tracking your browsing habits using Internet Explorer 9.

实际上,当您访问一个网站时,您与多个网站共享的信息比在地址栏中看到的更多。 请继续阅读以了解如何阻止网站使用Internet Explorer 9跟踪您的浏览习惯。

关于如何跟踪您的简介 (An Introduction To How You Are Being Tracked)

Most websites use adverts as a form of income, and there is nothing wrong with this. The problem comes when the adverts on someone’s websites start tracking our browsing habits. You might be wondering how this works, well when you go to a website that has to request anything (an image, a cookie, HTML, a script that can execute) you have can be tracked. Most of the time this is done with something called a third-party cookie, in this method the company that provides the adverts dynamically store a cookie in your browser. When your browser sends an HTTP Get request to the web server hosting the adverts, the webserver will respond with a HTTP Response packet, the packet will have a Set-Cookie attribute attached to it that will tell the browser to store the cookie. Now when you go to any site that gets adverts from that ad company they can track your browsing. They can use this footprint to better target adverts at you.

大多数网站都将广告作为一种收入,这没有错。 当某人网站上的广告开始跟踪我们的浏览习惯时,就会出现问题。 您可能想知道这是如何工作的,当您访问一个要求您请求任何内容(图像,cookie,HTML,可以执行的脚本)的网站时,情况可能会很好。 大多数情况下,这是通过称为第三方Cookie的东西来完成的,在这种方法中,提供广告的公司会在您的浏览器中动态存储Cookie。 当您的浏览器向托管广告的Web服务器发送HTTP Get请求时,Web服务器将以HTTP响应数据包进行响应,该数据包将附加一个Set-Cookie属性,该属性将告诉浏览器存储cookie。 现在,当您访问从该广告公司获得广告的任何网站时,它们都可以跟踪您的浏览。 他们可以利用这个足迹来更好地定位您的广告。

我该怎么办 (What Can I Do About It)

In other browsers this functionality is normally offered by an extension or third party plugin such as AdBlock. Microsoft included this feature into Internet Explorer 9. By default it is disabled though. To enable it you have to go to the settings menu-safety-tracking protection.

在其他浏览器中,此功能通常由扩展程序或第三方插件(例如AdBlock)提供。 Microsoft在Internet Explorer 9中包含了此功能。默认情况下,它是禁用的。 要启用它,您必须转到设置菜单安全跟踪保护。

By default the only list that you will have is called Your Personalized  List and by default it is disabled. Internet Explorer monitors your browsing behavior and populates this list with common scripts.

默认情况下,您将拥有的唯一列表称为“个性化列表”,默认情况下它被禁用。 Internet Explorer监视您的浏览行为,并使用常用脚本填充此列表。


If you double click on the list you will be able to see which content providers are listed. You can choose to either block everything on the list or you can select the second radio button which allows you to specify what to block and what to allow.

如果双击列表,将可以看到列出了哪些内容提供商。 您可以选择阻止列表中的所有内容,也可以选择第二个单选按钮,以指定要阻止的内容和允许的内容。


Once you are done you can click on to go back to the manage add-on screen where you can enable the list. The problem with this method is that you have to visit the website before its content provider can be “blacklisted”. Microsoft also provides a way for third parties to create predefined lists that people can download. They have some of the lists on the Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive website.

完成后,您可以单击以返回到管理加载项屏幕,您可以在其中启用列表。 这种方法的问题在于,您必须先访问网站,然后才能将其内容提供商“列入黑名单”。 Microsoft还为第三方提供了一种创建人们可以下载的预定义列表的方法。 他们在Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive网站上有一些列表。


To add a Tracking Protection List simply click on one of the links on the right hand side. You will be presented with a confirmation dialog as seen below.

要添加跟踪保护列表,只需单击右侧的链接之一。 您将看到一个确认对话框,如下所示。


Once you have selected add list the TPL will be added to your TPL List as well enabled. To check this you can go back to you TPL management console.

一旦选择了添加列表,TPL就会同时添加到您的TPL列表中。 要检查这一点,您可以返回到TPL管理控制台。



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