

Earlier this week we asked you how you deal with Bacn—email you want, but not right now—and you responded. Read on to see the three principle ways HTG readers deal with Bacn.

本周早些时候,我们问您如何处理Bacn(通过电子邮件发送您想要的消息,但现在不发送电子邮件),并且您做出了回应。 继续阅读以了解HTG读者处理Bacn的三种主要方式。

The approach you all took fell into three distinct categories: Filtering, Obfuscating, and Procrastinating. Readers like Ray and jigglypuff use filters:

大家都采用的方法分为三个不同的类别:过滤,混淆和拖延。 Ray和jigglypuff等读者使用过滤器:

I use Thunderbird as my email client. I have different folders that I filter the email I receive into. The newsletters and other subscribed emails go into a lower priority folder.

我使用Thunderbird作为我的电子邮件客户端。 我有不同的文件夹,可以过滤接收到的电子邮件。 新闻通讯和其他订阅的电子邮件进入优先级较低的文件夹。

One word: Filters. I just setup filters for all of this type of mail. Some I let go to inbox, others I let go straight to a folder without seeing it first. Then when I have time or want to go through them, I do.

一个字:过滤器。 我只是为所有此类邮件设置过滤器。 有些让我进入收件箱,有些让我直接进入文件夹而没有首先看到它。 然后,当我有时间或想通过它们时,我就会这样做。

Other readers used separate accounts to divide their email. Crab uses a hybrid of filters in one account and a totally separate email account:

其他读者使用单独的帐户来划分其电子邮件。 Crab在一个帐户和一个完全独立的电子邮件帐户中使用混合过滤器:

Filters and folders, plus a separate gmail account for discussion lists that I only log into when I want to read my mailing lists.


Tags > folders, but gmail’s filters aren’t as sophisticated as a real email client, so it evens out.


MGtrek prefers to skip filters altogether in favor of maintaining distinct email accounts:


While filters can help, for me they are quite a bit of work to maintain and generally require that your email client be online. So using filters doesn’t help when checking from my mobile devices – and that is when I need the sorting the most.

尽管过滤器可以提供帮助,但对我而言,它们需要大量维护,并且通常要求您的电子邮件客户端处于联机状态。 因此,从我的移动设备进行检查时,使用过滤器无济于事–也就是我最需要排序的时候。

What I’ve found has worked very well is to have multiple email accounts. Mine is set up in three layers. My friends use my primary account address. Email that comes from ‘reliable’ places that I am fairly sure won’t sell my address and will be sending me announcements and fliers go into the “registered” email account. Bacn and places that I feel have a higher risk of selling my address go into the “mailing list” email account. — And of course, there are standard spam filters on each with the personal address set higher and the mailing list one set lower.

我发现效果很好,就是拥有多个电子邮件帐户。 矿山分为三层。 我的朋友使用我的主要帐户地址。 我确信来自“可靠”地点的电子邮件不会出售我的地址,并且会向我发送公告,而传单会进入“已注册”电子邮件帐户。 Bacn和我认为出售地址风险较高的地方进入“邮件列表”电子邮件帐户。 —当然,每个标准垃圾邮件过滤器的个人地址设置都较高,而邮件列表的设置较低。

It may seem like a pain to have three accounts (actually, six – I have one set for personal, and one set for business), but when you consider how many folders you create using the filter process, it all washes out. Plus, I’ve found that I have a different mindset when I am in the different accounts – similar to how you feel when you are in your personal email as compared to your work account.

拥有三个帐户(实际上是六个,我有一个用于个人帐户,一个用于企业帐户)似乎很痛苦,但是当您考虑使用筛选过程创建的文件夹数量时,它们全部被浪费掉了。 另外,我发现使用不同的帐户时会有不同的心态–与工作帐户相比,使用个人电子邮件时的感受与您相似。

Oh… and for those wonderful sites that insist on your email and you KNOW are going to spam you and sell your address, I send them to my “pit” email. The one that is only ever checked when I am looking for the info they are sending me that minute.

哦……对于那些坚持使用您的电子邮件并且您知道将要向您发送垃圾邮件并出售您的地址的奇妙站点,我将它们发送到我的“坑”电子邮件中。 只有当我正在寻找他们当天发送给我的信息时,才会进行检查。

Other readers were well aware that a good filter or plan of attack might help but they hadn’t go around to it (or found that sub-folders/labels just didn’t work for them). Ed writes:

其他读者很清楚,好的过滤器或攻击计划可能会有所帮助,但他们并没有采取行动(或发现子文件夹/标签对他们不起作用)。 埃德写道:

Gmail Snooze is great because it gets rid of the email for the time being, and when it comes back it appears in your inbox were you either deal with it, or Snooze it again. I never use filters/rules for Bacn because once an email goes straight to a subfolder, I rarely dig it out again. Filters/rules are good for emails of lesser priority, stuff that’s barely above spam (like subscriptions that you usually don’t look at).

Gmail Snooze之所以出色,是因为它暂时摆脱了电子邮件,当它再次出现时,它会出现在您的收件箱中,您是在处理它还是在再次处理。 我从来没有为Bacn使用过滤器/规则,因为一旦电子邮件直接发送到子文件夹,我很少会再次挖掘它。 过滤器/规则适用于优先级较低的电子邮件,这些电子邮件的垃圾邮件处理能力仅高于垃圾邮件(例如您通常不会查看的订阅)。

Josh disagrees slightly with our definition of Bacn but agrees filters would be useful:


Firstly bacon is something I want all the time. So I wouldn’t call those emails bacn, I would call my friend’s emails bacon. But either way I haven’t set up any filters yet, however I have been meaning to for years. Gmails new “important” emails have been working fairly well. Maybe now that I’ve been reminded I’ll make a point to create some filters… maybe tomorrow.

首先,培根是我一直想要的东西。 因此,我不会称这些电子邮件为bacn,而是称我朋友的电子邮件为培根。 但是,无论哪种方式,我都尚未设置任何过滤器,但是多年来,我一直在意。 Gmail的新“重要”电子邮件运行良好。 也许现在已经提醒我,我将重点介绍一些过滤器…也许是明天。

-Mr. Procrastinator

-先生。 拖延者

Have something to add to the Bacn-wrangling discussion? Sound off in the comments below.

有什么需要补充的关于Bacn的讨论吗? 请在下面的评论中说完。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/123812/what-you-said-how-you-deal-with-bacn/





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